Tradition, tradition, tradition I'm so sick of hearing "Air colors are arnge 'n whyte by god not black".Shut your hole and get it through your heads things change.Notre Dame and Michigan both have more tradition than UT but they still manage to change things up even if for only for one game, it's not the end of the world.You exact same people were the ones crying when Fulmer was fired for doing nothing but sitting on his ass and watching UT fall behind everyone else.You are the same ones who sit on your hands at games then ***** when someone is standing and cheering.You are the same ones who only make love to your wife missionary style and is the reason she calls on people like me when you're off on one of your weeklong fishing trips with your "buddies", she's tired of the same old crap and wants a little change.An orange helmet with a white T, or throwbacks with the black numbers, a helmet with Vols script on it what would be wrong with that?It doesn't even have to be a color change just a different look I don't see what the big deal is.