Vaccine or not?

Will Jones

A major new autopsy report has found that three people who died unexpectedly at home with no pre-existing disease shortly after Covid vaccination were likely killed by the vaccine. A further two deaths were found to be possibly due to the vaccine.

… the authors limited themselves to deaths where there was no “pre- existing, clinically relevant heart disease,” making the report very conservative in which deaths it was willing to pin on the vaccines.

… What the report does do, however, is establish that people who die suddenly in the days immediately following vaccination may well have died from a vaccine-related autoimmune attack on the heart. It also confirms how deadly even mild vaccine-induced myocarditis can be …

Some responses...

I am a retired general practitioner. I have watched your careful exploration of Covid issues for a couple of years. I followed the evolution of your suspicion grow into confirmation based on evidence. I’m not vaccinated as I was skeptical regarding the need for it, suspicious from the beginning of the whole story…. I wonder if this vaccine will ever be banned as it should be or the perpetrators of the fraud brought to account

am an MD, PhD and I did vaccine research for over 15 years before I went back for my MD. I am an ID physician but still keep up on vaccine work since many of my long-time friends are still working in that area. The minute the vaccines were available, I thought they may have some limited use in people with several comorbidities and I was taken aback by the push by all governments worldwide to force people to take them under the guise that it would stop the pandemic. BTW, I was also skeptical that this was a pandemic since many of the patients we had that had adverse outcomes were patients that many of us felt would have similar outcomes with a bad flu. Anyway, our facility finally came around to mandating the vaccines on all staff especially staff that directly worked with patients. I lawyered up pretty fast because they could not answer basic questions about the vaccines. I spent over 20K but won and remained unvaccinated and working. What I do know now is that this was either 1) a money-making scheme by all governments, 2) or something else entirely. But when I saw patients who were vaccinated and boosted coming back in with COVID-19 at 90 days post-vaccination, I knew there were problems. One of our OBGYN physicians was about 7 months pregnant and she was coerced to get vaccinated she miscarried and the autopsy showed blood clots in the brain of the baby. She was devastated. I know that something is wrong but too many of my friends and colleagues are afraid to stand up since we have only one hospital in our city and their practices need to have privileges. For whatever reason for the push to vaccinate. People need to pay for what has been done in the name of health care. We all deserve to lose the trust of our patients because too many of us did nothing and sat on the sidelines. I spoke up early and often and I lost my position on our MEC, and was disinvited from committees that I had been on for over 10 years. Further, my senior partner implied that I did not want to look like I was not a "team" player to the leadership at the facility.

I was an emergency department nurse and was fired because of mandate non-compliance. I became very concerned at the odd cardiac presentations I was triaging, among other presentations after injection. Their chest pain was different than the usual cardiac presentations. These patients were typically very unwell and spent a number of hours in the emergency department. Now it’s coming out, albeit slowly.

I do not pretend to understand the psychology for many of you refusing to acknowledge the facts coming out, and data because of some political ideology or world view, or why people with no medical background would stubbornly ignore evidence that risks your own health, loved ones health and the public health, and possibly children's health if they try to force children MRNA vaccinations. All I can say is big pharma should write you all checks, I just hope you don't suffer the same fate of the Canadian man who recently lost his 6 yr old to vaccine related myocarditis, while making fun of people showing legitimate concerns for the past 3 years. This is a thing that IS happening, the data is unequivocal, the debate is only to what extent. We were lied to about the testing of MRNA experimental medication, we were lied to about the efficacy, and those that did not mandate or close down did better at dealing with COVID, and establishing herd immunity faster. If you did all your vaxes you probably should be finding a doctor who is looking into ways to mitigate damage, ignoring this is to you and your own families detriment. Don't be stupid.
I know personally 2 men that died of Covid.

I know 1 teenage girl that had post-shot(I refuse to call it a vaccine) menstral complications.

I know 1 man that has to be on blood thinners post shot due to blood clots.

