Vols Looked Great-Amazing How That Scatters The Negative

I don't WANT anything except for the people that posted the negative things for six months to quit whining about posts like OldVols to start this thread. I think OldVol and other are owed posts like this, and I think you all as a staff are allowing it, and I thank you for it.

I have no problem.
OldVol is a great poster and has had some great insight since he has been a member here. The negativity bothers me sometimes too but that's what makes it a discussion board. If we all agreed on everything, we wouldn't have anything to talk about. :lol:
I don't WANT anything except for the people that posted the negative things for six months to quit whining about posts like OldVols to start this thread. I think OldVol and other are owed posts like this, and I think you all as a staff are allowing it, and I thank you for it.

I have no problem.

The problem is that you are perpetuating the division. A thread like this has someone just waiting for the first UT loss. Unfortunately, I don't think UT will go undefeated this year. As soon as that first loss rolls around, you can bet that someone is going to start a thread in retaliation to this one. You will angrily post on it. There will be a long, drawn-out argument that accomplishes nothing. There will aslo be some discussion about the validity of lame classifications such as Negavol and Fulmerite. Then, after the next UT victory, expect another thread in retaliation to the retaliation. It is inescapable now. This thread is the Volnation equivalent of Pearl Harbor or Fort Sumter.
I didn't start it, and If I look back correctly, you were the first to post in retaliation to OldVol's comments.

Was it you throwing around that hypocrit label earlier kpt?
The problem is that you are perpetuating the division. A thread like this has someone just waiting for the first UT loss. Unfortunately, I don't think UT will go undefeated this year. As soon as that first loss rolls around, you can bet that someone is going to start a thread in retaliation to this one. You will angrily post on it. There will be a long, drawn-out argument that accomplishes nothing. There will aslo be some discussion about the validity of lame classifications such as Negavol and Fulmerite. Then, after the next UT victory, expect another thread in retaliation to the retaliation. It is inescapable now. This thread is the Volnation equivalent of Pearl Harbor or Fort Sumter.
Are you insinuating that some of us are just sitting back right now, having a Patron, with a sly little grin on our face, and taking names?
kpt too much thought in this, i mean comeone hes right if it wasnt for the negative people say then us people who really love and support the vols wouldnt have no one to argue with now would we, thats why its a message board
I didn't start it, and If I look back correctly, you were the first to post in retaliation to OldVol's comments.

Was it you throwing around that hypocrit label earlier kpt?

When asked to respond, I see nothing wrong with responding. How does that make me the instigator? I also don't see how you managed to think that would be hypocritical. I am getting used to reading this type of logic, however.
OldVol is a great poster and has had some great insight since he has been a member here. The negativity bothers me sometimes too but that's what makes it a discussion board. If we all agreed on everything, we wouldn't have anything to talk about. :lol:


I hope all is well with you and yours.

Wasn't Saturday a great day to be a Volunteer?

I really can't speak to what's happened on here for the past few months. It sounds like the same old, same old from the back and forth in this thread.

As I've told you before, I have no problem with negative comments that are part and parcel of civil discourse. There are some here who do seem to think it is their lot, and privilege in life to be arrogant and uncivil in their responses.

There are many ways of being uncivil without making personal attacks.

I was raised to respect others, treat them with kindness and consideration. I know that seems to be a lost art in living today, but I'm still kind of partial to it.

When friendly disagreement is the spirit of the conversation it fosters participation.

Best Regards and ...

If you were a gambling man, you would not be posting this, because you would have to sell your computer, along with your house and car to pay off your debt.

Its alot different picking a team to win than picking a team to beat the spread. Given that the Vols are the winniest team in the SEC over the past 10 seasons, I would say picking them to win every time would not cost you your house. However, if you expected them to beat the spread each time.... well you wouldn't be reading this because you would not have access to a computer.
I for one will step up and admit that I had the Vols losing to Cal by 14 points..... Not because I bought the hype that Cal was a contender but because I felt that our offense still was going to be a problem.

It was a really good game and the Vols wore them out. I want to remind everyone that there are still a number of tough games... GA. Fla. & LSU to name a few.

I think that the Offense may have gained some badly needed confidence and the defense was just plain awesome.

It is a long season and the Vols had a good opener. I hope that they keep it up.
I want to remind everyone that there are still a number of tough games... GA. Fla. & LSU to name a few.

Thanks for reminding us, we were going to forget the season is 12 games long and that we haven't played Florida or Georgia yet!

Whew! I thought the season was over already!
amen kp, there was a lot to be critical about. and hey, it has only been one game. I love my son unconditionally but when he grows older and does the kinds of things that go against my expectations and what I have taught him, he is going to hear about it. back to the vols, they were crisp, especially for an opener,and full of piss and vinegar; which is all a lot of us have ever asked for. and yes I have been called negative on this board. that being said, keep it up vols!!!!!!

So...you are going to raise the vols the same way you would raise your kids??
Thanks for reminding us, we were going to forget the season is 12 games long and that we haven't played Florida or Georgia yet!

Whew! I thought the season was over already!

Dude..... Chill out. I dont post on this board to get smart mouth comments from someone who missed the whole point of my post.

Dude..... Chill out. I dont post on this board to get smart mouth comments from someone who missed the whole point of my post.


I'm not in need of chilling out. I'm completely calm. And I realllllllly don't think I missed the point of your post. You could probably learn how to take a little ribbing now and then.

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