Vaccine or not?

I’ve been covered under the ADA since shortly after it was signed into law. I’ve had to utilize the reasonable accommodation request provisions provided under the ADA with employers. I’ve also had to utilize other provisions of the ADA so I’m pretty confident that I’m very familiar with and understand the ADA.
So if somebody says you need to get the vax, are you saying they can't require under ADA? Or are you saying they have to provide a reasonable accommodation under ADA?
So if somebody says you need to get the vax, are you saying they can't require under ADA? Or are you saying they have to provide a reasonable accommodation under ADA?

Under the ADA a reasonable accommodation can be requested relating to Covid and the employer has to prove the request causes the company an undo hardship to deny it. Employer’s tend to dislike EEOC lawsuits that result from bogus denials.
Example: employee in an office has medically related breathing issues and all day mask wearing makes it much worse. A reasonable accommodation could be telecommuting if feasible or moving to a more secluded part of the office away from other employees.
Example: employee in an office has severe allergies to something in the Covid shots and can’t take any of them. Same accommodations as above could be considered as reasonable.

Dropping from federal to state laws. Various states have vaccination exemption laws based on medical and/or religious and/or philosophical reasons. Some states have all three, some have two and some only have one legal exemption avenue.
Just curious... Does anyone else find it interesting that the CDC doesn’t consider someone to be fully vaccinated until two weeks after their last shot?
So if you get the 2nd shot on a Monday and die from an adverse reaction within 13 days you’re considered an unvaxxed death.
If you die outside the ever changing shot efficacy window are you also an unvaxxed death even if you previously had both shots?
That sure makes me wonder if the same messed up logic timeframe is being used for counting new Covid cases.🤔
I hope ya'll walk out en masse. But then again, that is probably the leftist plan... create yet another crisis that they will blame someone else for
I think it’ll realistically be around 5%. Those 5% take years of experience with them, so be it. It’s all on whoever is pulling Joe burdens strings. ( I keep swiping Biden, it keeps coming up burden. Smart phones huh)
Just curious... Does anyone else find it interesting that the CDC doesn’t consider someone to be fully vaccinated until two weeks after their last shot?
So if you get the 2nd shot on a Monday and die from an adverse reaction within 13 days you’re considered an unvaxxed death.
If you die outside the ever changing shot efficacy window are you also an unvaxxed death even if you previously had both shots?
That sure makes me wonder if the same messed up logic timeframe is being used for counting new Covid cases.🤔
I found this yesterday reading another article. I haven’t witnessed the dnr phenomena they spoke about but for the most part this article cheat sheet strikes me as in line with what has happened.
30 Facts You Need To Know: A COVID Cribsheet | ZeroHedge
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Just curious... Does anyone else find it interesting that the CDC doesn’t consider someone to be fully vaccinated until two weeks after their last shot?
So if you get the 2nd shot on a Monday and die from an adverse reaction within 13 days you’re considered an unvaxxed death.
If you die outside the ever changing shot efficacy window are you also an unvaxxed death even if you previously had both shots?
That sure makes me wonder if the same messed up logic timeframe is being used for counting new Covid cases.🤔
Yet one more question mark to add to the pile.
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Don’t get me wrong….I’ll all for the freedom to choose. Just have all the information available when making that decision.
That’s where I was leading up to the election. If someone wanted to vote against Trump because he had bad policies or even if it was simply because they didn’t like him then fine but I didn’t want people making those decisions off of the pack of lies being spewed by Dems and MSM. A great example is that Trump never said neo-Nazis were very fine people but we heard that lie repeated ad nauseum. Meanwhile every time Trump said he never said that (which was true) some intern fact checker at CNN counted that as another lie by Trump. That lie counter is another one that’s absurd but that’s a whole other story. Of course it turned out that people generally believed CNN or whoever over the transcript of what Trump said, which is sad.
What I don't understand is the overall lack of concern for the greater good by those who reject the vaccine based on internet "research" or an unsubstantiated claim. Yeah, some folks have serious side effects to the vaccine. The number is miniscule by comparison to the number of folks who have serious effects from covid. Yeah some folks have died as a result of complications associated with the vaccine. The number of deaths from covid is astronomical. "But they don't know what is in it". Yeah and you probably don't know what's in that fried chicken you got from the gas station either. You probably don't know what is in your prescription or OTC meds either.

