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THE BOZEMAN TRAIL PBS DOC it became known as The Bloody Bozeman
on my parents 60th anniversary we flew to Boulder to join my daughter & family with all the brothers and drove north to Cheyenne and up the path of the trail to Sheridan Wyoming and across some of the most spectacular roads in the USA The Chief Joseph Highway to the place where
this sign sits and this one
The trail up the Powder River valley was on Cheyenne reservation land and The Fetterman Massacre happened as a result along with Sand Creek - Little Big Horn and other atrocities. The gold in Montana was more important.
The Gateway to Yellowstone is a cool little town where Montana State provides students who have art galleries, bars and restaurants. It is now becoming overcrowded with California refugees from fire. I often wish I had moved there years ago since no Bozeman's live in Bozeman
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The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway if you are driving across Wyoming to Montana - spectacular