Vote for Smokey!!!! Capital One Mascot of the Year

if i do the cell phone trick by copying the text and making one massive message. It doesn't go through. This is with the Droid X at least.
Guys, finally got a response to my multiple emails complaining about being cut off from voting (after having a friend in the media call the press only number).

The email reads as follows:

"Thank you, Richard, for your persistence, your votes matter! We appreciate you participation and interest in this year's Capital One Mascot Challenge. In order to keep a level playing field, we have made a few adjustments. Text voting is now restricted to an hourly maximum of 250 votes per hour. Once you reach the maximum, you will receive a notice message and will be unable to vote for the next 12 hours. But don't forget that you can still vote online at Capital One National Mascot of the Year. Below is the link to the revised Rules & Regulations. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks and good luck to your mascot!

Official Rules:"

As you can see they changes the rules mid stream. Seems to make it impossible to catch the big vote boys this week or in any other week.
Doubt they like my response email:

I understand your wishing to restrict voting to prevent your system from collapsing again. However, changing the rules mid stream when TOTAL votes matter for the playoff seedings and two schools already have huge vote totals is not only patently unfair but is just WRONG. This taints the entire contest when the playoff seedings are tainted.

However, the game is yours and the rules are therefore yours, even if they are rigged in the middle of a week and therefore the middle of the contest. Why not just announce the winners now! Of course that defeats the advertising purpose I suppose.

Capital One National Mascot of the Year

Click on this link to vote for smokey. Its always fun to vote and I think our mascot is the best. The blue tick hound is a great mascot. I love it when the crowd gets fired up and the dog starts howling in the air. Vote, its fun

plus we are losing to montana :redface: ... wow guys

Capital One National Mascot of the Year

Go Vols lets surprise LSU
Capital One National Mascot of the Year

Click on this link to vote for smokey. Its always fun to vote and I think our mascot is the best. The blue tick hound is a great mascot. I love it when the crowd gets fired up and the dog starts howling in the air. Vote, its fun

plus we are losing to montana :redface: ... wow guys

Capital One National Mascot of the Year

Go Vols lets surprise LSU

Hey, Montana has a cool mascot (Griz). I voted for Idaho.

jk...but those are my two favorite mascots.
There is a group of Old Dominion fans somewhere that care entirely too much about this.

There are also a group of vol fans who don't care enough. Seriously it's one click to support your mascot. It isn't hard. When I voted last week, Smokey was losing to an FCS mascot. I found that truly sad.
yes u can vote as much as you want,and if you have a cell some know how to vote alot at a time

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