Vols APR Rate Is More Serious Than Most Think

Maybe the UT professors are just not as willing to doctor the grades of athletes as other SEC schools.

It is amazing how the spoon-fed Knoxville media play into the hands of the Tennessee Vol propaganda machine and depict an ugly academic situation as a ray of sunshine.

This media funny-business doesn’t just involve Tennessee; it goes on throughout big-time college football. But today I’m strictly addressing the Tennessee scene.

The Vol fan base learned two weeks ago that Tennessee’s academic progress rate (APR) is the lowest in the SEC, raising the chances of a possible bowl ban in 2014.

But don’t worry, said UT and the media, the pitiful classroom performance occurred before athletics director Dave Hart and head football coach Butch Jones came on board.

In all fairness, Tennessee’s failing APR of 926 (the passing grade in 2014 will be 930) was not its fault. Blame it on Phil Fulmer, Lane Kiffin, Derek Dooley and Mike Hamilton.

So you’ll know: A 926 APR equates to graduating fewer than half of the team’s players.

And any university that graduates that few students is a disgrace. Tennessee fits the “football factory” label nicely.

While there are some Tennessee football players who want a degree, the latest APR shows clearly that most don’t care one whit about getting an education. Most are there because they believe Tennessee is a pathway to the riches of the NFL.

The party line fed to the public two weeks ago is that Central Michigan and Cincinnati, on Jones’ watch, improved their academic performance and Tennessee’s APR failure will be corrected before this time a year from now. That remains to be seen.

Not only have the Vols suffered three straight losing seasons for the first time in school history, as a group they don’t seem capable of spelling “UT.”

The only way to correct Tennessee’s disgraceful academic problem is to stop recruiting players who aren’t prepared to do college-level classroom work and stop signing players whose main goal is to reach the NFL.

I did not know Susan Martin was on vol nation.
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OK, I'll play Bob

Not only have the Vols suffered three straight losing seasons for the first time in school history, as a group they don’t seem capable of spelling “UT.”

are only people with a college degree intelligent in your world? Lots of people who help make this country work are without one and you take a shot at all of them. In fact, I would guess you have a degree Bob and would prefer to read their opinions over yours.

The only way to correct Tennessee’s disgraceful academic problem is to stop recruiting players who aren’t prepared to do college-level classroom work and stop signing players whose main goal is to reach the NFL.

so you can promise no articles about the program losing as long as players are graduating on a consistent basis? None asking for the coach's head if he signs students with 5's on their AP tests instead of on rivals? Gonna be a tough sell to your editor for a TN sportswriter
There is no moral high ground in preventing someone who is not college material from making the most of his God given talents. It is really none of our business whether these guys can spell c-a-t. They deserve a shot at the pros if they have the talent and nothing is gained by putting some artificial conditions on their doing what they are good at.

We wouldn't put up with a system where people training to be lawyers, engineers or surgeons are forced to run a 5 minute mile or bench press 500lbs before they can practice their professions because that would be ridiculous. Putting academic requirements on athletes is every bit as ridiculous.

You can't set up a system where athletes have to filter through college to make it to the pros and then think you have done anything other than take away opportunities and violate the rights of people who are already at a disadvantage in life's lottery by not being all that smart. Why you would want to see them running the street in gangs or working as janitors when they could be professional athletes is beyond me.

Do you really know what you just sent out? "Putting academic requirements on athletes is every bit as ridiculous."

These athletes are being given opportunities you and I don't get. The people who work there ass off (surgeons, engineers, lawyers) in school deserve their success in life.

Athletes who do nothing academically are rewarded with free college education, doors to businesses open up just because they played football, misdemeanors and sometimes felonies are overlooked, what a priviledge these people get.

I'm all for the NCAA to allow only real student athletes to participate and get free education etc.

If this was enforced maybe some of these athletes would begin to apply themselves in High School academics instead of joining gangs and killing, robbing, etc.

But you know what even if they didn't apply themselves I would be fine with them being trash their whole life.

Your type of thinking is why we are where we are today. A socialist in the WhiteHouse!!!
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Do you really know what you just sent out? "Putting academic requirements on athletes is every bit as ridiculous."

These athletes are being given opportunities you and I don't get. The people who work there ass off (surgeons, engineers, lawyers) in school deserve their success in life.

Athletes who do nothing academically are rewarded with free college education, doors to businesses open up just because they played football, misdemeanors and sometimes felonies are overlooked, what a priviledge these people get.

I'm all for the NCAA to allow only real student athletes to participate and get free education etc.

If this was enforced maybe some of these athletes would begin to apply themselves in High School academics instead of joining gangs and killing, robbing, etc.

But you know what even if they didn't apply themselves I would be fine with them being trash their whole life.

Your type of thinking is why we are where we are today. A socialist in the WhiteHouse!!!

