Very Interesting Fulmer Update

Do you really think that a deal has been worked out? I hope so because i am tired of hearing on Vol Calls that we are behind you 100%. One man said that coach Paterno had down years and you can't win every game. True but "fat" Foolmer can't seem to win any.
It is getting to be "Sloppy Top" Tennessee especially on offense.

Good bye Phil enjoy your new life as the "six million dollar man".
Disclaimer: I'm not a "mega-booster", booster, former player, current player, UT alum, "friend of a friend of some guy who works in the Athletic Department", etc.

I am a Vol fan. I have been watching.

Here's my take...

- It's a "three-headed beast". Fulmer with his heels dug in...Hamilton between a rock and a hard spot...and influential boosters who have told Hamilton to get rid of Fulmer, with grace.

- That scenario is the proverbial no-win situation. Kissinger would have a stroke trying to make this one work. Better chance of getting Israel and Iran together at a pig roast. Pun intended.

- Fulmer is at a disadvantage with losses to UF, UGA, and Bama. If UT loses to SC, he loses all leverage, and Hamilton (and the boosters) can dictate terms. Expect them to be generous.

- With a win over SC, Fulmer can hang on, and force a nasty battle over his future. No prediction there. Fulmer still throws a lot of weight at UT. No pun intended.

- If Fulmer does hang on, he will have to throw a couple of bodies in the resulting volcano. Clawson is a given. No guess on #2. Sad.

- In the end, the bottom line is money. Big money. Numbers that most of us cannot comprehend. Illustration: a week or so ago, I was invited to play a course on St. Simons Island (GA) that people like me never lay eyes on, much less play. Me and four friends. We met Arnold Palmer while we were there. Shook hands; made small talk; got our picture taken with him. Played nine; ate lunch; and then the back nine. Time of my life. Afterwards, just for kicks, I asked our host what my day would have cost, had I been footing the bill. His answer literally staggered me. It was a large number. And a lesson. Those who fly at "Fulmer altitude" don't bat an eye at financial numbers that would make people like you and I pass out.

Prediction: Fulmer is gone. All that remains to be seen is (a) where he goes (i.e. "upstairs or out"), and (b) how much it costs.

The next four games, and particularly the next game, will determine that.

go vols.

You are overestimating the amount of ash in the crematorium if you think that the USC game will make a difference. 1-5 against Florida, Georgia, and Bama the last two years is less than mediocre. In fact, it is Vandyesce.
You are overestimating the amount of ash in the crematorium if you think that the USC game will make a difference. 1-5 against Florida, Georgia, and Bama the last two years is less than mediocre. In fact, it is Vandyesce.

I think the USC game will make a difference. Mind you, I think the decision is already made, but...

... a win over USC keeps a 7-5 finish a possibility. Lose, and 6-6 is the best he can do.

... a loss to USC means the best we can do in the SEC (East) is 2-5. And 2-7 overall. Fulmer loses all leverage with a loss.

... you're wasting your time telling me about Fulmer's record against SEC opponents over the last two years, etc, etc, etc. I was making that call back in 2005. Me, and half a dozen others. Then, we were "NegaVols". Now, we're still NegaVols, but Fulmer has proven us correct in our assessment.

... the USC game will make a difference. Not in the final outcome, but in how much it costs.

go vols.
whoever made the calm before the storm comment is probably right. it's been too quiet since the bama game from knoxville. all the little whispers today on the internet/radio also lead me to believe theres been some sort of decision made.

This silence from Knoxville is kinda eerie. Like waiting for something potentially huge to just blow up outta complete calm. And you know that there are a million ppl (fans, players, media, etc.) just waiting to jump on it. I guess we will just have to sit here and wait...patience is a virtue right? :glare:
I hope he goes gracefully. I really like the victory tour idea... i.e. making an announcement after this weekend. Its a win win; the fulmer proponents can celebrate his last appearances in Neyland (well, as coach anyway), the detractors can cheer his departure... and hambone has a better chance of filling the stadium.
I hope he goes gracefully. I really like the victory tour idea... i.e. making an announcement after this weekend. Its a win win; the fulmer proponents can celebrate his last appearances in Neyland (well, as coach anyway), the detractors can cheer his departure... and hambone has a better chance of filling the stadium.

yeah it would be great if there was some sort of pre game ceremony where they honored his commitment to UT over the years. I think everyone, pro-Fulmer or not, would like to see that.
yeah it would be great if there was some sort of pre game ceremony where they honored his commitment to UT over the years. I think everyone, pro-Fulmer or not, would like to see that.

