Vaccine or not?

So there is a tad of mixed messaging in these two posts. In one we clearly see some schadenfreude going on it’s clear as a bell, the other has a pious emotional appeal.

So my natural response is to just ignore the source all together since they don’t seem to be able to stay on their own message.

And with that we summarize why the skeptics really just want most people to shut the hell up and leave them alone at this point.

I certainly take no pleasure in anyone's demise, so don't understood how you took that as mixed messaging. I referenced him as an example of someone's death that is extremely sad, but was also 100% preventable. His family is now imploring people to get vaccinated. My mom, who was a loyal listener of Phil's has now decided to get vaccinated, based primarily on his death. It was a wake up call for her and hopefully will be for many others.
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OK, 5%? The ratio of people that dialed in compared to people who don't have a clue what they're taking has got to be low.

I wonder if they call in to ask where that herd immunity is that he forecasted, in his esteemed wisdom, as being nigh over a year ago.
I certainly take no pleasure in anyone's demise, so don't understood how you took that as mixed messaging. I referenced him as an example of someone's death that is extremely sad, but was also 100% preventable. His family is now imploring people to get vaccinated. My mom, who was a loyal listener of Phil's has now decided to get vaccinated, based primarily on his death. It was a wake up call for her and hopefully will be for many others.
The vax doesn't 100% guarantee no death from covid..thats been it wasn't 100% preventable
The vax doesn't 100% guarantee no death from covid..thats been it wasn't 100% preventable
Sigh. What underlying co-morbidities did he have? He was an otherwise healthy man. You really think he would have died if he had been fully vaccinated?
Sigh. What underlying co-morbidities did he have? He was an otherwise healthy man. You really think he would have died if he had been fully vaccinated?
I don't know...a car accident while positive is a covid death...did you see the corners report???
I certainly take no pleasure in anyone's demise, so don't understood how you took that as mixed messaging. I referenced him as an example of someone's death that is extremely sad, but was also 100% preventable. His family is now imploring people to get vaccinated. My mom, who was a loyal listener of Phil's has now decided to get vaccinated, based primarily on his death. It was a wake up call for her and hopefully will be for many others.
I’m glad for your piece of mind that your mom has changed her mind. I’m sure that eases your stress and that’s sincere.

I’m vaccinated myself. Our whole family is. It’s due largely to my MIL living with us whom had risk amplifiers and the wife and I are late 50’s but in good health. But for us in our specific case it makes sense.

If I were 25 and in the great shape I was in I’m not sure I would arrive at that same conclusion. But I would discuss it with my doctor to reach my own conclusion. And that’s all anybody should be doing.

If people want to vacate that responsibility to social media or pseudo experts that’s their option. They will own the result. But there’s no reason to go freaking Karen on steroids on everybody over it.

As you said people’s minds are largely made up. Let’s just move on.
Why do you care so much?

Because bozos like you are filling up hospitals from sea to shining sea, resulting in less resources to take care of other disease states.

How many times does this have to be pointed out to you?

The "itZ 99% SuRvIvAbl3!" talking point is so absurdly selfish and myopic that it's hard to believe grown ups keep attempting to sell it.
Not sure why they want their audience to die so badly.
A majority of the people in the medical field are vaccinated, they are like the sales reps for the vaccine. So if they were trying to kill their audience, wouldn’t they also be killing their supply chain?
You've already made up your mind, so what's the point? I care about others and value human life. I hope and pray that you are vaccinated, and if you aren't, I hope and pray that you don't catch COVID.
I wasn’t vaccinated when I got Covid. It was a rough two weeks. Now I’m vaccinated and the Branch Covidians freak out if I don’t want to wear a mask.
Don’t need it. 96-99% survival rate. Also, did you bother to read it? Probably not. Branch covidians don’t like things that could put a chunk in their cult armor.

A 1-4% chance of death on top of possible hospitalization with long term consequences even after survival are not favorable odds. I personally value my life too much to allow even a 1% chance of dying for something so preventable. This is of course all age dependent.

If you are an adult, I assure you the risks certainly out weigh any side effect. It’s been over a year now since the vaccine has been tested, and over 200 million people have received a vaccination. There is more data on this vaccine than many medications that have been out for decades. I understand it’s only been 1 year, and not 5 years, or even 20 years. So it’s impossible to gather “long term” data at this point. But with an understanding that virtually all side effects of vaccines happen within the first month, it’s relieving to realize it is astronomically unlikely for there to be long term effects.
We are literally deploying world wide a new vaccine delivery method which has failed to date to pass any level of FDA approval and the research has been around since the 90’s. There have in fact been toxicity observations in animal testing for repeated doses forcing a modification to the lipid encapsulate delivery method of the mRNA protein schematic.

It took a desperate world wide pandemic to get that approval.

It’s stupid as hell to put up a number like that with a straight face at this point.
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A 1-4% chance of death on top of possible hospitalization with long term consequences even after survival are not favorable odds. I personally value my life too much to allow even a 1% chance of dying for something so preventable. This is of course all age dependent.

If you are an adult, I assure you the risks certainly out weigh any side effect. It’s been over a year now since the vaccine has been tested, and over 200 million people have received a vaccination. There is more data on this vaccine than many medications that have been out for decades. I understand it’s only been 1 year, and not 5 years, or even 20 years. So it’s impossible to gather “long term” data at this point. But with an understanding that virtually all side effects of vaccines happen within the first month, it’s relieving to realize it is astronomically unlikely for there to be long term effects.
Statistically you have a 1 in 106 chance of dying in a car you drive??
Or a 1 in 107 chance of dying in a fall?? Do you walk??

Why take those 1% chances they are 100% avoidable??

What makes those different?
First you wanted FDA Approval; now it's rushed. In other words; you don't know what you want.
On average, about 4,500 drugs and devices are pulled from U.S. shelves each year. The recalled products have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and in many cases, are widely ingested, injected or implanted before being recalled.
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We are literally deploying world wide a new vaccine delivery method which has failed to date to pass any level of FDA approval and the research has been around since the 90’s. There have in fact been toxicity observations in animal testing for repeated doses forcing a modification to the lipid encapsulate delivery method of the mRNA protein schematic.

It took a desperate world wide pandemic to get that approval.

It’s stupid as hell to put up a number like that with a straight face at this point.
Lol okay.

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