Vaccine or not?

Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like there’s a lot of overlap between the “Facebook should be regulated as a common carrier” and “common carriers shouldn’t be regulated at all” crowds.

Maybe the flip side of the Gadsden flag says “Tread on all the other people, first.”
Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like there’s a lot of overlap between the “Facebook should be regulated as a common carrier” and “common carriers shouldn’t be regulated at all” crowds.

Maybe the flip side of the Gadsden flag says “Tread on all the other people, first.”

You are.
Well that is a different question. No, I do not. But what does that have to do with H.R.4980.? If this is a bill originated by the airlines, then that's one thing. But if this is originating from lawmakers, then that takes the choice out of the airlines and the traveler.
Well that was the original question I asked. When have airlines been allowed to make their own decisions wrt safety and security? I'm all for a private option and let the market decide but I doubt that's possible now given the integration of govt and airlines. Security would be one thing but how would you separate out ATC? US govt owns the air
Well that was the original question I asked. When have airlines been allowed to make their own decisions wrt safety and security? I'm all for a private option and let the market decide but I doubt that's possible now given the integration of govt and airlines. Security would be one thing but how would you separate out ATC? US govt owns the air

Prior to the creation of the TSA.
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You know, at this point, they may as well place everyone on the no fly list, and then you have to petition the TSA or some other alphabet govt organization in order to travel by air. We're all suspects or unworthy.
Everyone is guilty; you must prove your innocent.
Roughly 66% of the folks I see crying about regulating airlines in this thread are the same people who misconstrue Section 230 or cry about failing to regulate big tech in the 8500 threads we’ve had devoted to that subject.

And it’s early.
Roughly 66% of the folks I see crying about regulating airlines in this thread are the same people who misconstrue Section 230 or cry about failing to regulate big tech in the 8500 threads we’ve had devoted to that subject.

And it’s early.

Again you are wrong and conflating completely different subjects.
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Yep. This will be at all stadiums within a week or two. Because, you know, vax people don't spread covid.
They are but people who are vaxxed or have other immunity are not getting as sick. Just what the numbers show and we have all seem the number of unhealthy people packing into southern football games
Hey, she opened up with a lie. The Moderna "vaccine" for COVID doesn't prevent you from getting COVID. Yet she claims that this new "vaccine" for HIV will prevent you from getting infected in the same manner.

These "vaccines" don't prevent you from jack sh*t. You will still get infected.
That's why they really aren't vaccines. They are therapeutics.
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They are but people who are vaxxed or have other immunity are not getting as sick. Just what the numbers show and we have all seem the number of unhealthy people packing into southern football games
Thanks for confirming that a negative test is better confirmation of not being a carrier than the jab.
They are but people who are vaxxed or have other immunity are not getting as sick. Just what the numbers show and we have all seem the number of unhealthy people packing into southern football games

If vaxxed are spreading it and can come down with it still, but not getting as sick, then why does anyone give a **** if unvaxxed people are there? They have a right to do whatever they like, just seems stupid and alienating to a large portion of their fanbase.
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