I also know several people that were threatened they would lose their jobs if they didn’t take the shot. I was 1 of them until I got a religious exemption. I add this in here because this shot BS created other kinds of turmoil other than health related issues.
There was no real flu transmission in 2020 bc everyone was shuttered in. It's common knowledge that viruses spread when people are together, especially for prolonged periods in confined spaces (school, work, curb, etc). Three was actually a spike in flu cases late 2021, but it was short lived (at least around here) and all but disappeared during winter break. We ran tests when indicated, but there just weren't many people presenting with flu- like symptoms.

It definitely hit, and hit early, this year. No residual immunity from the past two years and a general apathy/suspicion about flu vaccines are likely to blame.
Would you say that the flu is less contagious than Covid which also contributes to the low flu numbers in 20?
Very sorry for your losses. Fortunately, I did not lose any family or friends, but there were several grand/great grandparents in my practice and of staff that passed. Unfortunately, I've known several people (including family) that have suffered from vaccine effects -- mainly women with reproductive issues, and one very healthy friend that has had high BP since shot #2. Most of my close friends are unvaccinated, and all have had CV at least once.

I firmly believe the worst of Covid is behind us.
I was advised against the booster (for me, that doesn’t mean everyone should follow my advice) this year.

Thanks for the sympathy. The worst was a structural engineer I worked a lot with. He was just the nicest person ever. I still miss him.
I count myself as lucky, I only know (actually know) 2 people that passed from Covid. 1 was a 50 some year old neighbor that was 400lbs if he was an ounce with diabetes and a host of other problems and the other a 70+ year old friend of my dads that was (to everyones knowledge) healthy as a horse before he got sick. I doubt either was vaccinated since they both passed fall/winter 2020/21.

I also don't know anyone who has had an adverse reaction to the vax but of course I don't keep up with who is vaxxed and who isn't within my circle.
Everyone I know had those types of health complications.
I nearly died from COVID. Delta nearly ended me, and one point my Pulmonologist in hospital told me blankly I would be on vent in less then 24 hours, and would not survive 48, so that I could make any calls I needed to. I appreciated the hell out of his candor and honesty. Luckily I, my Lord, and his own willingness to try experimental treatment proved that prognoses wrong. I ended up proning while on hospital bipap for several days straight then for 12 hours a day, he threw every steroid known to man, and a ton of opiates to deal with backpain from 24/7 proning. It sucked. Covid sucks. I am still mad about that as I absolutely do believe it was a biological weapon developed via money from the NIH... Because i have spent the past year with long term covid recovery and alot of lung damage I have spent a lot of time with Dr's and Nurses who have been in the front line of this. Candidly they all share the same concerns...publicly they are risking their jobs to speak out. The doctor I found to finally help my recovery in the biggest way has absolutely gone off on teh vaccines as being dangerous and wreckless. He also is the one that found many of the current experimental recovery medications for me long before it was being talked about. I frankly trust him over yes men whether they be sports board arm chair experts or yes men with MD's.

The idea that COVID is bad so your insane for not trusting MRNA experimental medicine was always an insane, and illogical leap. Even the man that developed MRNA technology warned against it's use for many people, and many health conditions. This was a cash grab, and a political move that ignored all scientific, and medical norms for testing. It has proven to not be effective at what it was supposed to appreciable improvement on treating or avoiding covid like they stated. It was never tested like they stated. And it is not even a "Vaccine" by any traditional definition of that term. I get people were scared with COVID and we lost many family nearly lost everything. However that was never a good excuse for ignoring reason and logic and giving the same Pharmaceutical company with the worst track record in public safety and many lost lawsuit carte blanche to print money with experimental medicine. Those that supported mandatory vaccination should feel ashamed. Those in the medical community that looked the other way for their own careers and ignored their Hippocratic Oath should be held liable. Those behind the function study that created COVID should be held accountable. Those that killed many more via lockdowns should also be held accountable. There was a reason for the Nuremburg code, and it's a shame many chose to ignore it due to fear.

