Vaccine or not?

No disagreements there but that's not what we're talking about. Unless you're pointing out that that @VolinWayne is really no better than the "dems and the msm" or that he should try to hold the high ground.
Ha! In this case I agree it’s an assumption about the vaccine causing death. We shall see when the report comes out.
The Aussies seem to think that since they're an island nation, they can just isolate themselves and make everyone get the vaccine and by some miracle no one in Australia will ever get covid. I think they're in for a rude awakening when they finally open their country and a mass wave of infections hit them.
Is it though?


No one is arguing it couldn't happen and perhaps the kid was killed by myocarditis or some other ailment, my whole point is that it's irresponsible reporting (of you want to call it that) to presume it was that or that the vaccine caused it - before the autopsy. I get it though, you glom on to any sliver of negative press, even if it's presumptuous and unverified. If you wait for the autopsy and it's not myocarditis, then the opportunity to slam the vaccines is lost. It's a pretty transparent strategy...

Anything to keep the narrative alive. ANYTHING.

It really lends to your credibility. When you take a circumstance like this and add it to your suppositional rants in the "big lie" thread - you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel of wanting to be taken seriously.

First of all, I could care less about your approval. You continue to defend the people who are destroying our nation and quite simply put, I have no use for people like you.
I do have a question for you. Do you have this same opinion on the thousands of people who got counted as "dying of covid" when in all actuality they simply happened to have covid when they died. Like the guy that died of overdose getting counted as dying of covid. The guy in the motorcycle accident dying and being counted as a covid death. These things happened. This works both ways.
He can continue, he isn't being fired. He just won't play.

Would it matter if he was?

If one has a right to play in the NBA regardless of the association’s rules and standards (that were negotiated with their labor union) then I damn sure am showing up to camp next year prepared to sue when they deny me my god given rights just because I’m too short, slow, and unathletic.
Would it matter if he was?

If one has a right to play in the NBA regardless of the association’s rules and standards (that were negotiated with their labor union) then I damn sure am showing up to camp next year prepared to sue when they deny me my god given rights just because I’m too short, slow, and unathletic.
He also has a contract so it depends on that language on him playing vs not.
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If Volnation was a face to face discussion situation he would have his a$$ beat daily.

Leave it to the guys who loved the tough talking bone spurred draft dodger to talk about someone getting their asses beat. No surprises that you'd think that might makes right, that's exactly the kind of feeble minded low rent fallback we've all come to expect.

Anyhoo... When you're don flexing and thumping your chest in front of the mirror, note that the guy you nerds are catching the vapors over isn't nearly as worried about it as you.

Irving, speaking on Instagram Live, said he is neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine and that he fully understands the ramifications of his decision.

"The financial consequences, I know I do not want to even do that," Irving said. "But it is reality that in order to be in New York City, in order to be on a team, I have to be vaccinated. I chose to be unvaccinated, and that was my choice, and I would ask you all to just respect that choice.

Why can't ya'll all just respect his choice?
Leave it to the guys who loved the tough talking bone spurred draft dodger to talk about someone getting their asses beat. No surprises that you'd think that might makes right, that's exactly the kind of feeble minded low rent fallback we've all come to expect.

Anyhoo... When you're don flexing and thumping your chest in front of the mirror, note that the guy you nerds are catching the vapors over isn't nearly as worried about it as you.

Why can't ya'll all just respect his choice?
Like I said. If only it were face to face…

Hey at least in the virtual online environment it give weak nerds with big mouths like you a place to flex.
He also has a contract so it depends on that language on him playing vs not.
He also has a contract so it depends on that language on him playing vs not.
It almost certainly doesn’t, but sure it could if it’s a team rule and not a league rule.

It would still be a negotiated agreement rather than some god-given right and calling people “sick” or “wicked” for not caring about an employer violating a contract seems pretty overwrought and emotive.
First of all, I could care less about your approval. You continue to defend the people who are destroying our nation and quite simply put, I have no use for people like you.
I do have a question for you. Do you have this same opinion on the thousands of people who got counted as "dying of covid" when in all actuality they simply happened to have covid when they died. Like the guy that died of overdose getting counted as dying of covid. The guy in the motorcycle accident dying and being counted as a covid death. These things happened. This works both ways.

I'm not sure you (aimlessly) drilled down to a speck of solid ground where you feel like you have a rational point to defend, even if it's not even remotely relevant to conversation. As long as it feels good though...

Please position the goal posts exactly how you want them before the official resumes the clock.
Like I said. If only it were face to face…

Hey at least in the virtual online environment it give weak nerds with big mouths like you a place to flex.

Who's the big mouth? You're the one popping off about whoopin' ass on an online form.

Internet tough guys like you amuse me.
My guess is that @Jxn Vol has little man syndrome. I'd also wager he talks about meeting at waffle house 100 % more than he actually meets at waffle house.
I don’t have to meet at WH in my real life because I don’t mix with loudmouthed fools. On here you are a loudmouthed fool.

Like I said you need to stay in this type of online venue. Because if you are a loudmouthed fool in your day to day I can image you would stay bruised.
I don’t have to meet at WH in my real life because I don’t mix with loudmouthed fools. On here you are a loudmouthed fool.

Like I said you need to stay in this type of online venue. Because if you are a loudmouthed fool in your day to day I can image you would stay bruised.

No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you.

Quit while you're behind tough guy, you look like a goof acting like you're ready to throw down on a forum. If you're as sensitive as you're showing everyone you are, maybe the PF isn't the place for you, try

And for those of you who like to tell me I used to be good at this.... ;)
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No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you.

Quit while you're behind tough guy, you look like a goof acting like you're ready to throw down on a forum. If you're as sensitive as you're showing everyone you are, maybe the PF isn't the place for you, try

And for those of you who like to tell me I used to be good at this.... ;)
Loudmouthed fool responds. Keep it Biden leg hair petter.

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