Football players have been idiots as long as I can remember. I would love if the standards went up instead of down. That's why were second rate at almost everything in this country.
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These athletes are being given opportunities you and I don't get. The people who work there ass off (surgeons, engineers, lawyers) in school deserve their success in life.

you had every opportunity to get to the same level but could not. Just because they excel in a different part of life doesn't mean their value is lower

I'm all for the NCAA to allow only real student athletes to participate and get free education etc.

great, then you think there should be a minor leagues similar to baseball? Still think we'll fill Neyland?
Please enlighten me as to why academics is being talked about like it means something in College Football?

Every football program in America is a joke when it comes to academics! APR what a farce!!

Do you look at some of the degrees that are available? Some of these degrees are an absolute joke. And this is at EVERY football factory in America. This coming year get your head out of the sand and listen to some of the degrees these athletes are majoring in. Tell me if you know anyone that is not an athlete majoring in these!!!

WAKE UP!!!!!!!
you had every opportunity to get to the same level but could not. Just because they excel in a different part of life doesn't mean their value is lower

great, then you think there should be a minor leagues similar to baseball? Still think we'll fill Neyland?

I don't care if there is a minor league for non students!!! And yes Neyland would fill up all the way to the top.

Because remember I'm talking about all Universities playing with real students. Therefore we would have a level playing field. NEYLAND would FILL UP!!!
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you had every opportunity to get to the same level but could not. Just because they excel in a different part of life doesn't mean their value is lower

Excelling in athletics has virtually no significant impact on anything important to life.

Do you know that if all the felons, criminals, and low lifes in the NFL were band from playing, that every Sunday the stadiums would be full and the TV audiences would be massive.

As a matter of fact I believe MORE people would be watching.
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Excelling in athletics has virtually no significant impact on anything important to life.

except they are paid more than you. Must be of some importance right?

Do you know that if all the felons, criminals, and low lifes in the NFL were band from playing, that every Sunday the stadiums would be full and the TV audiences would be massive.

As a matter of fact I believe MORE people would be watching.

I assume you mean 'banned' (since you're big on education) and if you think people would pay the same for a lesser product then you are nuts.
A lot of these kids come from lower income areas and football is their hope for a better life. .

What does a lower income have to do with someone being a student?

Please tell me.

Just because you are poor doesn't mean you can not get an education.

1st grade through 12th grade has nothing to do with income level. And so if you apply yourself and are a good athlete not only will you go to college it will be FREE!!!
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1st grade through 12th grade has nothing to do with income level. And so if you apply yourself and are a good athlete not only will you go to college it will be FREE!!!

Do you honestly believe that? It has to do a lot with location, which is based on income.
except they are paid more than you. Must be of some importance right?

I could care less about them being paid more than me. So what, that has to do with supply and demand and our once FREE MARKET. I do not hold a grudge against someone making more than me. Great!!! The amount of money a particular job makes doesn't indicate the significance it has on life. Please!!!

I assume you mean 'banned' (since you're big on education) and if you think people would pay the same for a lesser product then you are nuts.
I apologize for the error you are correct "banned" is what I should have put in there. But I am fed up with this Socialist way of thinking that is spreading like a cancer through America. It's needs to stop or we will be like "The Hunger Games".
Do you honestly believe that? It has to do a lot with location, which is based on income.

SAY WHAT? Location, there is an elementary school, high school, and college near everyone in a AMERICA!!!

Now if you want to debate the level of competencies of the teachers that is a different story.

It is about time people like you need to get your head out of the sand, wake up and smell the coffee, it's time we made everyone responsible for their actions. We should demand and expect that every school has competent teachers and learning environment. And YES it can be done!!!
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I apologize for the error you are correct "banned" is what I should have put in there. But I am fed up with this Socialist way of thinking that is spreading like a cancer through America. It's needs to stop or we will be like "The Hunger Games".

oh good grief, this has zero to do with socialism. Even if it did (but it still doesn't) it would be the wrong forum
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oh good grief, this has zero to do with socialism. Even if it did (but it still doesn't) it would be the wrong forum

Sorry I have to respond to this one.

Socialism is about an Elite group and all the rest of us are EQUAL. Equal meaning that we all have the same house, same car, same food. And the Elites tell us what we job we need to perform for them. So if you are a great athlete you will be given free priviledges because of your entertainment value. You "utvolpj" might have to dig ditches because you can't run a 4.2 40 yard dash.

Yes this is Socialism, it is the "dumbing down of America" which is what is needed for Socialism/Communism to take over!!!
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Sorry I have to respond to this one.

Socialism is about an Elite group and all the rest of us are EQUAL. Equal meaning that we all have the same house, same car, same food. And the Elites tell us what we job we need to perform for them. So if you are a great athlete you will be given free priviledges because of your entertainment value. You "utvolpj" might have to dig ditches because you can't run a 4.2 40 yard dash.

Yes this is Socialism, it is the "dumbing down of America" which is what is needed for Socialism/Communism to take over!!!

it's the "dumbing down of America" alright

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