VOL Football Player Dismissed ??

I knew someone would make theis comparison. A few things to consider before you do: 1) ut player violated team rules, whereas uf's thomas violated university policy, invoking uf procedure; 2) u don't know what the violation here was, whether it was an ongoing problem, etc.; 3) u don't know whether other disiplinary authorities are involved, I.e. police.I am not saying it is impossible the two can be compared. I'm saying you don't know yet.

So smoking pot ISN'T against Florida's team rules?:)
A crappy way to end a once promising career. Out all of last year with an injury and now he is kicked off the team.
I think with our young talent we will be ok, but not great. Johnson had a good looking spring game and has some talent. I hope he can keep himself out of trouble this summer (no more water guns at police please). Berry will have to step in and be a factor. But sad that Fellows couldnt keep his s@#$ together.
I know that CPF could care less about a message board, but two sentence press releases that contain zero substance do far more harm than good in the long run. The tendency among us ear to the ground onlookers is to immediately assume things. I wish they'd either keep the lock on the whole deal for now, or go ahead and be forthright from the first statement about what precisely is afoot.

Two sentence press releases are just poor public relations in an instant news society...

I hate crap like this. OK, off of soapbox now. Have a good weekend VolNationals...
what really makes me laugh is LG trying to defend UF's slap on the wrist discipline
I knew someone would make theis comparison. A few things to consider before you do: 1) ut player violated team rules, whereas uf's thomas violated university policy, invoking uf procedure; 2) u don't know what the violation here was, whether it was an ongoing problem, etc.; 3) u don't know whether other disiplinary authorities are involved, I.e. police.I am not saying it is impossible the two can be compared. I'm saying you don't know yet.
Come on LG.Even attorneys admit defeat sometimes.You have a very,very weak stance here.:no:
what really makes me laugh is LG trying to defend UF's slap on the wrist discipline

at Florida, Tim Tebow handles all disciplinary issues. Tim Tebow makes the rules, and Tim Tebow holds all of his coaches/teammates/disciples/Tebowmaniacs accountable.
The worst that would happen is that we could probably miss out on winning an SEC title or BCS bowl game.

In other words, no different than any other year in the last 8 or so years.


If we are gonna rebuild do it the right way..........

:yes: :blink: :whistling:
Tim Tebow is judge, jury, and well, that doesnt work since nothing ever happens to any player that gets in trouble down there. LG is just without shame in that lame defense about UF's guidelines, I mean give me a break, I hope he didnt type that with a straight face.
Ole Eric Berry might be running down WR's sooner than we thought.

Oklahoma lost their starting QB and a starting O-Lineman last year, they did well. I know they were in the Big 12 (and Bob Stoops is the coach) and all, but seriously I'm not that concerned about this news. If Eric Berry (or whoever fills Fellows shoes) steps up and does his thing no one will remember this.
Come on LG.Even attorneys admit defeat sometimes.You have a very,very weak stance here.:no:

My case to wait to see the facts before you use this poor schmuck's situation to prove that Meyer is too lax is weak only if fundamental rules of logic and facts matter. But, if all you want to do is assume the situations are comparable so that you can pat yourself on the back and reassure yourself that your program is on the right track(all indications to the contrary), then there is nothing I can possibly say to disabuse you of the notion that maybe, just maybe, what happened here is irrelevant in the scheme of things to the basic truth that Florida is running away from the rest of the SECE. But if it makes you feel better to think everything is going to be okay because Fulmer kicked a kid off the team for reasons and after events of which you are uterly unaware, whereas Meyer followed basic principles of due process, and that makes it all better, then be my guest.
My case to wait to see the facts before you use this poor schmuck's situation to prove that Meyer is too lax is weak only if fundamental rules of logic and facts matter. But, if all you want to do is assume the situations are comparable so that you can pat yourself on the back and reassure yourself that your program is on the right track(all indications to the contrary), then there is nothing I can possibly say to disabuse you of the notion that maybe, just maybe, what happened here is irrelevant in the scheme of things to the basic truth that Florida is running away from the rest of the SECE. But if it makes you feel better to think everything is going to be okay because Fulmer kicked a kid off the team for reasons and after events of which you are uterly unaware, whereas Meyer followed basic principles of due process, and that makes it all better, then be my guest.

Getting a little cocky there... a 1 point win over an average UT team, a 7 point win over a very mediocre UGA team and a blocked FG to beat USC? Yea you won the SEC last year for the first time in I don't know how many years...but running away with the SECE? You might want to hold off on that claim.
My case to wait to see the facts before you use this poor schmuck's situation to prove that Meyer is too lax is weak only if fundamental rules of logic and facts matter. But, if all you want to do is assume the situations are comparable so that you can pat yourself on the back and reassure yourself that your program is on the right track(all indications to the contrary), then there is nothing I can possibly say to disabuse you of the notion that maybe, just maybe, what happened here is irrelevant in the scheme of things to the basic truth that Florida is running away from the rest of the SECE. But if it makes you feel better to think everything is going to be okay because Fulmer kicked a kid off the team for reasons and after events of which you are uterly unaware, whereas Meyer followed basic principles of due process, and that makes it all better, then be my guest.
Man you sure are getting cranky LG.I see your point.It is getting to the point where you can't rely on talented players to stick around because they become bigger than the program(James Banks,Ontario Smith,Marcus Thomas,now Fellows).These self-centered players,egotisical players, from any program,are really the ones I am frustrated with.You recruit them,they play well a year or two, then they self destruct.:no:
A usually reliable poster from another board says it might not be weed. He said, per 2nd hand info, that there was a robbery and Fellows may have not been involved but his name was thrown in and he may have known about it.

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