Vols Looked Great-Amazing How That Scatters The Negative

Don't forget Bama. That game tends to be tough regardless of how much better one team may be than the other.

...and don't forget SC. We should win that one, but it is on the road and Spurrier has already shown that he can win big games at SC.

As competitive as the SEC is, there could be some pretty good teams with 3 losses.
i think fulmer is a great coach i mean look at what he has done for this program, I dont think anyone loves this team as much as him 33 years in the system people, which im sre all of you know, but im all for fulmer even after last year......
What Fulmerites are tired of, is NegaVols bashing our team and our coach all offseason without basis. Changes were made, things were being addressed, and NegaVols would give NO CREDIT to Fulmer for the changes.

Now that we have seen tangible PROOF of those changes and their results, some people want to see what excuses the NegaVols come up with.

Nothing Hypocritical about it. Unless you are talking about some of the NegaVol responses now that they have been proven wrong, and now that it's apparent that they aren't getting rid of Phil anytime soon.
does anyone know where their is a site where they rank conf. and where does the sec stand, although i believe we are the toughest conf.
Here's an idea: mods could tempban anyone who used the words NegaVol or Fulmerite. Both are incredibly ridiculous and take us 3 steps back.
i think fulmer is a great coach i mean look at what he has done for this program, I dont think anyone loves this team as much as him 33 years in the system people, which im sre all of you know, but im all for fulmer even after last year......

Randy Sanders was here forever, too. He loved UT. Unfortunately, people were really bad to him. He wasn't a really good coach, and probably needed to go, but I wish he hadn't left under such bad circumstances. I'm glad Fulmer hasn't received that level of hatred, because no coach deserves that.
Here's an idea: mods could tempban anyone who used the words NegaVol or Fulmerite. Both are incredibly ridiculous and take us 3 steps back.

That'd be hard to do since Freak himself has OK'd the use of them.

Again, I don't see anyone going.... "Hey VolinArizona, you are such a NegaVol".

There isn't anything wrong with the terms if you ask me.

Hell, look under my Avatar. I've embraced being a Fulmerite. Call me one all you want.
That'd be hard to do since Freak himself has OK'd the use of them.

Again, I don't see anyone going.... "Hey VolinArizona, you are such a NegaVol".

There isn't anything wrong with the terms if you ask me.

Hell, look under my Avatar. I've embraced being a Fulmerite. Call me one all you want.

I don't want to call anyone either of those names. It's judgmental, childish, and a little annoying, to be honest. Why can't we enjoy 1 FREAKING week without this kind of crap?
Randy Sanders was here forever, too. He loved UT. Unfortunately, people were really bad to him. He wasn't a really good coach, and probably needed to go, but I wish he hadn't left under such bad circumstances. I'm glad Fulmer hasn't received that level of hatred, because no coach deserves that.
def. kpt, but sanders could not get this offense going, something needed to be done their although happened in bad way, but now we got the cut back so im happy, but under sanders as off. cord are offense was headed no where
Because they allowed the continual bashing of Fulmer for three months, un moderated.

If they go back now and silence those that are celebrating a big victory....well, I know they aren't like that here, and that's what makes this a great place.
That'd be hard to do since Freak himself has OK'd the use of them.

Again, I don't see anyone going.... "Hey VolinArizona, you are such a NegaVol".

There isn't anything wrong with the terms if you ask me.

Hell, look under my Avatar. I've embraced being a Fulmerite. Call me one all you want.

The problem is the difference between Fulmerite and Negavol. A Fulmerite merely implies that you are a firm supporter of Phil. Negavol seems to imply that you are some sort of Vol-hater. Thus, the two are not necessarily opposites. There are plenty of proVol, anti-Fulmer fans out there.
Because they allowed the continual bashing of Fulmer for three months, un moderated.

If they go back now and silence those that are celebrating a big victory....well, I know they aren't like that here, and that's what makes this a great place.

The mods took a pretty strong stance against bashing Fulmer as a person. However, saying he's not living up to his salary was not BASHING. It was critical, and sometimes very critical, but criticism is not bashing. I have faith that you know this.
I assumed by this you meant that you would like to hear less from Negavols.

