Vaccine or not?

He’s not the inventor.
He worked on the team.
The actual inventors got rich and he didn’t.

Edit: I don’t take issue with some of the things he says. Everyone needs to do independent research but he’s misrepresented several things and from my point of view it is about the money
He didn't invent these COVID vaccines, he is credited with coming up with the mRNA technology.
My brother in law works for a pharmaceutical company in vaccines. (Not one that does Covid vaccines) he told my mother that they missed on the flu vaccine this year and the dominant strain everyone is seeing wasn’t covered by this years shot. I’ve looked around to try and confirm that. I’ve found nothing.
Have you heard or seen anything on that?
Years ago I worked for Applebee’s did some time on research and develop teams for menu items.
I invented grilled onions.

By that standard anyway
I don't doubt you were on that Applebee's team anymore than I doubt that Malone had to work on a research team for mRNA treatments. Hardly anything is done in a vacuum or by some random individual anymore. So I wouldn't dispute that. But the point of contention seems to be now, was he the "leader" on this team or just a random team member? All indications appear to show him as the leader and first person to successfully prove the effectiveness of using RNA in treatments.

If he has misrepresented himself in anyway I would expect 2 things to happen:
1. This bought and sold media would be going out of their way to parade around as many former co-workers as possible to refute his claims
2. I would expect civil lawsuits to be directed at him as a consequence of these misrepresentations
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I don't doubt you were on that Applebee's team anymore than I doubt that Malone had to work on a research team for mRNA treatments. Hardly anything is done in a vacuum or by some random individual anymore. So I wouldn't dispute that. But the point of contention seems to be now, was he the "leader" on this team or just a random team member? All indications appear to show him as the leader and first person to successfully prove the effectiveness of using RNA in treatments.

If he has misrepresented himself in anyway I would expect 2 things to happen:
1. This bought and sold media would be going out of their way to parade around as many former co-workers as possible to refute his claims
2. I would expect civil lawsuits to be directed at him as a consequence of these misrepresentations
My last comment on this

I don’t care what the media thinks.
You can look up his history. He lied. He didn’t invent ****.
I don’t care what he thinks any more than I care what the climate change scientist who got caught faking their data thinks.

I’ve said everything I’m going to about him.
Continue on without me.
My last comment on this

I don’t care what the media thinks.
You can look up his history. He lied. He didn’t invent ****.
I don’t care what he thinks any more than I care what the climate change scientist who got caught faking their data thinks.

I’ve said everything I’m going to about him.
Continue on without me.
I did just that. Of course, just about every source has a biased author that spends more time trying to attack him on his motives for so harshly criticizing the use of these COVID jabs than anything else. I was able to find one that actually made an effort to tell his contributions, but in their effort to tear him apart afterwards by saying mRNA reasearch continued on after his initial findings, they failed to discredit him or failed to disqualify him as a subject matter expert. Instead they attempted to plant seeds of doubt by questioning his motivations.

The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation

The abridged version is that when Malone was a graduate student in biology in the late 1980s at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, he injected genetic material—DNA and RNA—into the cells of mice in hopes of creating a new kind of vaccine. He was the first author on a 1989 paper demonstrating how RNA could be delivered into cells using lipids, which are basically tiny globules of fat, and a co-author on a 1990 Science paper showing that if you inject pure RNA or DNA into mouse muscle cells, it can lead to the transcription of new proteins. If the same approach worked for human cells, the latter paper said in its conclusion, this technology “may provide alternative approaches to vaccine development.”

These two studies do indeed represent seminal work in the field of gene transfer, according to Rein Verbeke, a postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University, in Belgium, and the lead author of a 2019 history of mRNA-vaccine development. (Indeed, Malone’s studies are the first two references in Verbeke’s paper, out of 224 in total.) Verbeke told me he believes that Malone and his co-authors “sparked for the first time the hope that mRNA could have potential as a new drug class,” though he also notes that “the achievement of the mRNA vaccines of today is the accomplishment of a lot of collaborative efforts.”
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2020 ... I ignored the fear-mongers and lived life normally.
2021 ... I ignored the fear-mongers and lived life normally.
I’ll give you one guess what I’m going to do in 2022.

I’ve seen some cool things the last couple years.
The best was probably the Zac Brown Band at jones beach in New York.
Seeing 90% Italians all dressed as cowboys and girls singing the devil went down to Georgia was possibly top 5 best memories ever.
Edit: disrespectful comment removed

Seriously I’m done
Look at what his employer says
Beyond that leave me out of it.

From 1989 to now he's worked at several places. Which one in particular is criticizing him?

Also, for him to have "Inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA vaccines" and going on all of these interviews and being addressed as such, there has got to be some legal process to stop that from occurring if true.

Sees like just like these articles that I find about him, the focus is either on him or his motivations, but there is very little time spent on what he has actually been saying about the jabs... statements that as time goes on, proves him to be correct.

I wish the Robert Malone critics would stop engaging in ad hominem attacks and actually address his statements.

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