I’ve had a lot of different pain from numerous different things over my lifetime but shingles is at the top of the list, and it’s a long list .I had to take 3 of them, the original single shot and then the double shot introduced a few years later. Have had to close friends with shingles, it isn't anything that I want at all.
Im actually not. Go back and reread. I just used one of your sentences to make a comment. If you reread you will see it. I’m not equating the 2.I don't disagree. But you are trying to equate a shot that could potentially kill you to a vaccine that could save your sight, hearing, permanent nerve damage and a shitload of pain. I have two or three friends that have had shingles, it's not to be trifled with.
That's exactly what they did to me. Two weeks of hell, the first was a drug induced fog though. It was worth it though.It's a surgery to remove the tonsils, uvula, and the posterior aspect of the soft palate to enlarge the upper airway. I had it done in college to treat my sleep apnea. It fixed me, but that was two weeks of utter hell.