Vaccine or not?

Top virologist makes stunning claim about what'll happen when Trump takes office as Congo is put on 'max alert' for pandemic​

A pro-lockdown virologist has warned that Donald Trump faces a torrent of infectious disease outbreaks when he takes office.

The comments from Dr Peter Hotez come as the Congo is put on 'maximum alert' after a mystery respiratory virus killed nearly 150 people, mostly teenagers.

UN health officials have been sent there to contain the outbreak and prevent it from being a global crisis.

Dr Hotez, a leading supporter of lockdowns and mask mandates during the Covid pandemic, warned there were at least nine infectious diseases currently spreading in the US that could cause another pandemic — in a plea to the Trump administration not to cut disease research funding.

Scientists are currently warning over a surge in bird flu cases in animals that are spilling into humans, as well as a resurgence in measles and whooping cough linked to falling vaccination rates.

'All that's going to come crashing down on January 21 on the Trump administration. We need a really really good team to be able to handle this.'

The same dr Peter Hotez that was directly involved in GOF studies in Wuhan?
I act on command of the savior. You act on the command of Trump. The former says rejoice, the latter says exploit.
Luke 21:22 - 28
G-d addresses people like you who claim one unrighteous leader is any different than the unrighteous leader you prefer.

7 nYou hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesyof you, when he said:

8 o“‘This people honors me with their lips,

but their heart is far from me;

9 in vain do they worship me,

teaching as
pdoctrines thecommandments of men.’”
Nothing screams Jesus like "Let's Go Darwin!"
That’s because the fairytale they created in the name of”Jesus “ looks nothing like the actual Messiah of history who’s name is “Yeshua”.

It’s interesting that he’s not the only person in the Bible named “Yeshua”. Just the only one whose name they mistranslated . The rest have all been translated Joshua.

I wonder why
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That’s because the fairytale they created in the name of”Jesus “ looks nothing like the actual Messiah of history who’s name is “Yeshua”.

It’s interesting that he’s not the only person in the Bible named “Yeshua”. Just the only one whose name they mistranslated . The rest have all been translated Joshua.

I wonder why
Another side effect of the clot shot, debating religion in mRNA shot thread.

Post COVID data in the UK: Those who got the jab substantially increased their chances of death

December 23, 2024 12:43 pm Robert Zimmerman
How health officials and governments determined
policy against COVID during the epidemic.
Data assembled by the government of the United Kingdom now proves unequivocally that getting the jab during the COVID panic was a very bad idea. It did less than nothing to prevent you from getting the virus, and in fact significantly increased your chances of dying.
[T]he data show that 30 percent of the UK population remained completely unvaccinated as of July 2022. 34 percent were not double vaccinated, and 50 percent were not triple vaccinated.
However, the vaccinated population accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023.
The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent of Covid deaths.
Perhaps the most troubling information revealed in the data is the fact that deaths increased among the groups who received more “vaccine” doses. The vast majority of the deaths are among those vaccinated four times. This quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all Covid deaths among the vaccinated.
The numbers for many other time periods following the introduction of the jab are comparable.

Though we should expect the number of deaths to be higher for the jabbed population since there are more of them, the numbers far exceed that difference. For example, among those aged 80 to 89 during just one month, December 2021, there were only 776 deaths from all causes among the unjabbed. Among those who had gotten the jab, however, there were 16,171 deaths.
That’s twenty times more, even though the total jabbed population was only about double the size of the unjabbed.
The article notes that health officials are now recognizing similar numbers in many other countries, including excess deaths and a surge in heart-related deaths. For example, a study [pdf] of just one county in Washington state found a 1,236% surge in excess cardiac arrest deaths among a population of two million who received COVID mRNA injections.

But don’t worry. The government and Joe Biden insisted you’d die if you didn’t get the jab, and so he mandated it for any employees whose employer took federal dollars. And if you refused, he insisted you get fired.
“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” Biden said, making a direct appeal to the 80 million people who he said were still unvaccinated. “Your refusal has cost all of us.”
After all, he was the president and thus of course he knew best. Just consider his many medical degrees as well as the many years of experience he had treating patients!
The worst aspect of this story is that the mandates — and the jabs — were clearly not necessary, even at the height of the epidemic. COVID was simply a variation of the flu, and like the flu if you were healthy when you got it you simply were sick for a few weeks. It didn’t kill you. And for those who were sick and aged and thus seriously threatened with death by the virus, the best solution would have been to isolate them from exposure, the exact opposite of what was done by the Democrats running states like New York and Michigan.
If are bitten by a rabid animal, do not seek a vaccination. chief, Health and Human Services Chief Kennedy approves this message.

The long and short of it.:
1. Premature Emergency Approval
2. Disservice to Pregnant Women
3. Failure to Complete Safety Studies
4. Lack of Info on Safety Signals
5. Myocarditis Cover-Up
6. Government Censorship
7. Deceptive Advertising
8. Risks vs. Benefits

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