Folks, I want my life back as much as anyone. The greater good has to come into play. My individual freedom is smaller than the greater good. My (or your) freedoms and liberties end where someone else's begins. If everyone truly wants the pandemic to end, we need as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible. When the virus can't find a new host, it dies out. Pretty simple. The bigger problem is not the pandemic nor the vaccine, it is the enormous divide that all of it has caused. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
I have news for you. Vaccinated people can be hosts too. Back to the drawing board.
That’s where I was leading up to the election. If someone wanted to vote against Trump because he had bad policies or even if it was simply because they didn’t like him then fine but I didn’t want people making those decisions off of the pack of lies being spewed by Dems and MSM. A great example is that Trump never said neo-Nazis were very fine people but we heard that lie repeated ad nauseum. Meanwhile every time Trump said he never said that (which was true) some intern fact checker at CNN counted that as another lie by Trump. That lie counter is another one that’s absurd but that’s a whole other story. Of course it turned out that people generally believed CNN or whoever over the transcript of what Trump said, which is sad.
The Covid death counter magically disappeared after the elections too. Turns out the Democrats and the left leaning side of the media used this as a political tool before the election because they believed it would go endemic a few months after the election and they could praise Biden for it. Just like all their policies they have no idea how they will actually work out. Just fantasizing of how great it’s going to be.
I worked for a pretty important person yesterday (Sunday) at his hunting cabin. He and I are both registered Democrats. We spent at least an hour talk about our unbelief of what’s become of our party. I voted 3rd party. He didn’t vote for president
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Best way to get everyone vaxed? Have Trump buy Moderna or Pfizer and call it the Trump shot. Then have him go on TV asking all his supporters to get it. There will be lines down the street trying to get the vaccine then.
Epic fail. Trump is the one who got us the vaccine, is vaccinated, and has said people should get vaccinated. He just doesn’t think it should be mandated like Lord Biden.
Under the ADA a reasonable accommodation can be requested relating to Covid and the employer has to prove the request causes the company an undo hardship to deny it. Employer’s tend to dislike EEOC lawsuits that result from bogus denials.
Example: employee in an office has medically related breathing issues and all day mask wearing makes it much worse. A reasonable accommodation could be telecommuting if feasible or moving to a more secluded part of the office away from other employees.
Example: employee in an office has severe allergies to something in the Covid shots and can’t take any of them. Same accommodations as above could be considered as reasonable.

Dropping from federal to state laws. Various states have vaccination exemption laws based on medical and/or religious and/or philosophical reasons. Some states have all three, some have two and some only have one legal exemption avenue.
For some reason I was thinking you were saying if there was a requirement somebody could claim ADA and completely opt out.
I have news for you. Vaccinated people can be hosts too. Back to the drawing board.
Vax pushers be like:

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Epic fail. Trump is the one who got us the vaccine, is vaccinated, and has said people should get vaccinated. He just doesn’t think it should be mandated like Lord Biden.


Trump did not "get us the vaccine." In fact, Pfizer was the first vaccine to get approval and was not even part of Operation Warp Speed.

While Trump himself did get the vaccine, he has not been very vocal on promoting the vaccine. And it's in all likelihood because he knows it's a better political move for him considering his base is strongly against it. And that's mostly due him pushing the dumb theory that COVID isn't a big deal and like a "bad flu."

Trump did not "get us the vaccine." In fact, Pfizer was the first vaccine to get approval and was not even part of Operation Warp Speed.

While Trump himself did get the vaccine, he has not been very vocal on promoting the vaccine. And it's in all likelihood because he knows it's a better political move for him considering his base is strongly against it. And that's mostly due him pushing the dumb theory that COVID isn't a big deal and like a "bad flu."
You’re right. Pfizer didn’t benefit at all from removal of red tape. Get real.
You’re right. Pfizer didn’t benefit at all from removal of red tape. Get real.

LOL, whatever you say dude. I suggest you look up the timeline on Pfizer's development of the vaccine. Pfizer benefited primarily from the similar German funded program "Project Lightspeed."

Link to the actual article.

COVID in Israel: The 17% unvaccinated make up 60% of deaths this week

17% with 85 deaths. That's 1.4 million people. 1:17,200. Terrible terrible odds. Over a year that's about 3:1000.

Israel - death rate 2009-2019 | Statista

2019 deaths 5.3:1000

Death rate for Covid is below the normal death rate. The rest of life that we accept is more deadly than Covid.

No idea why we are mandating this. And I am willing to bet dollars vs peanuts that it's not a pure added 3.

Uhoh, 2021 death rate lower than 2019.

Israel Death Rate 1950-2021

5.317 2021
5.328 2019

Israel israel israel.
Just curious... Does anyone else find it interesting that the CDC doesn’t consider someone to be fully vaccinated until two weeks after their last shot?
So if you get the 2nd shot on a Monday and die from an adverse reaction within 13 days you’re considered an unvaxxed death.
If you die outside the ever changing shot efficacy window are you also an unvaxxed death even if you previously had both shots?
That sure makes me wonder if the same messed up logic timeframe is being used for counting new Covid cases.🤔
Just wait for the booster caveat.
Link to the actual article.

COVID in Israel: The 17% unvaccinated make up 60% of deaths this week

17% with 85 deaths. That's 1.4 million people. 1:17,200. Terrible terrible odds. Over a year that's about 3:1000.

Israel - death rate 2009-2019 | Statista

2019 deaths 5.3:1000

Death rate for Covid is below the normal death rate. The rest of life that we accept is more deadly than Covid.

No idea why we are mandating this. And I am willing to bet dollars vs peanuts that it's not a pure added 3.

Uhoh, 2021 death rate lower than 2019.

Israel Death Rate 1950-2021

5.317 2021
5.328 2019

Israel israel israel.
Lots of disease is way down across the board. It’s very odd. I wonder why that is?

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