I had no intention of getting the vaccine. I had one negative test last year when it broke out at the office, which actually took quite some time before our first reported employee infection. It is possible I had Covid in late December 2019, or early January 2020, before it hit the news. Wife and I both had a odd illness one week during the holidays, but I never missed work and it would be 3-4 more months before the first confirmed employee case. I work a second part time job in a high traffic retail environment and am exposed to anything and everything coming through the door, all without wearing a mask except for a very short period of time. Have never caught anything from anyone. I am 56 now, but still have a very robust immune system, even down to the poison ivy. Wife got the vaccine early on because of working in Pre-K. Unfortunately, she has lost 2 relatives to Covid, one this past week. She started in on me and wouldn't let up. So, to keep peace, I went Saturday and got my first shot. I did this for the marriage relationship, and to give her comfort in her family's losses. It better not ruin what seems to be a natural immunity. The only comfort I got out of it is that CVS administered me the Pfizer shot, which doesn't seem to have noticeable side effects, atleast to me. And if I'm correct, had the most research development as a modified vaccine from the previous virus under Obama. I've had all childhood vaccines I know of that exist. And so has my son. Difference being the amount of years of use of these vaccines. I'm a proponent of choice, and would have chosen to continue refusing the shot, but in the end chose to give her peace of mind. Adam screwed up listening to his wife. I hope I fare better.