VOL Football Player Dismissed ??

My case to wait to see the facts before you use this poor schmuck's situation to prove that Meyer is too lax is weak only if fundamental rules of logic and facts matter. But, if all you want to do is assume the situations are comparable so that you can pat yourself on the back and reassure yourself that your program is on the right track(all indications to the contrary), then there is nothing I can possibly say to disabuse you of the notion that maybe, just maybe, what happened here is irrelevant in the scheme of things to the basic truth that Florida is running away from the rest of the SECE. But if it makes you feel better to think everything is going to be okay because Fulmer kicked a kid off the team for reasons and after events of which you are uterly unaware, whereas Meyer followed basic principles of due process, and that makes it all better, then be my guest.

This instance at UT shows us as fans that the man in charge is, in fact, in charge. This was not the case in recent years. We've seen police reports since the 98 championship til the end of the 2005 season.

Forget Fellows. A better comparison is Fulmer dismissing a player for cussing a family at a resturant. Now Urban has pot smoking and gun shooting going on, and to my knowledge he has not dismissed anyone based on discipline issues.

As a fan of a team on top of the college mountain, I have seen what leadership and discipline issues can do. Will it happen at FL - who knows. But Urban is sending the wrong message to his players and that can't be good.
If I coached a team, a condition of joining and getting a scholarship would be NO GUNS. Period. End of sentence. Last year, Meyer has a chance to stand firm on that with the players who had semi automatics in their apartment. He didn't. This year, a UF player fired a gun in anger, to intimidate. The pot thing is an issue, but it pales in comparison to armed 20 year olds.
our secondary is thin enough as it is. fellows was one of the guys i was actually comfortable with at cornerback.

The obvious question that came to mind when I read your post was why would Fellows playing in the secondary make you comfortable?
The obvious question that came to mind when I read your post was why would Fellows playing in the secondary make you comfortable?

because he was one of the few guys we have back there who has some experience, not to mention being on the freshman all-SEC team when he was a freshman.
excuse me, Freshman All-American as well, either way, he had experience and has shown he can get it done.
Remember the last year we went to the SECCG. We didn't know who would be in the secondary. We had:
two new corners(Hefney and Fellows, both were regarded as Fresh AA type)
an AA FS(Allen)
and newcomer/round robin SS(Campell, others)

Hmmm....let's look at this year:
possibly two new corners(Berry and Willingham)
an AA FS(Hefney)
possible newcomer/round robin SS(McKenzie, others)
Fulmer screwed up.

He should have waited till after the Florida game to suspend him. Review the suspension before the Georgia game and reinstate. And then permanently dismiss after the Alabama game.

Fulmer hasn't learned anything.
Remember the last year we went to the SECCG. We didn't know who would be in the secondary. We had:
two new corners(Hefney and Fellows, both were regarded as Fresh AA type)
an AA FS(Allen)
and newcomer/round robin SS(Campell, others)

Hmmm....let's look at this year:
possibly two new corners(Berry and Willingham)
an AA FS(Hefney)
possible newcomer/round robin SS(McKenzie, others)

i like the way your mind works :good!:
Remember the last year we went to the SECCG. We didn't know who would be in the secondary. We had:
two new corners(Hefney and Fellows, both were regarded as Fresh AA type)
an AA FS(Allen)
and newcomer/round robin SS(Campell, others)

Hmmm....let's look at this year:
possibly two new corners(Berry and Willingham)
an AA FS(Hefney)
possible newcomer/round robin SS(McKenzie, others)
I do not see Hefney being an All-American selection.
Remember the last year we went to the SECCG. We didn't know who would be in the secondary. We had:
two new corners(Hefney and Fellows, both were regarded as Fresh AA type)
an AA FS(Allen)
and newcomer/round robin SS(Campell, others)

Hmmm....let's look at this year:
possibly two new corners(Berry and Willingham)
an AA FS(Hefney)
possible newcomer/round robin SS(McKenzie, others)

01 UT had one of the best DL ever. 07 DL is average.
What was our 2004 DL?

Who else?

Jason Hall, Karlton Neal, Justin Harrell, Turk McBride...all those guys played good minutes. Tony McDaniel was in there...Greg Jones was also on that team, but had that terrible tragedy with his family.
Forget Fellows. A better comparison is Fulmer dismissing a player for cussing a family at a resturant. Now Urban has pot smoking and gun shooting going on, and to my knowledge he has not dismissed anyone based on discipline issues.

Fulmer dismissed that player before even hearing his side of the story. I don't think that's a very good example. In fact, had the woman involved not been the wife of an influential booster, I doubt anything would have resulted.
Fulmer dismissed that player before even hearing his side of the story. I don't think that's a very good example. In fact, had the woman involved not been the wife of an influential booster, I doubt anything would have resulted.

As was the case with Morley, this isn't a huge loss. This is a guy that is a senior and as far as I know, he wasn't even going to start. They'll plug in somebody who's probably more talented than he is, and UT will be fine.

We trade Morley for McKenzie, which seems to be a step up, and we trade Fellows for Berry? That's just fine with me.
As was the case with Morley, this isn't a huge loss. This is a guy that is a senior and as far as I know, he wasn't even going to start. They'll plug in somebody who's probably more talented than he is, and UT will be fine.

We trade Morley for McKenzie, which seems to be a step up, and we trade Fellows for Berry? That's just fine with me.

amen, I agree 100%
I know that CPF could care less about a message board, but two sentence press releases that contain zero substance do far more harm than good in the long run. The tendency among us ear to the ground onlookers is to immediately assume things. I wish they'd either keep the lock on the whole deal for now, or go ahead and be forthright from the first statement about what precisely is afoot.

Two sentence press releases are just poor public relations in an instant news society...

I hate crap like this. OK, off of soapbox now. Have a good weekend VolNationals...

If something illegal was done (I have absolutely no idea if this was the case), they may not be able to talk about it, until legal recourse takes place. It will come out in due time.
I'm just glad he's a senior can't go play for another team as hasn't been the case with alot of former (wanna be) UT players that couldn't walk the line. I personally wish all colleges would get on the same page and not allow a kid to try out for there team when he has been kicked off of another one.Another point I'd like to interject is when kids graduate college, apply to grad school,then go on to doctorate school, if they don't have a squeaky clean record for the most part, you think these med schools,law schools,pharmacy schools,PHD programs would want them enrolling in their school.Point being,if you mess up bad enough,other colleges and NFL teams should not allow you to play EITHER!
OK. Most of the time when players are dismissed and never get back on the team the sentence usually involves the word "indefently". Is this not the case when Fulmer removes a player?
Fulmer dismissed that player before even hearing his side of the story. I don't think that's a very good example. In fact, had the woman involved not been the wife of an influential booster, I doubt anything would have resulted.

Predictable response from the uninformed negavol nation.

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