Vaccine Passport

It's too bad I did not read history since third grade and then read stacks of history books to take a degree in History at an accredited university. Oh wait. I did. An important skill learned in that discipline is proper methods of testing evidence. Believe me when I say that my trust in government has its limitations.
So you would rather not trust individual people that you know nothing about than not trust the government?
That explains why you never have time to actually post your extensive research.

Well, I don't turn every issue into a major project before commenting on one aspect of it, but I do try to fit my posts into a bigger picture. But this issue is not about me, so enough of me.
You must have been Air Force. The AF has manuals that tell all the pilots what they CAN do. The Navy had manuals that told us what we COUNDN'T do. The Navy way was much better.

While I disagree with hog on the "I can fire them over anything" premise the handbook is standard HR practice to prevent lawsuits and many corps have an actual page you sign stating you read the handbook.

I advise almost every client I have to have one even in states like TN as unemployment claims are a drag and not easy to fight with documentation....even in TN.

I disagree with hog because I feel this can lead to a very stressful work environment where people feel on edge and not allowed to be themselves and management ends up going on power trips.

I personally fall under the "if the attitude is hurting the work environment then I can fire you at anytime" but I still give 1 warning and try to guide.

But that is just me.

The only one who can fire in my company is me though. Even the office manager and assistant manager must bring me into the situation before someone is terminated and only I have final say.

My dad was in the air force by the way. He joined it to avoid being drafted into Vietnam nam. His words, not mine. He never saw combat either but learned how to fix planes real well.
While I disagree with hog on the "I can fire them over anything" premise the handbook is standard HR practice to prevent lawsuits and many corps have an actual page you sign stating you read the handbook.

I advise almost every client I have to have one even in states like TN as unemployment claims are a drag and not easy to fight with documentation....even in TN.

I disagree with hog because I feel this can lead to a very stressful work environment where people feel on edge and not allowed to be themselves and management ends up going on power trips.

I personally fall under the "if the attitude is hurting the work environment then I can fire you at anytime" but I still give 1 warning and try to guide.

But that is just me.

The only one who can fire in my company is me though. Even the office manager and assistant manager must bring me into the situation before someone is terminated and only I have final say.

My dad was in the air force by the way. He joined it to avoid being drafted into Vietnam nam. His words, not mine. He never saw combat either but learned how to fix planes real well.

You’d be surprised how few people I have fired over the past 2 decades, hell even with CDL drivers making up the majority of workers our overall retention stays around 80%. Without employees there is no company but employers should always have the right to hire/fire for whatever reason.
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You’d be surprised how few people I have fired over the past 2 decades, hell even with CDL drivers making up the majority of workers our overall retention stays around 80%. Without employees there is no company but employers should always have the right to hire/fire for whatever reason.

Yeah but employers say stuff like thst and then they bitch endlessly if you take another job and leave them
good for you. That's how it should be. But for the majority of people it aint like that
I am curious as to what you base this on. Could I see some middle manager acting in this manner? Sure. Anyone higher doesn't care. They may care as to the reason why person x left. But nothing more.
I am curious as to what you base this on. Could I see some middle manager acting in this manner? Sure. Anyone higher doesn't care. They may care as to the reason why person x left. But nothing more.

I guess maybe I've worked for too many small businesses where there is no middle manager
Oh okay, I'm sorry for discussing the topic at hand. I'll yield to your genius posts instead

It was irrelevant to any point you're trying to make.

That said, I will use it. The employer is often screwed over upon an employee leaving. Hiring costs lost for that person as well as training costs, among other things.

That said, the employer really has no recourse and shouldnt. But we should stay consistent and treat the firing of people in the exact same manner.
I’ve stopped countering and trying to persuade employees to stay once they give their notice. Should have went to me or their supervisor before accepting another job, I also don’t allow people to work out their notice. Pay them out and escort them to the door.
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You’d be surprised how few people I have fired over the past 2 decades, hell even with CDL drivers making up the majority of workers our overall retention stays around 80%. Without employees there is no company but employers should always have the right to hire/fire for whatever reason.

Are you guys long haul or short haul?
Are you guys long haul or short haul?

My guys don't haul freight, they work on equipment and clean up messes. They're usually gone M-Thu, sometimes they'll be gone a couple weeks but that's not very often.
My guys don't haul freight, they work on equipment and clean up messes. They're usually gone M-Thu, sometimes they'll be gone a couple weeks but that's not very often.
Do they build sheds? I've been trying to get a new garden shed built in my backyard for a couple of months now and today is the 3rd time they were scheduled to show up and not one peep. It's time to move on and find another company.

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