Vaccine or not?

Cuomo also admitted that he was dealing with some type of adverse reaction from the vaccine. This after he was a huge advocate of vaccinating the entire population.....I guess it feels a lot different when it's you thats suffering from these "extremely rare" side effects
Video of him and Don Lemon wanting starve and fire anyone that didn't want the jab. This is karma... or judgement.
I stay out of this thread because of individual results based on luck of the draw with DNA , a religious like stance of people based on what is right and what is wrong , and the amount of government/ big pharma involvement and huge amounts of disinformation from , Drs, MSM and Government agencies. I simply lost interest in the topic and am just going to wait for the next one . I said all of that to ask , has anyone seen Chris Cuomo admitting he and the MSM was wrong about Ivermectin and Joe Rogan was right ? I just found it interesting .

Here's the video...

I still think Cuomo is a raging douche, but I'm glad to see his eyes are opening a bit and he sees what the government was doing.

A government official reading a report from a guy who lost his medical license is not a govt report....

And the numbers directly contradict every piece of info from insurance companies, American Heart Association. etc...
The willingness to be ignorant in this thread is amazing.
And now the guy who was fired for lying and was caught lying about being quarantined for covid is their hero.

You can’t make this **** up.
I pointed out the flaws in 90% of double blind studies. It’s not just one.
Chris Cuomo just broke stride with the msm and admitted the truth about ivermectin being suppressed and lied about.
I don’t think it would matter what I offered you, you are dug in. Fair enough.
So the well over half of the studies funded by groups trying to prove ivermectin works were too stupid to form a study and the other 10 percent that found it doesn’t work are also a problem?

don’t answer. You’re clearly not interested in reality
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So the well over half of the studies funded by groups trying to prove ivermectin works were too stupid to form a study and the other 10 percent that found it doesn’t work are also a problem?

don’t answer. You’re clearly not interested in reality
Reality is not found with your head at the bottom of a hole.
So 2.8% of the vaccinated have cardiovascular issues, but C-19 had ~ 1% or less mortality rate.

It is worse than that because the mortality rate was very targeted. For those that were at serious risk from C-19, the risk tradeoff of the vaccine made sense; for everyone else, it criminal to force it.
The batting average of the "anti-vax" side is close to .900.

On truthfulness of what has been posted, nowhere near that.

I mean, there was posts about people dying in crack houses, suicides, etc as being attributed to the vax

There was posts that 6 million vax deaths per year in US

On the waning effectiveness, absolutely
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Here's the video...

I still think Cuomo is a raging douche, but I'm glad to see his eyes are opening a bit and he sees what the government was doing.

From his interview. Chris I have to ask, is the bolded comment similar to one that would come from a Nazi guard at Auschwitz?

Ironically, Cuomo was one of those spreading misinformation about Ivermectin during the pandemic.

When confronted with his past criticism of those who refused the vaccine,
Cuomo refused to apologize, insisting that he was only relaying the best practices provided by government officials at the time:
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On truthfulness of what has been posted, nowhere near that.

I mean, there was posts about people dying in crack houses, suicides, etc as being attributed to the vax

There was posts that 6 million vax deaths per year in US

On the waning effectiveness, absolutely
You really think more than 10% of those opposed to the vaccine mandates or false claims of efficacy are saying the shot caused suicide or Crack use?

Now, if you are asking if the CV19 response increased mental health crises, suicide risk, depression, drug and alcohol abuse? Damn skippy it did.

Other claims many of us were attacked on:
- the shot won't end the pandemic
- the shot won't prevent mutations/variants
- the shot was not beneficial/on the positive side of the risk-benefit ratio for the young/ healthy population
- the shot did not have adequate long-term research to assess cardiac/thrombotic, ongogenic, autoimmune, or reproductive risks
- closing schools and recreation was actually harmful to overall health
- forcing employees to take an experimental treatment was unethical
- paper and cloth masks do not block viral transmission

Which of those are now accepted as falsehoods, in 2024?
There has been a lot of lies and coercion on both sides of this.....

I will admit there have been lies told on both sides of this argument. I'd argue however that the majority of the lies and almost all of the coercion was done by only one side. Find me one person that got fired for being vaccinated. There was no coercion done by the side that advocated for reasoning and common sense health practices.The amount of faith and trust that some of you still place in our leaders is akin to a sheep following his shepherd right over the edge of a cliff.
You really think more than 10% of those opposed to the vaccine mandates or false claims of efficacy are saying the shot caused suicide or Crack use?

Now, if you are asking if the CV19 response increased mental health crises, suicide risk, depression, drug and alcohol abuse? Damn skippy it did.

Other claims many of us were attacked on:
- the shot won't end the pandemic
- the shot won't prevent mutations/variants
- the shot was not beneficial/on the positive side of the risk-benefit ratio for the young/ healthy population
- the shot did not have adequate long-term research to assess cardiac/thrombotic, ongogenic, autoimmune, or reproductive risks
- closing schools and recreation was actually harmful to overall health
- forcing employees to take an experimental treatment was unethical
- paper and cloth masks do not block viral transmission

Which of those are now accepted as falsehoods, in 2024?

I responded to you while you typed this up. You'll like it.

I've stated for 3+ yrs lockdowns would hurt more than vax. Believe that is true
I will admit there have been lies told on both sides of this argument. I'd argue however that the majority of the lies and almost all of the coercion was done by only one side. Find me one person that got fired for being vaccinated. There was no coercion done by the side that advocated for reasoning and common sense health practices.The amount of faith and trust that some of you still place in our leaders is akin to a sheep following his shepherd right over the edge of a cliff.

I'd say both sides told a ton of lies. One side coerced thru force and false info and the other side did through false info.

There was some absolute BS (both sides) that was posted here that should have been noticed by people with room temp IQ.
If you stayed there, you would have been better off than making up sh_t along the way....

You found those 6 million dead bodies yet from 2023?
Have I ever said that? Answer is no. All I’ve ever said is some of the long term side effects from the shot can take years to manifest.

That’s why long term safety data is imperative.

So you can stop making up sh-t.
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