We haven't even addressed in this thread the other giant elephant in the room on this, and that is the huge spike in cancer rates. Myocarditis aside, cancer rates are exploding, and there is evidence the suppression of our immune systems to fight off cancerous cells is also MRNA experimental medication related... If you're still defending this entire exercise in narrative over science you are insane. Get your head out of your ass.
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I nearly died from COVID. Delta nearly ended me, and one point my Pulmonologist in hospital told me blankly I would be on vent in less then 24 hours, and would not survive 48, so that I could make any calls I needed to. I appreciated the hell out of his candor and honesty. Luckily I, my Lord, and his own willingness to try experimental treatment proved that prognoses wrong. I ended up proning while on hospital bipap for several days straight then for 12 hours a day, he through every steroid known to man, and a ton of opiates to deal with backpain from 24/7 proning. It sucked. Covid sucks. I am still mad about that as I absolutely do believe it was a biological weapon developed via money from the NIH...

With all that said. The idea that COVID is bad so your insane for not trusting MRNA experimental medicine was always insane. Even the man that developed MRNA technology warned against it's use for many people. This was a cash grab, and a political move that ignored all scientific, and medical norms for testing. It has proven to not be effective at what it was supposed to appreciable improvement on treating or avoiding covid like they stated. It was never tested like they stated. And it is not even a "Vaccine" by any traditional definition of that term. I get people were scared with COVID and we lost many family nearly lost everything. However that was never a good excuse for ignoring reason and logic and giving the same Pharmaceutical company with the worst track record in public safety and many lost lawsuit carte blanche to print money with experimental medicine. Those that supported this should feel ashamed. Those in the medical community that looked the other way for their own careers and ignored their Hippocratic Oath should be held liable. Those behind the function study that created COVID should be held accountable. Those that killed many more via lockdowns should also be held accountable. There was a reason for the Nuremburg code, and it's a shame many chose to ignore it due to fear.

We haven't even addressed in this thread the other giant elephant in the room on this, and that is the huge spike in cancer rates. Myocarditus aside, cancer rates are exploding, and there is evidence the suppression of our immune systems to fight off cancerous cells is also MRNA experimental medication related... If you're still defending this entire exercise in narrative over science you are insane.
So you were vaxxed?
So you were vaxxed?
No I was not, and thank God for that. As a result my heart is healthy, and I was able to take 150 BPM resting for a week as I clung to life. (if you got delta and were in a bad way your heart became an absolute sprinter while your body desperately tried to make use of minimal lung capacity) many did not survive teh strain on their hearts. There is no evidence to show taking the vax would have helped either avoiding getting it or helped survive it. Anecdotally I can tell you many people on my floor did not survive and they were fully vaxed. I do not think the vax killed them, but it did not save them or help them much either. The issues with the MRNA vaccine are longer term. I absolutely do beleive finding a doctor with a different perspective that ignored the media, and or pressure and instead spends his time reading every latest research study and paper on covid long haul recovery has helped me regain much of my lung function though. And yet at the time they threatened his license because he questioned the MRNA medications....

I am not anti vaccine. (though I do not consider the jab/ MRNA a true vaccine) What I am is anti ignoring the evidence on an experimental medication, and if we are to make any progress for the millions now in danger, step 1 is admitting we were wrong, and spending money not on CYA but rather on mitigating lasting damage. For those that chose to get vax based on the info they had at hand (and no one can blame you for that) I would think you'd be MOST interested in them researching unbiased the issues, and finding the best answers for treating any damage to you your immune system, and cardio health.
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The top 5 life/long term publicly traded insurance companies in the US all have 50% gains and a couple have doubled their stock price since the start of vaccine rollout. They all have record profits in 2021. They are doing this even though the rest of the market has sucked since Biden took over...

These companies don't make money by misanalyzing data....

How do you explain this then?? $1 billion over the year where we had this supposed deadly pandemic. Enter the MRNA vaccines. Now, $1 billion more is being paid out than even that year.

'That Should Have Gone Down': Life Insurance Companies Across the Board See Staggering Increase in Death Benefit Payouts
People die of natural causes every day. Young. Old. In between. It was that way long before the virus and the vaccine. You just assume that the death of a young person since then was caused by the vaccine. You have no evidence of it. But you read about it.

The anti-science wave in this country is just astounding and depressing. And your logic (or lack thereof) is exhibit 1.
Says the guy who wore cloth masks.
How do you explain this then?? $1 billion over the year where we had this supposed deadly pandemic. Enter the MRNA vaccines. Now, $1 billion more is being paid out than even that year.

