Veterans, where you served

Interesting history of the resort. "The Army's 10th Armored Division rolled into Garmisch-Partenkirchen on April 30 that year, while the 101st Airborne Division captured both Berchtesgaden and Chiemsee a week later. As soon as the occupation began, Army Special Services officers wasted no time getting the prewar tourist facilities back into operation." History
1986-2007, retired Redleg, 1SG, Field Artillery (King of Battle)
Germany, FT Lewis, WA., USANTC FT Irwin, CA (OC-T- Werewolves, BTRY FDC Trainer), FT Sill, OK, New Cumberland, PA, AC/RC OC-T, FT Sill, Iraq, FT Sill. FT Living Room
How did you like the west coast? It was really nice when I was there. Sad to see it now.
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Served Sept. 1966 to Sept. 1969
Sept. 66 thru Nov. 66 Basic Ft. Campbell KY.
Jan. 67 to Mar. 67 Armor Recon. Ft. Knox Ky.
Mar. 67 To Sept. Artillery OCS Ft. Sill Okla.
Sept 67 to August 68 Field Artillery Safety/ Fire direction Control Officer Ft. Sill
August 1968 Panama Canal Zone Jungle Warfare and Survival School
Sept. 1968 to Sept. 1969 Vietnam as Group TOC OIC//Fire Direction Control/ Observer in OH-6 Hunter Killer Missions.
Served Sept. 1966 to Sept. 1969
Sept. 66 thru Nov. 66 Basic Ft. Campbell KY.
Jan. 67 to Mar. 67 Armor Recon. Ft. Knox Ky.
Mar. 67 To Sept. Artillery OCS Ft. Sill Okla.
Sept 67 to August 68 Field Artillery Safety/ Fire direction Control Officer Ft. Sill
August 1968 Panama Canal Zone Jungle Warfare and Survival School
Sept. 1968 to Sept. 1969 Vietnam as Group TOC OIC//Fire Direction Control/ Observer in OH-6 Hunter Killer Missions.
Welcome . Rough time to be in. A lot of you guys got a pretty rough welcome home from Nam back then. By '72 they were drawing down, so I was sent to Germany. Fell free to share any good and/or funny stories you might have. Did you get to r&r in australia while you were in?
I you did basic at see campbell. I enlisted delay entry in md. so I went to Dix. A few years back my wife worked at school and was chaperoning a group of ROTC students going to Ft. Campbell. She was eating in the mess hall waiting on her group who showed up a couple hours late for mess. The chicken nuggets seemed a mystery to their old Sgt. and asked what in the **** they were. He spit the nugget half way across the mess hall when the wife calmly answered "mountain oysters." Almost forgot. A few years later we saw him doing a ropes demonstration at the fair in knoxville. He didn't recognize her intil she asked him about mountain oysters. We stuck around and had a nice talk with him.
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Served Sept. 1966 to Sept. 1969
Sept. 66 thru Nov. 66 Basic Ft. Campbell KY.
Jan. 67 to Mar. 67 Armor Recon. Ft. Knox Ky.
Mar. 67 To Sept. Artillery OCS Ft. Sill Okla.
Sept 67 to August 68 Field Artillery Safety/ Fire direction Control Officer Ft. Sill
August 1968 Panama Canal Zone Jungle Warfare and Survival School
Sept. 1968 to Sept. 1969 Vietnam as Group TOC OIC//Fire Direction Control/ Observer in OH-6 Hunter Killer Missions.

Absolute favorite book is Low Level Hell. Took serious balls flying in the OH-6, literally poking your nose into bunkers playing bait.
It definitely got your adrenaline going. Part of my issues when I got back was missing that rush. Noticing your handle-- My Grand Daughter is a senior at ETSU this year.
If you don't mind me asking ,did you get into anything special to deal with it? Have been seeing things about some guys getting into horses , taking care of, training and so forth?

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