You think it is as easy as sjt waiving a magic wand and saying, okay, everybody is now officially color blind?
See, they aren't. That's the problem. And sjt resents uppity blacks and poor people getting assistance from the government because he thinks that they are inherently lazy and taking advantage of his tax dollars.
sjt is the worst kind of racist (next to the murdering kind). He tries to shame people who call it out by insisting that it is they who are keeping the black man down.
You may think I talk about race too much. You may think my view of its role in the way that Obama has been treated by a number on the right is exaggerated or incorrect. That's fine.
But don't pretend that all would be just fine if black people would "get over it," shut the f up, and ignore the way they have, collectively, been AND ARE, treated.
this is where i disagree. Barack Obama is the POTUS. when you hold that office, you are going to take heat. doesn't matter if you are black or white.
the country is in the crapper right now, which amps up the dissatisfaction and rhetoric.
just the other day, numerous leftists referred to the "tea party" as holding people hostage a with bombs strapped to their chest. the tea party has been demonized as every "ist" possible, racist, sexist, etc, etc.
GWB was compared to hitler by several.
there isn't anything that most on the right would say about barack obama that they would not also say about harry reid, nancy pelosi, joe biden, braney frank, christopher dodd etc, etc, etc.
just as those on the left have no problem saying the same things about dick cheney, john ashcroft, clarence thomas, condoleeza rice, ronald reagan, john boehner, etc, etc, etc, that they would about GWB.
race isn't the motivator here.
several people who are critical of obama would allow someone to sleep with their wife before they'd vote for a democrat.
several people who were critical of bush would allow someone to sleep with their wife before they'd vote republican.