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I’ve stopped countering and trying to persuade employees to stay once they give their notice. Should have went to me or their supervisor before accepting another job, I also don’t allow people to work out their notice. Pay them out and escort them to the door.
Interesting. why do you not want them to work out their notice?
It was irrelevant to any point you're trying to make.

That said, I will use it. The employer is often screwed over upon an employee leaving. Hiring costs lost for that person as well as training costs, among other things.

That said, the employer really has no recourse and shouldnt. But we should stay consistent and treat the firing of people in the exact same manner.

Ok thanks for your truly outstanding insights. Zero irrelevancies, good job
Do they build sheds? I've been trying to get a new garden shed built in my backyard for a couple of months now and today is the 3rd time they were scheduled to show up and not one peep. It's time to move on and find another company.

Why? You just said you can hire/fire at any notice, they can do the same to you

And good for them. I don't begrudge anyone bettering their lot in life.

I also don't negotiate after they have accepted another position, I don't have a problem with an employee coming in and saying "hey I got this offer".
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I dont think he's mentally compromised.

What he should do though is take the test where you circle the elephant and then go on TV and brag about it like the last president. It might quell some of your concerns lol

Biden is in the early stages of dementia
Through the years I've learned that once a person gives notice they mentally check out and make mistakes or cause problems. We just pay them the 2 weeks and thank them for their time.

That shouldn't happen in a professional environment.
My guys don't haul freight, they work on equipment and clean up messes. They're usually gone M-Thu, sometimes they'll be gone a couple weeks but that's not very often.

No one and I mean no one drives me nuts more than dealing with new for hire haulers.

It's a pain in the arse from beginning to end and they never ever ever need filings because they will stay in the state etc and the minute they open their first damn contract is always across stay lines and we are having to walk them through the filings.
Shouldn't but it does.
There are several stories of pilots retiring on a layover. One of my favorites was this guy that lived in Missoula Montana and just happened to have a layover there. He was scheduled to fly out in the morning so he went to the airport and this huge furball ensued with a passenger issue or maintenance or something of the sort. Anyway, the story goes that he decided he'd had enough and walked to the back of the airplane (727) and dropped the aft airstairs... walked down... jumped the 3 foot chain link fence... got in his car and drove home. Before he left the cockpit he told his copilot that he was retired and that it was all his.

Don't know if it is a true story, but I can see getting to that point.
So your answer is no. Thought so. Usually the guy without experience who already has the answers is the stupidest guy in the room. Biden's symptoms are more reflective of senility than Alzheimer's.
C’mon man, don’t stay that about the guy running as a proud democrat for the US senate in South Carolina. You know the thing
Have you had close, personal experiences with someone who has had Alzheimer's?
My dad only has a couple good years left according to his Dr. We watched it take his dad and is also getting his sister. I'm familiar and it's similar (even my dad said so and he voted for Biden)
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Have you had close, personal experiences with someone who has had Alzheimer's?
I have. Biden shows similarities. I know you don't care though, nor believe it. You just need him to last 2 years and a day, and they can probably prop him up that long. Of course he could have a stroke.

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