Vaccine or not?

I post stats from the CDC, if that bothers you, get over it pumpkin and leave people alone that get the shot.
See, this is exactly the issue I have with you. You don’t even comprehend the actual numbers. You just post the made-up headline like it is real. Just like the author of the article, you have no idea what you are talking about. The numbers you posted( no matter where you got them) were wrong. Instead of reading the actual article you linked and seeing your error, you doubled down on your stupidity. Embrace your stupidity and keep posting your fear porn.
Yes. That is correct.

A state passing legislation forbidding Covid shot mandates is within their sole rights to do so and is essentially leaving it up to the individual choices of the people residing within that state.

The feds have badly stepped outside of their lane with their mandates by infringing on rights belonging solely to the states and rights upheld by SCOTUS.
Hey @BowlBrother85 so you liked this post. But you only quoted one part. Which is fine for the back and forth however since you liked it im curious. Do you agree it should be a matter of personal choice on whether somebody chooses to get the jab or not?
States should have the right to do as the state of Washington has done, and impose and enforce a vaccination mandate against state employees who work for agencies, which are under their governor's control. The Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling from 1905, is why it will hold up to challenges.
A state passing legislation forbidding Covid shot mandates is within their sole rights to do so and is essentially leaving it up to the individual choices of the people residing within that state.

The feds have badly stepped outside of their lane with their mandates by infringing on rights belonging solely to the states and rights upheld by SCOTUS.
I agree with you. Buy my fear is the DOJ will uphold the BS and the judicial will fold.
States should have the right to do as the state of Washington has done, and impose and enforce a vaccination mandate against state employees who work for agencies, which are under their governor's control. The Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling from 1905, is why it will hold up to challenges.
And just as the state of Texas and Montana has done and prevent any such federal mandates imposed on their citizens? It is law in Montana and EO with law soon to follow in Texas.
Have the feds started threatening pharmacists with their licenses for filling Ivermectin scripts. 🤔
This deal with Ivermectin reminds me of the Hydroxychloroquine fixation from 15 months ago. MAGA's don't mind being told to take something... they just want to feel like it's one of their own telling them to take it. There is not a more simple form of life on planet earth, than the species known as the "American Redneck".
This deal with Ivermectin reminds me of the Hydroxychloroquine fixation from 15 months ago. MAGA's don't mind being told to take something... they just want to feel like it's one of their own telling them to take it. There is not a more simple form of life on planet earth, than the species known as the "American Redneck".
Yeah, there's a lot of that type in India, especially.
I agree with you. Buy my fear is the DOJ will uphold the BS and the judicial will fold.

That’s going to become a nasty 10th Amendment issue and SCOTUS already has set precedent concerning mandatory vaccination authority belonging to the State.

If they uphold the rights of states to legislate for covid vaccination mandates they’re essentially upholding the right of states to legislate against covid vaccination mandates.

We’re going to Balkanize either way before this is all said and done.
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That’s going to become a nasty 10th Amendment issue and SCOTUS already has set precedent concerning mandatory vaccination authority belonging to the State.

If they uphold the rights of states to legislate for covid vaccination mandates they’re essentially upholding the right of states to legislate against covid vaccination mandates.

We’re going to Balkanize either way before this is all said and done.
Hope you’re right. Well… not on the last sentence anyway. But the only time we were this divided in our history before was at the outbreak of the Civil War I think.
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This deal with Ivermectin reminds me of the Hydroxychloroquine fixation from 15 months ago. MAGA's don't mind being told to take something... they just want to feel like it's one of their own telling them to take it. There is not a more simple form of life on planet earth, than the species known as the "American Redneck".

My concern is that both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have long histories of being used to safely treat various illnesses such a systemic lupus and other autoimmune diseases and those people who have relied on it for years might suffer due to pharmacists deciding not to fill their scripts now.

I’m curious if those pharmacists are letting personal biases interfere or if they’re getting pressure/threats from the feds. The answer would guide the nature of future lawsuits.
This deal with Ivermectin reminds me of the Hydroxychloroquine fixation from 15 months ago. MAGA's don't mind being told to take something... they just want to feel like it's one of their own telling them to take it. There is not a more simple form of life on planet earth, than the species known as the "American Redneck".
Except they’re not being told to take anything. They’re asking for an alternative to the vaccine.
Even though this is not a good alternative it's better than allowing what's going on and not doing anything.

If one merely takes a step back and actually looks around closely you can see that it’s already started happening. Blue state does this thing, Red state does the opposite thing and vice versa. The boundary lines are being drawn as each sides digs their heels deeper into their choice of federal tyranny or states freedom.

My hope is that it continues to remain rather peaceful but I’m not holding my breath on that. The ongoing purge of our military of those who would uphold their Oath to the Constitution first and foremost might lead someone to wonder if nefarious motives are being set in motion. An existing EO that allows the federalization of a national police force which would then allow the UN to become involved and authorizes use of our remaining military on US soil against US citizens might cause an uneasy feeling or two. Norfolk Naval Base belonging to NATO doesn’t help either.
This deal with Ivermectin reminds me of the Hydroxychloroquine fixation from 15 months ago. MAGA's don't mind being told to take something... they just want to feel like it's one of their own telling them to take it. There is not a more simple form of life on planet earth, than the species known as the "American Redneck".
All those American Rednecks in India, Peru and Africa....
This deal with Ivermectin reminds me of the Hydroxychloroquine fixation from 15 months ago. MAGA's don't mind being told to take something... they just want to feel like it's one of their own telling them to take it. There is not a more simple form of life on planet earth, than the species known as the "American Redneck".

Now now , you don’t really want to get into a measuring contest between red necks and bankers do you ? I know a lot of simple rednecks that people trust and even like .
That is such an absurd analogy, to be making with an infectious disease.
I disagree. I think you are an idiotic sissy. And you are free to disagree with that opinion. It’s well within your rights to believe that I am wrong about you being an idiotic sissy.
I never realized just how many atheists posted here because if you support forced vaccination mandates against individual personal choice you’re completely negating the free will of choice bestowed upon all humans by the Divine Creator.

To be so willing to negate that free will of choice you can’t possibly believe that there is a Divine Creator who bestowed it upon the creation of humans in the first place.

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