Volnation is unreal!

Instead of criticizing our fans you would think that you would be appreciative of the fact that this program has so many knowledgeable and critical fans. I am thankful that our fanbase does not accept mediocrity. (Speaking of Vandy fans.)

:yikes::yikes::yikes: Really did not mean to hit the LIKE tab. OMG DUDE !!!!!!!!!! Your post just validates what I said. " some fans just want to see their words in print " Your post on 11/1 is all about climate control/change. WTF is that all about ?? This is a UT Football board. If you want to talk about the climate call the Weather Channel. Focus buddy, focus. :nono::nono::nono:Did not criticize any true fans, just the ones who only want to rant. GO VOLS ... :clapping::clapping::clapping:
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Per the True Fan Police--a true fan is one who sits on his/her hands no matter what is going on and accepts whatever garbage happens on the field--be it poor effort or poor coaching. A true fan never says anything negative about any aspect of the program. A true fan believes that there are no losses, there are wins and moral victories--even if that moral victory comes with a 34-3 tail whipping. True fans must continue to just "wait till next year" for improvement, no matter how many next years that is. True fans must attend every game, stand the entire time, and not leave until the clock reaches 0:00 and the Tenn Waltz is performed. Failure to comply with these standards will result in you labeled as a "nega-Vol" and many of the True Fan Police pointing this out to you and threatening to add you to their ignore lists...which they never seem to actually do.
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Per the True Fan Police--a true fan is one who sits on his/her hands no matter what is going on and accepts whatever garbage happens on the field--be it poor effort or poor coaching. A true fan never says anything negative about any aspect of the program. A true fan believes that there are no losses, there are wins and moral victories--even if that moral victory comes with a 34-3 tail whipping. True fans must continue to just "wait till next year" for improvement, no matter how many next years that is. True fans must attend every game, stand the entire time, and not leave until the clock reaches 0:00 and the Tenn Waltz is performed. Failure to comply with these standards will result in you labeled as a "nega-Vol" and many of the True Fan Police pointing this out to you and threatening to add you to their ignore lists...which they never seem to actually do.

:banghead2::banghead2::banghead2:Well I guess that is 1 opinion, however not mine. Why are you so defensive?
I don't "sit on my hands no matter whats going on" - I am encouraged when I see progress and am disappointed when I don't. I definetly don't like "morale victories" - I want to win. Never was much of a dancer so as for as the Waltz ????????.......I really don't want to wait till next year - but I am smart enough to know with what CBJ had to work with coming in 2 years ago we are beyond a shadow of a doubt making big steps to get us back where we should be. No thanks to Dooley and Kiffin.

To dump on a team that is playing over 20 guys that were Seniors in high school last year lining up against the elite of the elite (known as the SEC ) and expecting them to win,win,win IMHO is only a pipe dream. We can want and wish all we want to (or in some cases rant) but the reality is that ain't gonna happen. We will be back, and soon and I will continue to be a true fan.

And if you feel compelled to put me on your "ignore" list, please do. Something tells me you have done that with a lot of others that don't agree with your every word. :clapping:GO VOLS !!!:clapping::salute::salute::salute:
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Instead of criticizing our fans you would think that you would be appreciative of the fact that this program has so many knowledgeable and critical fans. I am thankful that our fanbase does not accept mediocrity. (Speaking of Vandy fans.)

Yes, because the *****ing and complaining of those that don't accept mediocrity (which ultimately led to Fulmer's departure) has really helped us. Though I don't like being a bad football team, I realize football goes in cycles. Never in Fulmer's tenure did it last this long though.
Per the True Fan Police--a true fan is one who sits on his/her hands no matter what is going on and accepts whatever garbage happens on the field--be it poor effort or poor coaching. A true fan never says anything negative about any aspect of the program. A true fan believes that there are no losses, there are wins and moral victories--even if that moral victory comes with a 34-3 tail whipping. True fans must continue to just "wait till next year" for improvement, no matter how many next years that is. True fans must attend every game, stand the entire time, and not leave until the clock reaches 0:00 and the Tenn Waltz is performed. Failure to comply with these standards will result in you labeled as a "nega-Vol" and many of the True Fan Police pointing this out to you and threatening to add you to their ignore lists...which they never seem to actually do.

So when you're "not accepting garbage" what are you proactively doing? :huh: Does it rhyme with SNITCH ON A PRESSAGE LORD AND GO TO WEEP ?
1st thread guys so don't throw too many rocks! This fan base of ours is unreal. Having the checkerboard stadium idea actually happen within a matter of days is crazy and looks awesome! The energy and excitement is back in this program and after a long time of heartache the sleeping giant is back awake! So many former players, coaches, alumni, and many more are back involved and in support of this school and staff. CBJ and staff deserves all the credit they get and they have worked their tails off to get us to this point. I get cold chills talking about our Vols again! So my brothers and sisters sit back and enjoy the ride bc we lucked up with this staff and things are finally turning around! Thanks to all you fans for being the best fan base in America and I'm proud to be apart of it! GO VOLS!!!


OMG ............. Some of you people are unbelievable. You claim to be a fan and then you take a cheap shot at a real one. You clearly have issues. you are delusional and have no sense of reality. Hmmmmmmmm, did you graduate from FSU ?

:clapping::clapping:GO VOLS:clapping::clapping::rock:
OMG ............. Some of you people are unbelievable. You claim to be a fan and then you take a cheap shot at a real one. You clearly have issues. you are delusional and have no sense of reality. Hmmmmmmmm, did you graduate from FSU ?

:clapping::clapping:GO VOLS:clapping::clapping::rock:

really, you got that from his post?
really, you got that from his post?

Did you even read Nickoli's original post?
Originally Posted by Nickoli View Post
1st thread guys so don't throw too many rocks! This fan base of ours is unreal. Having the checkerboard stadium idea actually happen within a matter of days is crazy and looks awesome! The energy and excitement is back in this program and after a long time of heartache the sleeping giant is back awake! So many former players, coaches, alumni, and many more are back involved and in support of this school and staff. CBJ and staff deserves all the credit they get and they have worked their tails off to get us to this point. I get cold chills talking about our Vols again! So my brothers and sisters sit back and enjoy the ride bc we lucked up with this staff and things are finally turning around! Thanks to all you fans for being the best fan base in America and I'm proud to be apart of it! GO VOLS!!!

And he (paulsline) throws rocks at him???? Yeah I thought that was a pretty cheap shot. I'm surprised you would even attempt to defend him. Some of you need to take lessons on what a fan is.:banghead2::banghead2:

:clapping::clapping:GO VOLS:clapping::clapping::rock:
Judging by your posts/LIKES ratio I would say you are clearly not as funny and smart as you think you are. What a sorry life you must lead if your negativity is as prevalent as it is in your posts.

I am as smart and funny as I think. Likes are a relatively new addition to Volnation.


I am also really really ridiculously good looking.

You can shove your sorries in a sack.
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