Very Interesting Fulmer Update

I don't think Hamilton would ever let CPF go in the middle of the season. After winning a NC that would be a real slap in the face.

So how do you think MH feels about CPF getting outscored at HOME 59-15 by our 2 biggest rivals after rewarding him last year?
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I don't think Hamilton would ever let CPF go in the middle of the season. After winning a NC that would be a real slap in the face.

Agree, The loyalty at Tennessee is somewhat overboard. It looks like everyone wants a perfect comfortable replacement to happen and we get the best of the best. In today's world this is not the way things happen.
I would almost make a bet a announcement will come by next tuesday, maybe before that. Nothing is going to be said on the heels of the bama game. It would give those inbred idiots to much satisfaction.

You mean we have to buy him out? Fulmer would never do that to this University thus I have to lump this thread in with all the others! I usually go with justin's take on things but if he is saying CPF is expecting a buyout...this is garbage as well!:wink2:
I guess any time you're negotiating a multi-million dollar buyout, they can take a little while.

You would think it would be that hard of a decision. UT this year has sold 20,000 tickets less resulting in $7 million in lost revenue. College football isn't about the game anymore its about buisness and by not getting those tickets sales back results in a total of 28 million lost, now CPF's 6 mill contract doesnt seem so bad of a deal to get the fans back does it?
I personally am sick of the national championship argument. Yes, he coached us to one 10 years ago. But since then its been goose egg in the sec and national title department. It would be different if we were competing and staying in big games with our biggest rivals, or even the games that aren't our rivals. I appreciate the NC, but we aren't even in the same league anymore. We wouldn't have made it to the SECCG last year unless everyone lost the games they had to lose and we won all of ours...most ugly, none really convincing. So forgive me, but that NC well is running really dry.
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You mean we have to buy him out? Fulmer would never do that to this University thus I have to lump this thread in with all the others! I usually go with justin's take on things but if he is saying CPF is expecting a buyout...this is garbage as well!:wink2:

This is a done deal. We will have a new head Coach next year. I agree with JG on this one.

They can say what they want in this article about winning the rest of the games, it won't matter, it is done. They might not have the buyout and everything worked out just yet, but Fulmer's time is done after this season and he knows it. Watch his face at the news conferences and it says it all. Also, watch Clawson. He seems pretty calm to me. I think he will be back. Not sure if it will be HC or OC, but I really believe he will be given an opportunity to prove himself. If it is true, and I really believe it is, that Fulmer has had him handcuffed, refusing to pull Crompton the first 4 games and not allowing other play makers on the field to make the offense run better due to his loyalty to the upperclassmen, then Hamilton knows that.
I know this is highly unlikely but do you think that Fulmer has agreed to retire, but is using this week to help the University and talk to recruits and to try to keep them on board as if to say that I will still be around the team and be a part of the program and to trust that we will hire the right man to lead this team in the future?
I got an e-mail from my former UT roommate who is well connected. He is a strong donor and his close relative is a very very strong donor (ran through the T, been on the sidelines, at every championship game, bowl game, former officer for alumni chapter, financially loaded, etc.). The e-mail was forwarded from a HUGE corporate donor to my roommate's relative & a few others. It confirms we will have a new coach and the above mentioned coaches were also gone. Says announcement will more than likely not be until after the Kentucky game as well.

Bash away, I'm just passing it on.
Let Clawson take over as interim head coach for the next 4 games. If he does well,he could be given a 1-2 year contract. If not, UT has the off season to find a coach.
how long can "formalities" take to iron out?

Hey Orange, there is a lot that goes on behind close doors. You don't just kick an exec out the door in public without having everything in place.

My hunch is like Justin's, the decision on CPF has been made already. Now the workings would be making sure after the decision on CPF, that a suitable replacement will be made and etc. CPF means a lot to this University and he is orange through and through, and you just don't find that in a lot of coaches these days. I would venture to say that a lot has been going on behind the scenes for several weeks now.

Just my .02
CPF also wants a say in who his replacement will be.

The only say I would let him have is "Hi" as CPF is walking out the door. It would be crazy to let CPF have a say in his replacement.
I too think there should an announcement sooner rather than later. It would actually make his last 4 games better. People are booing because they think that will help lead to a decision, and if the decision is made then the need to boo goes down.

If they wait until after the Kentucky game, then the last 4 games could be really bad. And I really hope they aren't waiting until then so it will be before the bowl game, because uh.....we have to qualify for a bowl first.
Here's a copy of the e-mail I got.

From a coaching staff member.

The assistants have been informed that a change is being made.

Fulmer, Atkins, Brooks and Slade are finished after Kentucky game. Buyouts will be honored.

Others will stay on until new coach is hired. Their future likely decided by new coach.

Take it for what it's worth but I think it'll be later rather than sooner.
Here's a copy of the e-mail I got.

From a coaching staff member.

The assistants have been informed that a change is being made.

Fulmer, Atkins, Brooks and Slade are finished after Kentucky game. Buyouts will be honored.

Others will stay on until new coach is hired. Their future likely decided by new coach.

Take it for what it's worth but I think it'll be later rather than sooner.

If true that is a huge mistake. Recruits will get jumpy if they do not know who will be the coach next year, so could walk. Plus if the decision has been made announce now don't let the last few home games turn ugly and again scare off some recruits. let the search be known publicly and give the fans something to get excited about other than basketball.
I keep waiting for his announcement that several posters said was coming after the Bama game regardless of the outcome. The longer it drags on the more I get this creeping sick feeling that nobody is going anywhere.Any additions to the prior rumors?:sick:
Let Clawson take over as interim head coach for the next 4 games. If he does well,he could be given a 1-2 year contract. If not, UT has the off season to find a coach.

That is the most absurd thing I've read here in months.

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