He would probably get booed.

Give it a couple of years and do it.
He would probably get booed.

Give it a couple of years and do it.

You think?

I could see the relief and newfound optimism being reason enough for the fulmer detractors to give him one last round of applause for the successes, how ever long ago they might have been.
You think?

I could see the relief and newfound optimism being reason enough for the fulmer detractors to give him one last round of applause for the successes, how ever long ago they might have been.


Wait a couple of seasons and then do it. Let the current round of students get out of here and no one will boo.

Wait a couple of seasons and then do it. Let the current round of students get out of here and no one will boo.

Thats too bad. As frustrated as I am with the guy, I have never doubted his love for the university and the program. Its a shame that he could be booed, even after stepping down.
FWIW I posted a couple weeks back that the wheels were in motion (from a person connected with the program), and I think it has played out that way.

The same person told me before the Bama game CPF had to win out to retain his job.
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Hammy & Co. aren't really going to let the last four games influence their decision, are they!? That's completely pointless--we already know that Fulmer and his team are hapless; do they think beating the league's two perennial doormats, plus wyoming, will prove that fulmer can coach? Good grief. Florida and georgia and bama are the standard--and they've been kicking our ass. Hollow late-season victories over nobodies doesn't cut it.
Hammy & Co. aren't really going to let the last four games influence their decision, are they!? That's completely pointless--we already know that Fulmer and his team are hapless; do they think beating the league's two perennial doormats, plus wyoming, will prove that fulmer can coach? Good grief. Florida and georgia and bama are the standard--and they've been kicking our ass. Hollow late-season victories over nobodies doesn't cut it.
Calm down, it's gonna be alright. We'll have a new coach next year.
That is interesting...although I hope that they don't wait until after the Kentucky game. I would prefer they announce it now. I think the fans would be less angry just KNOWING the outcome. Most of the problems and anger are coming from protesting CPF as the HC.

IF all of this is true, I really hope they go all out and get a top notch coach who WILL make a difference. We can only hope.

Go Vols.:clapping:

It would be better for all involved if the announcement came sooner rather than later. You're right. The fans are upset because they feel like they have to voice their anger in order for the UTAD to take notice. Things would settle down if they knew change was coming and Fulmer would likely get a better sendoff.
what is finally starting to piss me off is that if Hamilton has no intention of firing fulmer, then he should have the guts to come out and say so.

At this point they are doing nothing but toying around with the fanbase. The season is over. All of our big games are done. We can't replay them, so what's the difference? If he's waiting to see if we can beat Vandy, then he should go too.
i really hope that they don't wait till the end of the season to announce fulmer resigning or firing. like many posters have said the team would try to rally around him and some of the fans as well. it would just be a better way to go out.
I don't think Hamilton would ever let CPF go in the middle of the season. After winning a NC that would be a real slap in the face.

. . .would they do like Washington did in firing Willingham but letting him finish out the season? If I were a coach I'd have a rough time being told I'm not wanted, to finish out a season as a "lame duck" coach! :no:
I hate it has come down to this for Fulmer.
But I think Tennessee will do the right thing and he will finish out the season. Not much Tennessee can do now this far along.
well UT better hurry Kiffen is in talks with Washington as of last night, we mess around too long the prices gets higher and other schools get a head start on us.
Retirement is a much more soothing term than fired. The former will be the key word in all of this. Announce the retirement now to take effect at the end of the season. Saving face for all concerned is paramount in this process. By the way, does Fulmer qualify for a state pension in addition to his buyout?
I guess we will all be shocked if Phill loses out this year and still returns next year.

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