UT vs. Ole Miss/Vandie

What is interesting to me is how poor their D was...here's to hoping we dont look like them anymore! GBO!
Both of those teams are better than us

I'm sad to say that you're probably correct. I have the feeling that both of those teams would've "read-optioned" us to death. We don't have the speed or depth to hang with a team determined to play hurry-up offense for 60min. I hope I'm wrong but Oregon could get ugly. :ermm:
I'm sad to say that you're probably correct. I have the feeling that both of those teams would've "read-optioned" us to death. We don't have the speed or depth to hang with a team determined to play hurry-up offense for 60min. I hope I'm wrong but Oregon could get ugly. :ermm:

Wont know til they play. read the first three pages of discussion before skipping to the last one.

That Read-Option is scary though. Im glad it's on our side as well this year.
I'm glad we are UT not Vandy or Ole Miss.
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Yes. But we could easily be 5-7 or 6-6. We are on about the same playing field as these two sadly. Also, we got our asses kicked in Nashville last year.....

last year.....I flipped my calender to 2013 almost 9 months ago.
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No doubt IMO he was suffering from concussion like symptoms.. As if we needed another recruiting tool to use against Franklin and Candy with Malone and his FAMILY..

Meh, aside from his puking there were no other indications that he suffered a concussion. Football players puke from exertion and pain all the time.

The announcers in the booth made assumptions of a concussion immediately and they were probably wrong. Vandy's docs know what they are doing - armchair speculation from Matt Millon in the booth was irresponsible.
How do you think the Vols would have matched up last night with these two?
Very well. UT's OL and DL will/would have favorable match ups against both.

Vandie was the more experienced group last night. UT will be playing tons of freshmen with little depth and a new system.
No. They aren't playing a "ton of freshmen" any more than Ole Miss, USCe, and others are playing a "ton of freshmen".

Look at the depth charts of other programs and put this whole idea in perspective. UT is VERY experienced at safety, RB, D front 7, OL, and even one CB. The freshmen are really only being asked in an unusual way to step up at WR. It is not that unusual at all around the SEC to have a freshman starting here and there like Sutton is.

I'm not sure if we watched two "okay" teams or two pretty good teams duke it out last night. It was hard to tell.
There were lots of blown assignments and missed opportunities by Ole Miss. I think we were watching a relatively young team that didn't play particularly well and an experienced team with pretty mediocre talent.

Luckily for Vandie they played really hard especially in the second quarter. Without their 21 points in second quarter it was likely a blow out.

Ole Miss' mistakes and blown assignments kept Vandy in the game.
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Let us not forget that Franklin is one of the FEW coaches that does not have a winning record against Dooley. Just chew on that for a moment. Franklin's best win to date is probably NC State or Missouri. I like our chances against this Clown in Neyland.
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I think our defense could contain their offenses if our secondary plays well and we get pressure on the qtb. I believe our offensive line , running game and short pass game would beat their defensive game down. We'll see... TN must utilize their weapons and play smart and execute .....
Watched most of game except the 7 minutes of the game beginning. In the first half Vandy was stronger on defence. However as the game wore on Vandy's defence began to tire. Ole Miss offense sputtered in the first half and was not consistent. In the second half, Ole Miss found the key to winning and that was throwing with timely runs by the QB. In the end Vandy defence was exhausted and speed kill them.
If we can cover 87 for Candy we win
If we stop 14 and 3 for Ole Mess we win

Not only did you make a prediction for this season even though we haven't played, you made for next season and we don't even know who will be on each team by then. How do we handle Florida in 2017?
Watched most of game except the 7 minutes of the game beginning. In the first half Vandy was stronger on defence. However as the game wore on Vandy's defence began to tire. Ole Miss offense sputtered in the first half and was not consistent. In the second half, Ole Miss found the key to winning and that was throwing with timely runs by the QB. In the end Vandy defence was exhausted and speed kill them.

Before the game started, I made a 100 dollar bet that UT beats Vandy. After watching the game....I feel good about my chances. Our offense will be similar to what Ole Miss was running but with a better o-line. Our defense is the only question mark and I hope to be pleasantly suprised.
Not only did you make a prediction for this season even though we haven't played, you made for next season and we don't even know who will be on each team by then. How do we handle Florida in 2017?

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if cbj has tennessee fired up and ready to play we could hang with both of them.i don't think the team has short term memory loss.vandy whiped them last year and the team will be ready when they meet in knoxville book it.
Based on the last 5 years. Do you really think we got more than we lost last year? I'm not a negavol but we have to realize we are a couple years away and our linebackers are still too slow to stop both of those offenses.

neither team played any Defense last night esp VU. not sure where you are getting the thought that both of those teams are great teams. Ole miss in a year or two will be hell to deal with though. Vandy was in the Sal Sunseri defense last night.
Based on the last 5 years. Do you really think we got more than we lost last year? I'm not a negavol but we have to realize we are a couple years away and our linebackers are still too slow to stop both of those offenses.

Dooley and Sal turned a 10 win team into a five win team last year. If the D had just been left alone... no changes... no progression... UT wins 8-10 games.

The last 5 years are a basis for saying THIS team under a new staff is not any good? Please explain that logic to me. I know it is commonly used by the sports media and many fans... but does it really make any sense?

This year comes down to the talent of THIS TEAM and the coaching of THIS STAFF... not the last 5 years or even last year.
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