'That Should Have Gone Down': Life Insurance Companies Across the Board See Staggering Increase in Death Benefit Payouts

They wrote more policies. We discussed this back in August when you first brought it up. You write more policies, you pay out more. Kinda how insurance works.

The entire US death increase of 75K in 21 can be explained away by increase in unvax deaths (whether by choice or by already having it).

Look at how much $$$ the biggest 5 companies made in 21 and their stock price since vax rollout.
Do you really think there was a vast conspiracy to misdiagnose the flu for 2 years?
@kiddiedoc would have to be in on it.
I assure you that he’s not. He and I disagree on things but a liar he is not. And neither are most Drs.

Do you believe the fear mongering didn’t push to inflate Covid numbers through any disingenuous means necessary? Maybe it wasn’t a conspiracy with the flu but just an odd coincidence.
Do you believe the fear mongering didn’t push to inflate Covid numbers through any disingenuous means necessary? Maybe it wasn’t a conspiracy with the flu but just an odd coincidence.

Both sides got caught fudging numbers. TN got caught overstating the number of breakthrough cases in Spring 2021 and Washington State got busted understating them in Fall 2021...
The died from/died with distinction was always a joke. If someone got shot in Memphis and if they arrived to the hospital alive, they were a "COVID" death if they died in the hospital if they tested positive for COVID. This blame exists to the Trump admin too since they signed off on death benefits for COVID cases.

The Biden Administration and other blue states hiding breakthrough case info to try to push mandates was another miscarriage of justice...
I know personally 2 men that died of Covid.

I know 1 teenage girl that had post-shot(I refuse to call it a vaccine) menstral complications.

I know 1 man that has to be on blood thinners post shot due to blood clots.

I also know several people that were threatened they would lose their jobs if they didn’t take the shot. I was 1 of them until I got a religious exemption. I add this in here because this shot BS created other kinds of turmoil other than health related issues.

Well then, based on your own experience with about 8 people I'm satisfied that your conclusions are correct.
The died from/died with distinction was always a joke. If someone got shot in Memphis and if they arrived to the hospital alive, they were a "COVID" death if they died in the hospital if they tested positive for COVID. This blame exists to the Trump admin too since they signed off on death benefits for COVID cases.

The Biden Administration and other blue states hiding breakthrough case info to try to push mandates was another miscarriage of justice...

Another screwball method of data tracking is who is considered “vaccinated “.
I had 2 moderna shots and zero boosters. It’s been forever since I got the last one.
If I get Covid (never have tested positive) then the anti Covid vaccine crowd will claim that as support for their side. The pro vaccine crowd will say I’m not truly vaccinated and claim that as support for their position.
Meanwhile I believe the truth is unknown
Well then, based on your own experience with about 8 people I'm satisfied that your conclusions are correct.
We were giving snapshots of folks within our small circles. Your comment makes no sense. Which is a common theme.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly when you decide to remove the stick lodged in your bottom. Or have your husband do it for you.
We haven't even addressed in this thread the other giant elephant in the room on this, and that is the huge spike in cancer rates. Myocarditis aside, cancer rates are exploding, and there is evidence the suppression of our immune systems to fight off cancerous cells is also MRNA experimental medication related... If you're still defending this entire exercise in narrative over science you are insane. Get your head out of your ass.

Time to address it. The American Cancer Society estimates 1.9 million cancer diagnosis in 2022. The last "clean" (i.e pre COVID) year 2019 had 1.762 million. That's a 7.8% increase in 3 years or 138,000 cases.

Cancer cases have been going up for years. We are living longer, we are fatter, better screening, etc. If you go back to 2016, there were 1.658 million cases or 104,000 people increase from 16 to 19. So between 16 and 19, there was a 6.3% increase in cases.

So, there is a delta of 34K (138-104), the question is what's causing this. About 11K can be attributed to aging population and normal population growth. The question is what about the other 23K. Is it the vax, was it from people delaying screenings from 21 to 22 due to COVID, better screening, the vax, a combination, or something else.

Now, I wouldn't use the word "exploding" but yeah, there is a small variance that does need to be monitored...

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