Vaccine or not?

Unadulterated insanity. New lows reached each week.

Rhode Island intends on taxing the new undesirable class.

R.I. bill would impose fines and double the taxes of those who refuse COVID-19 vaccine - The Boston Globe

PROVIDENCE — Rhode Islanders who don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine would face $50 monthly fines and have to pay twice what they’d otherwise owe in personal income taxes, under a state Senate bill.
More blue politicians committing political suicide? Hopefully.
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My cousin was one of those deaths in September 2021, 35 years old and unvaxxed. But that’s still an insane stat. Think a lot of it is mostly how violent the delta variant was. It just shredded her lungs until they couldn’t produce enough oxygen to her heart and other organs.
Is COVID immunity equal to being vaccinated? Chattanooga doctor, residents talk new law

Local news article. From a doctor:

I'm pretty sure that's incorrect. I think I saw even when we thought the vaccine was decent, it wasn't as good as immunity. Somebody kept coming in here and claiming nobody was arguing it wasn't. Now with the variants, the vaccine is even more useless. Don't think the data is changing for the better for vaccines.
Keep in mind that CHI Memorial is where that nurse was first injected with the vaccine and passed out 15 minutes later...
My cousin was one of those deaths in September 2021, 35 years old and unvaxxed. But that’s still an insane stat. Think a lot of it is mostly how violent the delta variant was. It just shredded her lungs until they couldn’t produce enough oxygen to her heart and other organs.
My cousin got delta and passed as well. She also had thyroid issues, kidney issues, weight issues and waited too long to go to the ER. As my mother passed when I was 4, I've tried my best to be a resource for her daughter but the two situations aren't really comparable. It's been tough.
@willidan , for reference in our discussion: do you mind sharing what region you practice in, and what your specialty is?

He's a doctor on the Interwebz....

He graduated from the Facebook doctoral school of immunological diseases. Degrees are also available in election policy, Florida special tax districts, and Eastern European affairs from the same school.
And, since we are in attack mode: I consider anyone who advocated for isolation of children, closure of schools, cessation of exercise and other extra-curricular activities for kids, and forced muzzling and "social distancing" of the young guilty of child abuse.

There's a specific for you.

I’ve been trying to come up with something that encapsulates everything that’s been going on the last 3 years. I’m going to borrow from you and call the last 3 years:

“The Muzzling of America”

(attempted muzzling in this case)
New Study confirms Pfizer Covid Injection can cause Severe Autoimmune-Hepatitis

“A new scientific study published 21st April 2022, has concluded that Covid-19 vaccination can elicit a distinct T cell-dominant immune-mediated hepatitis (liver inflammation) with a unique pathomechanism associated with vaccination-induced antigen-specific tissue-resident immunity requiring systemic immunosuppression.“…

New Study confirming COVID Vaccine causes Severe Autoimmune-Hepatitis is published days after W.H.O issued 'Global Alert' about new Severe Hepatitis among Children

Japan Reports More Suspected Cases Of Unexplained Acute Hepatitis In Children | ZeroHedge
From the latest Phyzer data dump. No wonder Phyzer wanted to keep this information hidden from the public. It will be interesting to see how the big pharma apologists attempt to spin this.

The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth.

But Pfizer claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy”.

Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: "No safety signals emerged"
From the latest Phyzer data dump. No wonder Phyzer wanted to keep this information hidden from the public. It will be interesting to see how the big pharma apologists attempt to spin this.

The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth.

But Pfizer claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy”.

Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: "No safety signals emerged"
My anecdotal experience has not been this way, fwiw. Even a mom that has struggled with miscarriages in the past was able to successfully give birth to a live baby with no complications.

I will dive into the info because I am thinking this is being parsed carefully.
From the latest Phyzer data dump. No wonder Phyzer wanted to keep this information hidden from the public. It will be interesting to see how the big pharma apologists attempt to spin this.

The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth.

But Pfizer claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy”.

Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: "No safety signals emerged"
I can't find anything to collaborate that. Is there any supporting documentation? All I see from reputable sources (Reuters, Nature, BMJ etc) says the contrary.

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