Vaccine or not?

Or, how about something wild... how about offering other options besides the vaccines? Since the vaccine is not a guarantee to protect you from COVID anyways, why not offer treatment options for those once they do become sick? Or treatments that may help fight it off beforehand? Since all of these vaccines are in the experimental phase, I do not understand why they other side is not putting as many options that are available on the table.

If one were to look at local data, at this point the ICU's certainly have a much more succesful rate than peak COVID. No one wants to be in an ICU, but they are doing something for much better success. Next few weeks I will be keeping watch



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I didn’t know what his math was at all.

Hint: that’s why I asked him to show it.

That reminds me: @ENGRVOL i couldn’t find those charts you posted yesterday. Do you know which section of the CDC dashboard they were posted on?
The point was that no one knows how many people have had China Flu. There was limited, lame testing in the beginning and since the holocaust of dead and dying everywhere didn't materialize in the numbers and ferocity that King Fraudi predicted, they have to keep distilling the truth.

This will go down as one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on humanity.
OK. So what is your point? Are you saying it should be available? or should not be available?

I guess I'm confused at what you are trying to say.

You said: "I've tried to stay away from that cynical view, but I'm grasping at straws trying to figure out why there is such a push to funnel everyone towards an experimental vaccine, but not other experimental treatments."mp

I commented: "Trump received an experimental treatment. I doubt if he had to be pushed very hard".

That is all. No discussion needed.
You said: "I've tried to stay away from that cynical view, but I'm grasping at straws trying to figure out why there is such a push to funnel everyone towards an experimental vaccine, but not other experimental treatments."mp

I commented: "Trump received an experimental treatment. I doubt if he had to be pushed very hard".

That is all. No discussion needed.

Come on Huner...what else you got to do living the life of Riley? I guess you can root for the Gumps now?
You said: "I've tried to stay away from that cynical view, but I'm grasping at straws trying to figure out why there is such a push to funnel everyone towards an experimental vaccine, but not other experimental treatments."mp

I commented: "Trump received an experimental treatment. I doubt if he had to be pushed very hard".

That is all. No discussion needed.
I've not seen Fauci or anyone in the media push this other option, nor has the media done anything to ask about it or educate the public about this alternative.

All we get is "get the vax get the vax".
The point was that no one knows how many people have had China Flu. There was limited, lame testing in the beginning and since the holocaust of dead and dying everywhere didn't materialize in the numbers and ferocity that King Fraudi predicted, they have to keep distilling the truth.

This will go down as one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on humanity.
I’m glad you’ve been sheltered from the results. Hope you stay that way.
Or, how about something wild... how about offering other options besides the vaccines? Since the vaccine is not a guarantee to protect you from COVID anyways, why not offer treatment options for those once they do become sick? Or treatments that may help fight it off beforehand? Since all of these vaccines are in the experimental phase, I do not understand why they other side is not putting as many options that are available on the table.
FDA just revised the eua for one of the monoclonal antibodies to be given as postexposure prophylaxis. Meaning given to someone likely exposed to covid but without symptoms yet. The nice thing about this drug is that it can be given subcutaneous injection meaning that it doesn’t require an iv line for infusion like other monoclonals.
FDA authorizes REGEN-COV mAb for prevention for COVID-19
FDA just revised the eua for one of the monoclonal antibodies to be given as postexposure prophylaxis. Meaning given to someone likely exposed to covid but without symptoms yet. The nice thing about this drug is that it can be given subcutaneous injection meaning that it doesn’t require an iv line for infusion like other monoclonals.
FDA authorizes REGEN-COV mAb for prevention for COVID-19
Just to clarify: subQ would only be used if there was no way to get IV access. I wouldn't want people to think there is a simple "antibody shot." Only as last resort, it can be administered with four syringes in different sites.
Vaccinated person speaking - I wish some of the public pressure being applied to vaccinations would also be applied to getting healthier by exercise and eating habits. Why not use this as an honest discussion on weight loss, America as a whole being a very overweight country, etc.? If the public/media can criticize healthy unvaccinated people for not being vaccinated, why can we not criticize unhealthy people for not exercising and getting in better shape?
Just to clarify: subQ would only be used if there was no way to get IV access. I wouldn't want people to think there is a simple "antibody shot." Only as last resort, it can be administered with four syringes in different sites.
For treatment yes. For post exposure fda updated EUA stating either subcut or iv though the four different sites doesn’t sound fun
Vaccinated person speaking - I wish some of the public pressure being applied to vaccinations would also be applied to getting healthier by exercise and eating habits. Why not use this as an honest discussion on weight loss, America as a whole being a very overweight country, etc.? If the public/media can criticize healthy unvaccinated people for not being vaccinated, why can we not criticize unhealthy people for not exercising and getting in better shape?
Add smoking/tobacco, fast food, and alcohol abuse to your list.
Just like George Floyd
Add smoking/tobacco, fast food, and alcohol abuse to your list.

Exactly. And I am not a saint in these areas by any means and have room for improvement. I also understand it is tougher for some people than others. But let's be honest, people that are overweight are more susceptible to Covid complications, heart disease, overall mental well-being, etc. They also put a significant strain on our health care system. But we just ignore the elephant and criticize the unvaccinated?
Explain to me how the same piece of cloth can keep something from going out but can’t at the same rate/level (whatever we want to call it) keep it from coming in? That to me is the biggest contradiction I’ve heard throughout this whole thing. “Experts” have even said this. I can’t and won’t disagree that two people masked is in all likelihood better than just one masked but it’s irrational thinking, to me at least, to think that the cloth that will limit the particles from exiting and traveling 6 ft or less to the next person, can’t have the EXACT same efficacy on coming in.

So you’re of the belief that if you’re infected and wear a mask and I don’t, that the chances of you infecting me are less than me infecting you if I’m infected without a mask but you are wearing a mask? If the mask can limit 75% of the airborne particles, for example, going out why won’t the same mask limit incoming particles by 75% on the other side?

(I'll reply in two parts, since I don't know how to interpolate without disrupting the "quote" function.)

Yes, I am of that belief, because that's the message that was published by the CDC. I admit that after a cursory search online I was unable to find a satisfactory explanation of why this should be so. Perhaps one of our resident scientists can explain the mechanism at work -- or, if this idea has subsequently been disproved, I'm happy to retract that portion of what I wrote above. (I've devised a few hypotheses of my own, but I won't share them here, lest I add to the cacophony of disinformation that attends discussion of this general topic.)
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How do the statistics/case #’s support that spread is reduced/masks are efficacious? Alabama repeatedly set case, hospitalization and death records when we had a state mask mandate in place. The average known infection rate is between 10-12% in every state (save for Hawaii). Heavily populated states like NY and MI who had extreme mask mandates (MI’s was lifted at the end of June) didn’t fair any better than TX and FL who were conservative to non-existent with mask mandates with similar to larger populations. The least populated and second least densely populated state of Wyoming, with a mask mandate, had an equivalent infection rate as NJ, the most densely populated state. North Dakota (4th least dense state) had the same infection rate as Rhode Island (2nd most dense state) and hit their roughest months during their 3 month mask mandate. The gunslinger mentality of DeSantis, when it comes to masks, has to date (including the present surge) resulted in less death per capita and a lower CFR% than NY, MI & IL.

I'll attempt an answer in good faith to what you've written in this part, if you give me an answer in good faith to a question I posed (by implication) earlier. Let's assume, arguendo, that you are correct that masking is not efficacious. What, then, do you really mean, when you say that the immunocompromised are protected by their own masks?

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