VOL Football Player Dismissed ??

I still think the Morley loss is huge. He was a SO, and typically, players make the jump to being a good player in their JR year.
Predictable response from the uninformed negavol nation.

I guarantee I am more informed on this particular issue than you are.

Also, Negavol is just a term Fulmer apologizers us when they have no argument.
As was the case with Morley, this isn't a huge loss. This is a guy that is a senior and as far as I know, he wasn't even going to start. They'll plug in somebody who's probably more talented than he is, and UT will be fine.

I don't see how us having less depth and experience is a good thing. Berry may have more talent than Fellows, but far less experience.
I don't see how us having less depth and experience is a good thing. Berry may have more talent than Fellows, but far less experience.

Don't you get it? Seniors getting in trouble is great for the football team. Bret Smith getting booted from the Outback bowl was extremely helpful.
Yeah, I have to agree with The Dude and kpt here. Losing Morley and Fellows is never good. With both of them on the field, mixed with Hefney, Wardlow, Gaines, Johnson, that's a ton of experience, AND also helps with the newcomers in Willingham, McKenzie, and Berry.
Maybe not First Team, but its possible...He's a good little player

He's good, but I don't think his skill set lends itself to All-American interest. I don't think even Jason Allen was an AA. The DBs that get those honors pick off a lot of passes. That's not really Hefney's thing, but he's still a good player.
Inky, Morely and Fellows all gone now. I hope the JUCO's are up to the task.
I don't see how us having less depth and experience is a good thing. Berry may have more talent than Fellows, but far less experience.

Never said it was a good thing, just that it's not a huge loss. It always hurts to lose a guy that's going to have significant playing time, but it's not going to be a big blow to this team. Just more playing time for incoming guys who in my opinion will end up being better than Fellows.
Never said it was a good thing, just that it's not a huge loss. It always hurts to lose a guy that's going to have significant playing time, but it's not going to be a big blow to this team. Just more playing time for incoming guys who in my opinion will end up being better than Fellows.

Who's to say the new guys won't be any better than Demetrice Morley? He was the top rated DB the year we got him. Losing Fellows isn't good, but it's worse (as OWB said) when you consider that Inky and Morley are both gone.
I'd really like to have that experience to play along side of Berry, Willingham, and McKenzie when we travel cross country, then into the Swamp, and Bryant-Denny
Who's to say the new guys won't be any better than Demetrice Morley? He was the top rated DB the year we got him. Losing Fellows isn't good, but it's worse (as OWB said) when you consider that Inky and Morley are both gone.

Of course, it's never 100% that an incoming guy will be better than the guy he's replacing. But I really think Berry, Willingham, and McKenzie will end up being better than Fellows and Morley. I just don't think losing a back up CB is going to hurt that much. Of course it's not a good thing, and you'd love to have those experienced guys still on the team.
Isn't it weird how the fb team just can't get a break these days, while the bb team seems to be getting those breaks. In years past Ramar wouldn't have qualified or Jackie Butler would go pro, Tyler Smith wouldn't transfer etc. Weird how opposite things are these days.
I guarantee I am more informed on this particular issue than you are.

Also, Negavol is just a term Fulmer apologizers us when they have no argument.

You probably think you are more informed, but your post doesn't pursuade me to believe it.

Fulmer = headcoach
Negavols = complainers
You probably think you are more informed, but your post doesn't pursuade me to believe it.

Fulmer = headcoach
Negavols = complainers

I've spoken with assistant coaches and Raymond Henderson on the matter. Again, you bring nothing to the table but the Negavol label. It's pathetic.
I'm not saying he will make it, but he is definitely All-American type. There are tons of AA types that aren't named to a team every year.
I've spoken with assistant coaches and Raymond Henderson on the matter. Again, you bring nothing to the table but the Negavol label. It's pathetic.

If you care to understand the thread instead of bashing Fulmer, you'd see that I was comparing CPF's stand on discipline compared to the way CUM is handling his current problem situations.

Since you talk with Raymond you know that was the third run in with CPF in his short time in Knoxville. He had been warned that one more incident that didn't represent the university well and he'd be gone. What he did was completely out of line and did not represent UT. It wouldn't have mattered if it were a prominent booster or a bus boy.

