A few reasons to help y'all stop freaking out:
1. Danny White.
We need national attention and successful athletic programs for him to be successful as well. He has the free range to spend like he wants to make that happen, that's most of the reason he came here anyway. Not many places have the funding to be successful and the desire as well.
2. Vitello.
He is actually a loyal man and he knows what he's doing. He's invested in these guys and they're invested in him. He's building a national power here. He doesn't need to ride someone else's coattails.
3. Knoxville.
Have any of y'all been to these different campuses and cities? Knoxville and the surrounding area is far, and I mean way farther better bestest, than the other places. Where else can you have a town and people like Knoxville, then drive to a rainforest on your days off to relax?
4. He's already said so.
He won't leave if things are done how they should be, and they will be, see #1.
5. Check
if you don't believe me.