Vaccine or not?

Who is saying that?

(Not that it would surprise me if someone has... There are apparently people who think virologists diagnose and treat sick patients, too.)

Help a buddy out. Who were those guys that were claiming the flu was being counted as Covid. I don’t remember and don’t want to call out the wrong person.
[See above]
Took the granddaughter to a walk-in clinic 2 weeks ago to see if it was seasonal allergies or something else. They initially didn’t want to see her because they were out of Covid tests and “couldn’t provide a school excuse”. The school paperwork was the hesitancy issue not the testing. Her Mom and I are like whatever just check her out. I asked about RSV testing and they were out and had no idea when/if they’d be getting more. More Covid tests were due in the next day. In talking about RSV she said they got bombarded with positive results during the first month of school.🤔
Took the granddaughter to a walk-in clinic 2 weeks ago to see if it was seasonal allergies or something else. They initially didn’t want to see her because they were out of Covid tests and “couldn’t provide a school excuse”. The school paperwork was the hesitancy issue not the testing. Her Mom and I are like whatever just check her out. I asked about RSV testing and they were out and had no idea when/if they’d be getting more. More Covid tests were due in the next day. In talking about RSV she said they got bombarded with positive results during the first month of school.🤔
Did she get a z-pack and a steroid?
I've got a question about the mandate argument. Are y'all talking calling it a vaccine mandate if an employer (whether of their own volition or b/c the gov't says so) or the government says, "you have to either be vaccinated or adhere to certain additional requirements such as masking, social distancing in the workplace, and/or regular covid test?"

Edit: we've had the argument about employers rights to impose a vaccine mandate, but what if an employer had a mask/social distance mandate with an opt-out if you get the vaccine?
It’s in effect serving as a mandate because I can’t imagine any employer covering the costs of 2 tests per week and most employees can’t or won’t be able to for long. I got a bill about 2 weeks ago for a test mandated by work from last June and I owe $25 after insurance. That’s $50/week and $200/month in tests, and that’s assuming insurance would actually cover their portion of what are in essence voluntary test due to ones refusal. We live fairly comfortably and $200 would be manageable but it would come at the expense of saving/investing as much as we do. For others it could come at the expense of groceries, gas or saving/investing all together.
I've got a question about the mandate argument. Are y'all talking calling it a vaccine mandate if an employer (whether of their own volition or b/c the gov't says so) or the government says, "you have to either be vaccinated or adhere to certain additional requirements such as masking, social distancing in the workplace, and/or regular covid test?"

Edit: we've had the argument about employers rights to impose a vaccine mandate, but what if an employer had a mask/social distance mandate with an opt-out if you get the vaccine?
It’s in effect serving as a mandate because I can’t imagine any employer covering the costs of 2 tests per week and most employees can’t or won’t be able to for long. I got a bill about 2 weeks ago for a test mandated by work from last June and I owe $25 after insurance. That’s $50/week and $200/month in tests, and that’s assuming insurance would actually cover their portion of what are in essence voluntary test due to ones refusal. We live fairly comfortably and $200 would be manageable but it would come at the expense of saving/investing as much as we do. For others it could come at the expense of groceries, gas or saving/investing all together.
COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: State of Florida Overview
Previous week (September 17, 2021 - September 23, 2021)
Published September 24, 2021
View attachment 397532View attachment 397533
I thought % didn’t matter because even a low % over a large number is still a large number? That’s what we’re told when it comes to a minute % in terms of death. Miami-Dade has 2.7M residents in a county with myriad social opportunities and indoor work. You likely know nothing about Hardee County but it has roughly 30K residents with probably 5 sit down restaurants in a county dominated by agricultural workers who spend 9 hrs a day outside with nobody to spread it to.
It’s in effect serving as a mandate because I can’t imagine any employer covering the costs of 2 tests per week and most employees can’t or won’t be able to for long. I got a bill about 2 weeks ago for a test mandated by work from last June and I owe $25 after insurance. That’s $50/week and $200/month in tests, and that’s assuming insurance would actually cover their portion of what are in essence voluntary test due to ones refusal. We live fairly comfortably and $200 would be manageable but it would come at the expense of saving/investing as much as we do. For others it could come at the expense of groceries, gas or saving/investing all together.

I thought the govt proposal was 1 test a week. That's only $25 a week. I see where you're coming from, but I can see the flip-side from the perspective of an employer who doesn't want to shut down for a month because covid runs through the building.
Uhhh... where does he get the 97% number from?

Biden Gets Booster Shot, Says 97% Of Americans Need To Be Vaxx'd To Return To Normal | ZeroHedge

"Let me clear. Boosters are important. But the most important thing we need to do is get more people vaccinated," the president said before getting his jab. "The vast majority of Americans are doing the right thing. Over 77% of adults have gotten at least one shot. About 23% haven't gotten any shots, and that distinct minority is causing an awful lot of us an awful lot of damage for the rest of the country. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. That's why I'm moving forward with vaccination requirements wherever I can."
It's a bit off, but his comment is pretty close to the 95% threshold that prevents measles or mumps from getting a foothold in a community. So it's not without some merit.
That number has to include naturally acquired immunity which Biden’s not referring to.
Did you read the article?

“The sheer numbers of people vaccinated - nearly 95% of those over 60 and 84% of those under 60 - mean that statistically, double-vaccinated people will still be a significant proportion of hospital patients.”

“Last winter, when Covid cases in the community were similarly high but the vaccine programme had only just started, there were four times as many Covid patients in hospitals in Wales.”

“Dr Chris Williams, consultant epidemiologist for PHW, said: "A large majority of adults in Wales have now received two doses of coronavirus vaccine, so it is to be expected that a significant proportion of people in hospital will be fully vaccinated.
"Also, the majority of people in hospital are older.
"This group is more likely to be vaccinated, but also are more likely to be hospitalised because of underlying health conditions, reduced immune response, and because they are more clinically vulnerable."

“Broken down, the hospital admissions rate for the under 60s is 3.5 times higher for unvaccinated, compared to those vaccinated. It is also 1.9 times greater for those unvaccinated who are over 60 and those who have been vaccinated.”

“The case rate amongst the unvaccinated population is far higher - 1,026 cases per 100,000, compared to 348 cases per 100,000 in those who have been double-dosed with a vaccine. The median age of someone testing positive is 34.”

I can’t even begin to fathom how the anti-vaxxers are still getting mad about being treated like unintelligent, politically motivated rubes who are only looking for confirmation and validation of their own opinions, but somebody posts this article as an example of misleading vaccine “spin” and nobody calls them out on it. The article explains the headline twice and the is full of data, none of which is good for the “vaccine doesn’t do anything significant” agenda.
At some point you have to recognize natural immunity which is being ignored. If you already had it, no use in pumping your body full of this. And if you haven't had it and are basically healthy, you don't need it.

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