Very Interesting Fulmer Update

Just my 2 cents but it could be political speak. Rather than saying:

No decision has been made regarding Tennessee football coach Phillip Fulmer's future....

They said:

No "formal" decision has been made regarding Tennessee football coach Phillip Fulmer's future....

Could be they have made a decision but have not "formally" informed everyone or whatever else they feel is involved in a "formal" decision.

I read that too. It being put into print means alot. The openness of the statements though are wide enough to drive a truck through. I hope they do what they need to and these kind of releases are the greasing of the wheels for days to come.
Just my 2 cents but it could be political speak. Rather than saying:

No decision has been made regarding Tennessee football coach Phillip Fulmer's future....

They said:

No "formal" decision has been made regarding Tennessee football coach Phillip Fulmer's future....

Could be they have made a decision but have not "formally" informed everyone or whatever else they feel is involved in a "formal" decision.

I thought the same thing when I read it.

I got the feeling that the decision to let him go had been made...but the "formalities" of the buyout, when to announce the decision, etc. hadn't yet been ironed out.
I think it's more just announcing the retirement so that we could KNOW that there will a new start to next year...not another embarassment. I'm already mad about this year...I just wanna know if I'm gonna have the same to look forward to next season.
I think our next coach will be someone from the state of Oklahoma. Just a hunch from watching the movement of the UT plane.
I thought the same thing when I read it.

I got the feeling that the decision to let him go had been made...but the "formalities" of the buyout, when to announce the decision, etc. hadn't yet been ironed out.

Kinda sounds that way. I hardly doubt they wait till seasons end to evaluate. He can't possibly expect6 to keep coaching here after losing to our biggest rivals 2 years in a row....

Besides i bet Hamilton is so embarrassed about giving that big contract to CPF. He's taken just as much heat this year as CPF has. He;ll probably want to make up for that one pretty quickly(and he better if he wants to keep his job)
maybe its just me, but seems like justin knows more then he wants to say. i could be wrong though.
I thought the same thing when I read it.

I got the feeling that the decision to let him go had been made...but the "formalities" of the buyout, when to announce the decision, etc. hadn't yet been ironed out.

how long can "formalities" take to iron out?
My dog (a very smart Golden Retriever) just told me that Cut is coming back and Manning will retire to be OC. Al Wilson will coach defense. Johnny Majors will be brought back to bartend in the Letterman's Lounge.

OH almost forgot. Bill Parcels will be the new AD.
lol that plane's been busy the past few days...alabama over the weekend and a quick trip to Nashville today

Stillwater- Maybe we'll get a 'man' for a coach with a chest bumping coordinator.

Nashville- Maybe Cutcliffe and Peyton in Nashville on the same weekend is more than a coinky-dink!
i definitely think a deal has been worked out behind closed doors. there's been too much talk tonight to lead me to beleive that fulmer will be back in '09. something has happened i think.
Does your…..err… “intuition” tell you if a replacement has been found?

Supposedly working on a deal with someone but I don't believe it.

There has been so much swirling around about the replacements it's hard to tell what's up from down.
Disclaimer: I'm not a "mega-booster", booster, former player, current player, UT alum, "friend of a friend of some guy who works in the Athletic Department", etc.

I am a Vol fan. I have been watching.

Here's my take...

- It's a "three-headed beast". Fulmer with his heels dug in...Hamilton between a rock and a hard spot...and influential boosters who have told Hamilton to get rid of Fulmer, with grace.

- That scenario is the proverbial no-win situation. Kissinger would have a stroke trying to make this one work. Better chance of getting Israel and Iran together at a pig roast. Pun intended.

- Fulmer is at a disadvantage with losses to UF, UGA, and Bama. If UT loses to SC, he loses all leverage, and Hamilton (and the boosters) can dictate terms. Expect them to be generous.

- With a win over SC, Fulmer can hang on, and force a nasty battle over his future. No prediction there. Fulmer still throws a lot of weight at UT. No pun intended.

- If Fulmer does hang on, he will have to throw a couple of bodies in the resulting volcano. Clawson is a given. No guess on #2. Sad.

- In the end, the bottom line is money. Big money. Numbers that most of us cannot comprehend. Illustration: a week or so ago, I was invited to play a course on St. Simons Island (GA) that people like me never lay eyes on, much less play. Me and four friends. We met Arnold Palmer while we were there. Shook hands; made small talk; got our picture taken with him. Played nine; ate lunch; and then the back nine. Time of my life. Afterwards, just for kicks, I asked our host what my day would have cost, had I been footing the bill. His answer literally staggered me. It was a large number. And a lesson. Those who fly at "Fulmer altitude" don't bat an eye at financial numbers that would make people like you and I pass out.

Prediction: Fulmer is gone. All that remains to be seen is (a) where he goes (i.e. "upstairs or out"), and (b) how much it costs.

The next four games, and particularly the next game, will determine that.

go vols.
whoever made the calm before the storm comment is probably right. it's been too quiet since the bama game from knoxville. all the little whispers today on the internet/radio also lead me to believe theres been some sort of decision made.
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