I'll agree. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about vaccination requirements to go to a public school (That's taxpayer funded that is) but that's just my personal opinion.
Any private school should be able to require what ever rules they would like to be in place, but that also just my opinion.
So in your opinion do you feel like since Biden was elected that he should have the power to force the 50 states to require the shot? I don't want to make it sound like I am making a this red vs blue thing. I just want to be sure I under your stance and not twisting your words. Since you said "society always ultimately makes the call" I didn't know if you was meaning by society the U.S. as whole or by state to state. Where as you feel who ever the sitting POTUS is at the time no matter his party could require the people to something he felt necessary for the U.S., or if you feel like society was state based where the governor had the power for the people for his state.
Lets say 13 states didn't vote for Jim Bob Cooter for POTUS. He wants to make people wear Bama red on Saturdays because it makes the Russians mad. Should: (A) Jim Bob have the power over all 50 state to force the change, (B) The governors can force the change on a state to state basis depending on how the people of the state voted by majority, or (C) People pick based on the way they feel when they wake up Saturday morning?
I know that's a dumb comparison, but It's the only thing I could think of that's not a super politically charged topic. Again I'm not trying to belittle your response I just want to make sure I am understanding what you fully mean and not just assuming.
I just feel that giving that type of power to the POTUS is a steep slope. I wouldn't trust Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden with that set of power IMO. I know they was voted in by the people, but the POTUS outlook sometimes changes while in office. Again thanks for your response.