Because they’re summarily dismissed. The 49 year old journalist who just received his booster right before Christmas and died the next day from a heart attack; it’ll be labeled coincidental. Meanwhile the 20 something year old in Orlando wrecks his motorcycle driving 100+ and posthumously tests positive for Covid and the coroner in black and white print says they can’t exclude that Covid might have led to a stroke or heart attack causing him to lose control and he’s instantly labeled a Covid death (WTF are we testing the deceased from a vehicular accident for Covid to begin with?).
The 39 year old Utah woman who died 4 days after her 2nd dose from blood clots and a liver shutting down? The 17 and 34 year olds in Washington state who died 4 weeks and 8 days, respectively, after receiving the 2nd dose from heart attacks. The 37 year old in Washington state who died a week and half after her 2nd dose from blood clots.
These are 4 cases, so anecdotal understood, but there appears to be a pattern in the deaths of the younger demographic from or AFTER the vaccine; heart and blood clotting issues.
“Health experts caution that a person dying shortly after being inoculated does not mean vaccine caused that person’s death. Federal health officials say they found “no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths” in the cases reported to the database after COVID-19 inoculations.”
“A woman in her 30s received the Moderna vaccine from a private distributor and died in February. The fourth description appears to match the Feb. 5 death of a 39-year-old Ogden woman whose family wrote
in her obituary that she died “from apparent complications due to the 2nd COVID-19 vaccination.”
Above example of a government health department, the same people cramming vaccination down our throat, dismissing any correlation between the vaccine and an unexpected death 4 days later. The Utah woman also just coincidentally happened to wind up sick in bed the 3 days preceding her death, starting with the day after receiving the vaccine. Forgive me for being skeptical of what government bodies, or individuals, with vested interests have to say with regards to vaccine safety.