UT vs. Ole Miss/Vandie

I will never understand why there is so much hate for Vandy from Vols fans.

They are Vandy. It's like hating the 5 year old kid who finally learns to ride a bike and gets excited.

They are never going to be us, nor Bama, nor Florida.

Let them have their fun and enjoy having an actual winning season.

It will never be more than that.

I think its Franklin that attracts the hate from Vol fans. At least for me it is. I love to see him get upset because of how big of a douche he is
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Both teams would have beat us by 10 to 14 points last night, now by season ends, we got a good chance at either, now OleMiss is coming all them freshman, they will only get better, Vandys problem like ours someone goes down big drop of.:ermm:

Simply put... no.

So Ole Miss is good now and only going to get better in spite of "all them freshman"... But UT is doomed to stink because of "all them freshman"?

UT has an OL that could put all 5 starters in next year's draft. They have what some are calling the best DT in the country. They return the SEC's leading tackler.... I mean we really shouldn't have to rehash this. UT has enough talent to be a 7 or 8 win team if Jones is the coach UT needs.

The ONLY way UT loses to either of those teams by even one point last night is they were poorly coached.
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And if vandy could have stop number 1, they didnt find him till the second half, then vandy could not adjust to him.:ermm:

Ole Miss had more weapons and overall more talent than Vandy. The blew a couple of coverages and yielded big plays. They game should not have been as close as it was.
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Ole Miss will be a ranked team next year. They are just young with tons of talent.

Freeze did a great job this past recruiting season. If he continues to recruit well, their future is bright... if he does not leave for a better gig.
Dooley and Sal turned a 10 win team into a five win team last year. If the D had just been left alone... no changes... no progression... UT wins 8-10 games.

The last 5 years are a basis for saying THIS team under a new staff is not any good? Please explain that logic to me. I know it is commonly used by the sports media and many fans... but does it really make any sense?

This year comes down to the talent of THIS TEAM and the coaching of THIS STAFF... not the last 5 years or even last year.

You mean the same staff the Dooley took behind the woodshed when they were in cincinnati. How do we know this is a better coaching staff. Wait and see. All I do know is I've seen three different coaching staffs underachieve. Why is this one different?
HELLO? Do you even hear yourself right now? Are you reading what you are typing? You said, these teams are both better than us currently, but you keep speaking in past tense...

I will agree, both of the defenses are better than LAST YEAR's defense. But you dont know shat about this year's team until they hit the field.

Why dont you let them do that before passing judgement.

EDIT: I meant to comment on your QB/WR comment too.

Treadwell= Freshman Carta-Samuals= Brand new QB at Vandy, um do i need to continue?

Both of those guys pulled in huge numbers. Again, let them play. North could be the next big thing here and you are already saying he's a downside for us

You can't just say we're better until its proven on the field.
Freeze did a great job this past recruiting season. If he continues to recruit well, their future is bright... if he does not leave for a better gig.

I really don't seem him leaving Ole Miss for greener pastures, unless some sort of NFL gig comes up down the road. He grew up about a half hour from Oxford, always been a Rebel fan, etc. When I met his dad last year, he said Ole Miss was Hughes' dream job. But to your point,he is recruiting unbelievably so far.
You mean the same staff the Dooley took behind the woodshed when they were in cincinnati. How do we know this is a better coaching staff. Wait and see. All I do know is I've seen three different coaching staffs underachieve. Why is this one different?

I have pretty consistently said that this is a 7 or 8 win team IF Jones can coach. Maybe he can't. He seems to have some pretty good mojo going... but I am not going to build in excuses by declaring expectations that are lower than what I would have expected from Dooley, Kiffin, or Fulmer.

My major point is we CANNOT judge this season by last year. Different staff. Different players. There is absolutely no reason to guarantee 7 or 8 wins. There is no reason to make broad declarations that a team with this kind of talent is automatically worse than teams with less talent. There is no basis for saying that Jones is a "good coach" then saying that you expect a 5 or 6 win seasons. If he's a good coach.... then he will win more than that.
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Vandy lost a quality QB in Rodgers and a very good RB in Zach Stacy. If you can contain Kimbrow and Mathews they have a hard time moving the ball consistently. Looks like they are a little thin on defense. Ole Miss has a lot of raw but untested talent from their super class they signed last year. I think Ole Miss could be tougher,but they have some major holes on defense as well. These things could possibly play to UT's favor if we can get it together offensively and stay healthy in the secondary.
Me too but it remains yet to be proven on the field. Until then, I think it very premature to sneer at VU and OMU.

I agree. And, it is to soon for any team in the SEC to assume a win against UT.

This will be an interesting year all around the conference.
You mean the same staff the Dooley took behind the woodshed when they were in cincinnati. How do we know this is a better coaching staff. Wait and see. All I do know is I've seen three different coaching staffs underachieve. Why is this one different?

Another thought for you to chew on...

We didn't know it at the time but Dooley's first year was actually his high water mark. That was the best coaching job he did in any of his 3 years Wilcox did a very good job with a D far less talented, deep, and experienced than the current one. In spite of Simms' poor play and the OL's youth and lack of experienced talent, Chaney's O with the help of Moore, Jones, and Poole was respectable. They won six, should have beaten LSU AT LSU, and should have beaten a more talented UNC team in their bowl game.

If Wilcox stays.... then UT is like a 9 or 10 win team last year and Dooley is still HC. Think about it. The scary part is it would have hidden his personal deficiencies for a few more years. Inside him would still be that oblivious guys who didn't realize Sal was doing a bad job until the 8th or 9th game or that his RB's lined up differently for passes than for runs... He actually revealed those things to reporters... he really didn't know that his RB's lined up a yard deeper on run plays... he really had not gotten personally involved in the D's problems.

IMHO, things started downhill for Dooley when Hunter got hurt. He lacked the coaching ability to overcome even that one loss.
ol miss is gonna be tough for us next year but come on vandy seriously? yall are going off last year .... when we had a qb who gave up...a team that was coached by at best a pee wee coach(would never let me kid be coached by dooley)... you really think we gave our all for against vandy?...that team gave up on dooley!!...we have a new coach,new QB, back to 4-3 on D and a S&C coach who's making these boys into men so we can play a full 60mins of football...think we may shock some teams this year!!
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I'm glad we are UT not Vandy or Ole Miss.
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Yes. But we could easily be 5-7 or 6-6. We are on about the same playing field as these two sadly. Also, we got our asses kicked in Nashville last year.....

Overall over our history, there is no comparison, we are at our lowest low and Vandy is at it's highest...They were 9-4, that got Fulmer in trouble. Think about it.

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