If I had a magic wand, I'd make them all disapear, but the fact is, If I am going to ask for and receive my chance to say what I want in support of the Vols and Fulmer, I have to be big enough to allow those with other opinions to make thiers known too.

It's part of being American and basically a member of the human race.

I don't think my dog and the neighbor's cat are calling themselves Fulmerites or NegaVols. It's something comical that in my opinion makes our posting LESS personal, and more lighthearted.

I'd rather be called a Fulmerite than "a blind loyalist that can't see beyond his own love for the program to see there are problems".....even if that's what a NegaVol thinks the deffinition of a Fulmerite is, and I'd rather make refference to a NegaVol than to come right out and say someone is not a fan of Tennessee at all.

That's how I see this whole Fulmerite/NegaVol thing, and why I think Freak has let it go on. It's something that is less personal.
what is this fulmerite negavol crap im already annoyed by it and ive only been member for a month, i dont like hearing bad things about my vols and ive heard them quite a bit, i just moved to ohio a few months ago so im surr. by big ten fans and when i talk college football i get all kinds of crap, oh last year this vandy that, but I LOVE IT I LOVE DEBATES, and i knew that this year would make up for it I HAVE THIS FEELING like its 98 or something god how i miss my beloved TENNESSEE, these people here think were nothing but rednecks lol but hell its ok
If I had a magic wand, I'd make them all disapear, but the fact is, If I am going to ask for and receive my chance to say what I want in support of the Vols and Fulmer, I have to be big enough to allow those with other opinions to make thiers known too.

It's part of being American and basically a member of the human race.

I don't think my dog and the neighbor's cat are calling themselves Fulmerites or NegaVols. It's something comical that in my opinion makes our posting LESS personal, and more lighthearted.

I'd rather be called a Fulmerite than "a blind loyalist that can't see beyond his own love for the program to see there are problems".....even if that's what a NegaVol thinks the deffinition of a Fulmerite is, and I'd rather make refference to a NegaVol than to come right out and say someone is not a fan of Tennessee at all.

That's how I see this whole Fulmerite/NegaVol thing, and why I think Freak has let it go on. It's something that is less personal.

You say all this, but you have implied several times that Negavols are not true fans.
No, that's how YOU took my posts about NegaVols.

There is someone here that I think and have said isn't a true Tennessee fan, but I do not think that "NegaVols" in general are not true fans, they are just fans that are Negative in nature.
Because they allowed the continual bashing of Fulmer for three months, un moderated.

If they go back now and silence those that are celebrating a big victory....well, I know they aren't like that here, and that's what makes this a great place.

O2 lets get this straight. We didn't "allow" unmoderated bashing of Fulmer. We allowed some deserved criticism of our program. We limited personal shots at coaches and players to the best of our ability. We even made a huge Fulmer thread to try and keep it out of every other thread as much as possible.

Just so you are clear, we try to allow any discussion on the Vols. What we try to avoid is personal shots at each other. Yes, that's near impossible, but that's what we try to do.

We are all happy with the win. Many of the "negavols" have admitted that this game went better than they expected. I thought we would win and it was even better than I expected.

I'm just not sure what else you want from anyone?
put all the neg aside these are some things a cal. paper wrote, this is nothing to be neg about........."I don't think that was it," Cal coach Jeff Tedford said. "Our guys came into the game emotionally ready ... but we got beat by a better football team that executed better than we did today."
"My performance was good, but I'll come back next week and have a better one," Lynch said. "They were really fast (on defense). The biggest disappointment was that we didn't come out with a win. That happens in the game of football. You do have setbacks."
There was very little Cal could do against a Tennessee team that is as underrated as the Bears were overrated in terms of expectations. ESPN's Lee Corso picked them to play in the BCS title game, and they were ranked sixth to ninth in most preseason polls.
I don't WANT anything except for the people that posted the negative things for six months to quit whining about posts like OldVols to start this thread. I think OldVol and other are owed posts like this, and I think you all as a staff are allowing it, and I thank you for it.

I have no problem.
hey man the nega vols give people what they want..........ARGUEMENT AND DEBATE.....i dont like em personally but i love the debate.....so keep em coming, bc all we will do is keep cont. to prove em WRONG and show this is THE TENNESSEE team that EVERY team should fear

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