Vaccine or not?

The British Heart Foundation’s new commercial called “This is Science” features a young girl collapsing on the soccer field

@NurseGoodVol I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this, I wanted to double check with my wife /MiL to make sure I answered correctly.

My FiL was put on azithromycin for pneumonia at Christmas 2015. The resultant arrhythmia wasn't correctable by his pacemaker and led to his hospitalization. Doctors were not able to keep him stable and his heart had taken so much damage that he decided to decline extraordinary measures.
It’s ok ash, I don’t want to drag up unpleasant memories. I know that there are some arrhythmias that are not fixable. I’m sorry about your father in law. We are only human and there’s only so much that can be supported or fixed.
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Everything I have read indicates Pfizer-Biontech is approved and available in the US, but maybe @kiddiedoc could explain to us the difference between the Pfizer vaccine being given in the US versus the approved one that is not available. Is it made differently, does it have different ingredients, different proportions?
Seems slanted:

1. The article includes injection site pain under the placebo effect. That makes no sense. How are they claiming to give vaccines to the control groups if they dont actually inject them with something like saline? Even if nothing else is in the shot getting you epidermis penetrated is going to cause a reaction. Which wouldnt be a placebo effect at all, if they were actually injected.

2. I am going to need our health care people to weigh in cause this seems janky AF. "While this group received a pharmacologically active treatment, at least some of their adverse events are attributable to the placebo – or in this case, nocebo – effect, as well given that many of these effects also occurred in the placebo group". They are counting common side effects from both the real thing and the placebo as solely attributable to the placebo? Doesnt seem farfetched that people recieving the vaccine would also feel tired or get a headache, the two most common placebo side effects. But they just lump those in and assume they are fake?

3. Lol wut? The people who genuinely suffered from the nocebo effect saw a decrease in nocebo effects after the second nocebo shot. But the people who received the real thing saw an increase of symptoms so the researchers attribute it to the false nocebo effects from the first shot? That seems like a huge logical jump. Far simpler to say the first side effects were real, and so a second dose increase the number of those side effects. "" In contrast, participants who received the vaccine reported more side effects, with 61 percent reporting systemic adverse events and 73 percent reporting local adverse events. The researchers calculated that nocebo accounted for nearly 52 percent of the side effects reported after the second dose. While the reason for this relative decline in nocebo effects cannot be confirmed, the researchers believe that the higher rate of adverse events in the vaccine group the first time may have led participants to anticipate more the second time."

They are water carrying hard for the vaccine.
Everything I have read indicates Pfizer-Biontech is approved and available in the US, but maybe @kiddiedoc could explain to us the difference between the Pfizer vaccine being given in the US versus the approved one that is not available. Is it made differently, does it have different ingredients, different proportions?
It's a technicality, but an important legal one. The branded and approved Cormirnaty is NOT available. The one that is available is still EUA only.

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