Vaccine or not?

Generically speaking that's probably still underrating a lot of masks. The real thing thing (sometimes labeled respirators) like N-95s are likely very effective when worn and handled correctly.
Possibly. But there is no way you are going to convince me that these cloth or paper coverings are anything more than virtue signaling devices.

And you said the key thing... "when worn and handled correctly".
The sad thing is that we may see nicotine being approved as a treatment for COVID before we see Ivermectin or HCQ or any other experimental treatment.
I already dipped so I’ve used this as my reasoning to my wife for continuing. Grizzly Wintergreen and running have been my ammo.
I'm pretty sure the set of people who decided to get vaccinated based on OJ's advice is the null set.

That's what I suspected -- thanks for stating it explicitly. It seems to me, then, that your assertion that the immunocompromised can be kept safe by masking was made in bad faith. Or have I misunderstood?
You seem to think they can, therefore, I said then they’re fine/protected with their masks. I don’t know what you’re looking for. If the masks give you comfort and perhaps some level of protection then, by all means, as an immunocompromised individual rock on.
At some point we have to live life and others do too. If it’s too dangerous in crowded, indoor spaces then shelter in place forever or live in a bubble. We can’t reasonably ask or expect people to make lifestyle changing decisions forever to protect those who are not as strong. I’m sorry to be blunt and cold but we all have to assess risk levels we’re willing to take and live with, knowing their could be undesirable consequences.
It is concerning how corporations, gov and education system are working in unison to force the vaccine. Why did they not push to enforce vaccines with other flu viruses? Those vaccines have at least been tested and have more of a long term study.
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It is concerning how corporations, gov and education system are working in unison to force the vaccine. Why did they not push to enforce vaccines with other flu viruses? Those vaccines have at least been tested and have more of a long term study.
Great idea! Would love it if businesses and schools required flu vaccine.

And by the way, flu vaccines ARE required by many schools already. My kids have to get it for their school.
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Great idea! Would love it if businesses and schools required flu vaccine.

And by the way, flu vaccines ARE required by many schools already. My kids have to get it for their school.

Yes, but they have throughly tested, plenty of data that supports the effectiveness and side effects. Unlike this vaccine.
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You seem to think they can, therefore, I said then they’re fine/protected with their masks. I don’t know what you’re looking for. If the masks give you comfort and perhaps some level of protection then, by all means, as an immunocompromised individual rock on.
At some point we have to live life and others do too. If it’s too dangerous in crowded, indoor spaces then shelter in place forever or live in a bubble. We can’t reasonably ask or expect people to make lifestyle changing decisions forever to protect those who are not as strong. I’m sorry to be blunt and cold but we all have to assess risk levels we’re willing to take and live with, knowing their could be undesirable consequences.

What am I looking for? Nothing more than what you've already confirmed. It's clear from what you've written that you're effectively a social Darwinist (whether you accept the label or not), so no appeal to the vulnerability of your neighbor or to the common good is likely to sway you. It's also clear that, whether consciously or unconsciously, you've been arguing in bad faith (ignoring objections, moving the goalposts, and talking out of both sides of your mouth), so I don't see that any good can come from the two of us continuing this exchange. All the best to you and yours, AthensVol2007.
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Sure. If somebody pins me down on something clearly erroneous and I try to change the subject rather than own it, they’re more than welcome to ignore the attempt.
Talking about Covid cases is erroneous to a conversation about Covid cases? Seems strange to reject facts about the very subject being discussed.

You wanted context. You were framing it to be current cases, but ignoring how those current cases fit in the context of total covid.

As I said you were defining it one way, him another. Neither erroneous.
Not terribly familiar with other two but most of the information put forward is from Weinstein who was a Biology Professor, and was a fairly well regarded until he dared to have a dissenting opinion. Of course you didn’t watch it though, it’s easier to make a cheap attempt to discredit him rather than to approach with something resembling an open mind

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