Very Interesting Fulmer Update

This is part of the problem. Having this goofus wear his hat on backwards at the games has always, in my opinion, been unprofessional and reeks of undiscipline and is part of this team's undoing. The new guy needs to instill some discipline on this team as well as the coaches.

I believe I would keep Brooks...
This is part of the problem. Having this goofus wear his hat on backwards at the games has always, in my opinion, been unprofessional and reeks of undiscipline and is part of this team's undoing. The new guy needs to instill some discipline on this team as well as the coaches.

he is the best coach on the staff!
This is part of the problem. Having this goofus wear his hat on backwards at the games has always, in my opinion, been unprofessional and reeks of undiscipline and is part of this team's undoing. The new guy needs to instill some discipline on this team as well as the coaches.

Damn right. If Brooks would only turn his hat around, the Vols would be sitting at the top of the BCS standings right now.
Just as long as he and his ENTIRE staff are gone.

I totally concur!! We need a whole new coaching staff. Although, I wished they had never let Trooper Taylor go! He was one of my favorites! Lets hope that they get someone with a passion and drive to accept nothing less that perfection!
This is part of the problem. Having this goofus wear his hat on backwards at the games has always, in my opinion, been unprofessional and reeks of undiscipline and is part of this team's undoing. The new guy needs to instill some discipline on this team as well as the coaches.

I 100% agree that we need someone who will instill discipline! Well said! :good!:
If true that is a huge mistake. Recruits will get jumpy if they do not know who will be the coach next year, so could walk. Plus if the decision has been made announce now don't let the last few home games turn ugly and again scare off some recruits. let the search be known publicly and give the fans something to get excited about other than basketball.

I agree.
Losses to USC, open-date and WYO, might compel an announcement, otherwise, it's end-of-season would be my guess.
MH stated on record that UTAD had 7mil on hand for any possible move (as well as 2 or 3 boosters each having that much or more), so money, and CPF will get some, is not an object at all.
Curiously, does ANYONE know what will happen to John Chavis? I personally believe that Chavis has done a good job with the defense since the debacle losses to Florida and Alabama last year.
My bet CPF becomes Asst. AD Recruiting or something similar, so if he has recruited as well as some say this year, he can hold the line on commitments after he's replaced, I mean retires.
Chavis may end up the victim here. He's the best coach on staff and the stats prove it (but good grief, I wish he'd ditch that "soft zone" he denies running).
Curiously, does ANYONE know what will happen to John Chavis? I personally believe that Chavis has done a good job with the defense since the debacle losses to Florida and Alabama last year.

Def Co.......LSU
Why not the next head coach at Tennessee, because he would be the only one who would want the job anyway?
My bet CPF becomes Asst. AD Recruiting or something similar, so if he has recruited as well as some say this year, he can hold the line on commitments after he's replaced, I mean retires.

I hope not. I had heard someone else mention he ought to the director of football operations or something like that. All that will do is prevent us from getting an established coach. there is no way a big name coach will come here if he has to work under Fulmer. the only people they will able to get is an unproven young coach and Fulmer will still be trying to run the show.
He needs to ne placed in the development office to raise money for the university. He needs to be totally out of the athletic department. If he is still there we will not get a big name class coach to replace him. He is a master of micro management and that will not attract the kind of person we need to revive the program to what Tennessee football is and always has been...I have been going for too many year to not know that the slate must be clean for a new person. In breeding does not produce high IQs.....
The mans a great coach but I think it is time for him to move on and give Tennessee a chance to move on to bigger and better things. He has not been able to win a SECCG or NC since 98.
I hope not. I had heard someone else mention he ought to the director of football operations or something like that. All that will do is prevent us from getting an established coach. there is no way a big name coach will come here if he has to work under Fulmer. the only people they will able to get is an unproven young coach and Fulmer will still be trying to run the show.
Say it ain't so... rerun of Doug Dickey.... PUKE! Fulmer has to have a roll, unless he fights and it gets as ugly as some have proposed here. You may be right; MH may not allow him looking over his shoulder. Good point.
i have never blogged before,don't know the proper blog etiquite(or some such spelling).i was one year ahead of phil at ut,knew him casually.i was on the track team.phil is 'DIED IN THE WOOL ORANGE", and as much as ego and all may ,and will come into play,i believe he will go and go the right way.i cannot believe that he has become so self absorbed that,after all these years, he will "burn the place down".he will go as should some of the other coaches.i would not venture to guess who or how many.i die over all the losses,and the pure waste of top talent.but after phil goes ,that self serving,backstabbing,son-of-a-bitch mike hamiltonshould be fired,or invited to serious "tennessee ass whippin' party"thanks for the time tenn uncle

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