Vaccine or not?

This should make everybody question the integrity of the FDA.

FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death In Vaccinated And People They Come In Contact With

The drug’s package insert reveals that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) found roughly 520 per million ACAM2000 recipients contracted myocarditis or pericarditis.

That is about 1 in 2,000. If the 262 million adults in the U.S. received this vaccine, an estimated 136,000 would contract the serious adverse reaction of myopericarditis.

Check out the leadership. I would at least want all of them to have Pharm and chemistry degrees if they are making decisions for everyone. The human food division leader is a vet ironic considering how ivermectin was treated.
Synthetic plasmid DNA contamination has been detected in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines at levels of between seven to 145 times the allowable limit, a new report shows.

Dirty bastards. And yes they all deserve that label and everything it implies.
The truth is becoming undeniable.

A freedom of information request has revealed that over 14,000 people have applied for compensation through the UK's vaccine injury scheme.

The claims are so widespread that “staff processing these claims had to be increased from four to 80 people last year because they were coming in so quickly.”

5 and a half thousand claims have been rejected because they were not “disabled enough,” and more than 700 people have been waiting over a year for a decision.

But the devastating effects of the shots don't end there.

Bev Turner reports, “By June 2021, there were already 300,000 registered adverse reactions to the UK's own yellow card reporting system. 300,000 adverse reactions. And it had always been known for decades that the yellow card reporting system is so little known about, and so poorly administered, that it only registers between one to 10% of all injuries. So that 300,000 could have been just 1% of actual adverse events.”

Hubris...absolute Hubris, Dr Varma shows everything wrong with the medical establishment, that oftens knows so very much that isn't true.
Kyrie was absolutely correct, and should sue the pants off them. This is why the medical establishment and many doctors will never know the same level of trust again. This whole idea that Doctors can't be questioned is assinine....ask any nurse. I now see it as a red flag that the doctor isn't that brilliant to start with. I have noted the best doctors do not mind questions, and even enjoy engaging in the discussion. The doctors that don't like to be questioned, are usually the ones that just do what they're told and don't question the papers from pharma themselves. The covid MRNA shots went against everything traditionally taught about vaccines and safety, and hardly one single white coat had the courage to question what they should have known to be bogus science on an untested medication. My doctor now did question the science, because that is how science works, and has been at practice longer then most of these doctors with the attitudes, he never once minds answering concerns and will even look at any information you present him, he's a old country doc who still reads the research. My prior doctor....just did what he was told, and didn't even bother to check my medications on my first discharge from the hospital....and it nearly killed me. If your doctor has a problem with questions and concerns, remember that pride can be a cover for insecurity.

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"You’ve heard this phrase a thousand times by now: “Trump was right.” It’s the ridiculous cycle we have to slog through every time President Trump makes a common-sense point. The regime-run media immediately piles on, calling him crazy, wrong, and a liar, mocking him for months on end—until some new study or situation comes along and proves Trump was right the entire time. Does the media apologize and admit they were wrong? No, of course not. They just skip right over it, and wait until the next time they pounce. It’s like an annoying merry-go-round we’re forced to ride because we have a deceptive, propaganda-driven media instead of a real, serious press.

And here we are again, back on the merry-go-round from hell, and as usual, President Trump was right, and the lying, regime-run media was doing what it alwats does – covering for their bosses. This time the merry-go-round let us off at a brand-new study published by the Brownstowne Institute, which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that President Donald Trump was right about the early treatment of COVID with Hydroxychloroquine:"

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I have a slight cold. I'm not testing for a 4 year old coronavirus because it isn't important to do so. And I am not wearing a mask.

Are ya'll scared?
Don’t get within 6ft of me you granny-killing, selfish, anti-science, uneducated redneck. Maybe you can drink some bleach or inject some horse paste to get better! If I ever see you I will unzip my bubble, raise my face shield and spit in your face since you clearly don’t mind spitting in mine! Of course I will only do so from more than 6ft away. I don’t want to catch your disease as I hear it leads to full blown Trumpism.

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