I like that CPF is putting character at a premium now - boosters are demanding it and he is drawing a line with the team. He is fair and will give the young men a chance when needed. But gone are the days of letting them run wild with no accountability. He got spoiled with strong team leaders that kept everyone in line.

Hopefully some of the strong personalities on the team will step up and become the guy that says - "if you disrespect our team, you'll answer to me", and mean it.
If you care to understand the thread instead of bashing Fulmer, you'd see that I was comparing CPF's stand on discipline compared to the way CUM is handling his current problem situations.

Since you talk with Raymond you know that was the third run in with CPF in his short time in Knoxville. He had been warned that one more incident that didn't represent the university well and he'd be gone. What he did was completely out of line and did not represent UT. It wouldn't have mattered if it were a prominent booster or a bus boy.

I like that CPF is putting character at a premium now - boosters are demanding it and he is drawing a line with the team. He is fair and will give the young men a chance when needed. But gone are the days of letting them run wild with no accountability. He got spoiled with strong team leaders that kept everyone in line.

Hopefully some of the strong personalities on the team will step up and become the guy that says - "if you disrespect our team, you'll answer to me", and mean it.

First of all, Henderson got in trouble for "violating curfew." That problem only resulted because of a miscommunication that led to Henderson's vacation to Chattanooga going unreported. While in Chattanooga, Henderson was in a restaurant and heard a young girl complaining about having to wear a uniform to school. Henderson, having attended a private school that required a dress code, complemented the girl on her uniform. Then, an overprotective mother didn't appreciate an enormous black man speaking to her daughter. This kind of incident wouldn't have been an issue up North. It's crap like this that I can't explain when I try to tell people that Tennessee isn't a racist area. Henderson is an intelligent and articulate guy. I doubt he'll get into the slightest bit of trouble at Minnesota.

I'll also add that this one of the final straws that caused me to turn on Fulmer. If you'll look back on my first posts here, I was initially pro-Fulmer. Even after the 5-6 season, I was on his side.
First of all, Henderson got in trouble for "violating curfew." That problem only resulted because of a miscommunication that led to Henderson's vacation to Chattanooga going unreported. While in Chattanooga, Henderson was in a restaurant and heard a young girl complaining about having to wear a uniform to school. Henderson, having attended a private school that required a dress code, complemented the girl on her uniform. Then, an overprotective mother didn't appreciate an enormous black man speaking to her daughter. This kind of incident wouldn't have been an issue up North. It's crap like this that I can't explain when I try to tell people that Tennessee isn't a racist area. Henderson is an intelligent and articulate guy. I doubt he'll get into the slightest bit of trouble at Minnesota.

I'll also add that this one of the final straws that caused me to turn on Fulmer. If you'll look back on my first posts here, I was initially pro-Fulmer. Even after the 5-6 season, I was on his side.

I want the same as most fans of UT want - a successful program that I can be proud of.

No question, they waffled through most of the 00's, and then blew up in 05. CPF was at a crossroads and knew he had to do something that should have been done before. He cleaned house - in two ways. Reworked the staff and set a low tolerance to discipline issues. Last season was a marked turn around. Some don't think so, and that's fine.

I appreciate the job Phil has done, and think he is moving the team in the right direction - after watching it go in the wrong direction for too long.

I am only making the comparison to UF getting content and maybe too lax in letting the "little things" go.

Here's to UT being on the right track and beating the heck outta UF. :toast:
I heard Brent Hubbs set Fellows up with a UT baller. He was robbed - of all his dignity by sniffing the jocks of 17 yr. old ath-a-letes.

This was the first step in a complex web. Brent wants full control of UT and recruiting. Recent events are part of this complex sting to bring down a starting DB to ensure the #1 Berry kid would start as a frosh. He incorporated the basketball players, because they were starting to invade his turf. The next move is in his plan is to bring down A Foster & Coker - he is throwing a rager in his mom's basment in Gibbs. Inviting a bunch of Corryton hotties - mixing up some shine - & getting some of our state's #1 cash crop up off Tater Valley Rd. Brent will call the law & Foster will get broken off. Then the RB from Texas will start.

You guys are in for a wild ride this summer...

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