Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress

The manufacturers of Rx opiates have billions of little green arguments.

legalizing it isn’t going to mean you can grow it in your backyard and sell it on the street corner. Pharma and Tobacco companies will be the distributors.
legalizing it isn’t going to mean you can grow it in your backyard and sell it on the street corner. Pharma and Tobacco companies will be the distributors.

I can brew my own beer and grow tobacco now. Will I have access to a pot, potting soil, water and sunshine?
I can brew my own beer and grow tobacco now. Will I have access to a pot, potting soil, water and sunshine?

you can’t distill your own whiskey or harvest your own shrooms.

you can’t sell your homebrew either
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Not 100% relevant, but I know some people making 5x more growing canabanoids and selling them the manufacturers of CBD oil than they did selling pot, with half the effort and no risk of incarceration. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Would be interesting to see a study of average street value of marijuana and if it has decreased more and more as it is becoming legal in more places. I would assume in places like Oregon, Colorado, California, etc the criminal street dealers are almost all but extinct.
you can’t distill your own whiskey or harvest your own shrooms.

you can’t sell your homebrew either

I'm all for non-lethal, non-addicting pain relief - I'm also ok with not being able to personally profit. Is that your argument, you would want to sell it - or that even if I could grow my own pot, I still could produce fentanyl or heroin? You seem to be hijacking the thread with unrelated gotchas.
Would be interesting to see a study of average street value of marijuana and if it has decreased more and more as it is becoming legal in more places. I would assume in places like Oregon, Colorado, California, etc the criminal street dealers are almost all but extinct.

60 minutes did a story a few weeks ago about that. In CA the taxes, fees and regulations involved in growing, distributing and selling legal weed has driven up the cost to a point where illegal pot in now cheaper. Legalizing pot and the state trying to profit from it has been a boom to the black market.
I'm all for non-lethal, non-addicting pain relief - I'm also ok with not being able to personally profit. Is that your argument, you would want to sell it - or that even if I could grow my own pot, I still could produce fentanyl or heroin? You seem to be hijacking the thread with unrelated gotchas.

No that would be you. I simply pointed out the fact that the .gov isn't going to legalize pot without regulating it and trying to make money off of it.

Now please argue that I'm wrong.
No that would be you. I simply pointed out the fact that the .gov isn't going to legalize pot without regulating it and trying to make money off of it.

Now please argue that I'm wrong.

Is your argument that that the government will tax marijuana if it's legalized? No kidding, also - water is wet. What does that have to do with the price of paint thinner in the himalayas?
Is your argument that that the government will tax marijuana if it's legalized? No kidding, also - water is wet. What does that have to do with the price of paint thinner in the himalayas?

Yes, the .gov will tax it, they will regulate it and big pharma will profit from it.
Yes, the .gov will tax it, they will regulate it and big pharma will profit from it.

The latter is where we disagree. It's already being regulated and it's not at all on 'big pharma'.

FTR, i don't have a problem with regulation on consumables like medicine or food. I just spent a week in Cartagena Colombia and went to an open air market, trust me when I tell you - you want the FDA, you need the FDA.
The latter is where we disagree. It's already being regulated and it's not at all on 'big pharma'.

FTR, i don't have a problem with regulation on consumables like medicine or food. I just spent a week in Cartagena Colombia and went to an open air market, trust me when I tell you - you want the FDA, you need the FDA.

I know we need the FDA, I spent a year and 1/2 in Korea and almost a year in Panama. My contention is (and I support legalizing all drugs) is the fed .gov will over regulate and feed their donors in the way they legalize it.

I would like to see drugs legalized with no more regulation than distilled spirits.
The Republicans would be smart to tell the Moral Majority to **** off and to not oppose this.

Even if massive taxes aren't raised, the savings in law enforcement and incarceration should be in the billions. Plus it allows people that are in prison to contribute to society and the economy while keeping their families off of government assistance.

It takes cash flow away from the cartels.

They should gain more votes from moderates than what they'd lose from the Far Right moving left.

This should have happened 40 years ago. 8 years of Reagan and Nancy screeching "Just Say No" brainwashed a generation. "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Yes. Aren't you just frying up an egg?
If they do, how many years of watching sales just across the KY border will it take for TN to allow it? Seems like it was at least 5 years of lottery ticket revenue going to GA, Ky, Mississippi...

NC is pretty morally extreme as well. Asheville could be the Amsterdam of the SE.
I grew up just north of Nashville in a dry county in KY. There was (and still is I think) a store right on the state line.. TennTucky.. that sold cigarettes on the north side and beer on the south. I wonder if it is for sale....
The Republicans would be smart to tell the Moral Majority to **** off and to not oppose this.

Even if massive taxes aren't raised, the savings in law enforcement and incarceration should be in the billions. Plus it allows people that are in prison to contribute to society and the economy while keeping their families off of government assistance.

It takes cash flow away from the cartels.

They should gain more votes from moderates than what they'd lose from the Far Right moving left.

This should have happened 40 years ago. 8 years of Reagan and Nancy screeching "Just Say No" brainwashed a generation. "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Yes. Aren't you just frying up an egg?
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I know we need the FDA, I spent a year and 1/2 in Korea and almost a year in Panama. My contention is (and I support legalizing all drugs) is the fed .gov will over regulate and feed their donors in the way they legalize it.

I would like to see drugs legalized with no more regulation than distilled spirits.
Some drugs. not all.
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60 minutes did a story a few weeks ago about that. In CA the taxes, fees and regulations involved in growing, distributing and selling legal weed has driven up the cost to a point where illegal pot in now cheaper. Legalizing pot and the state trying to profit from it has been a boom to the black market.
All those that are surprised, please raise your hand....
All this will do is change a sobriety check from peeing in a cup to a blood test. Test labs will be the next big investment.
Darwin’s law never had a heroine junky with nothing to lose needing money for a fix.

I am all for freedom but junkies can be downright dangerous for the average citizen.

Junkies are around now and will be around if legalized, I doubt the number would change much. I would like to see Narcan made illegal.
Get rid of the FDA and the controlled substances act since neither has any constitutional basis. At least alcohol prohibition was constitutionally implemented through the amendment process.
The Republicans would be smart to tell the Moral Majority to **** off and to not oppose this.

Even if massive taxes aren't raised, the savings in law enforcement and incarceration should be in the billions. Plus it allows people that are in prison to contribute to society and the economy while keeping their families off of government assistance.

It takes cash flow away from the cartels.

They should gain more votes from moderates than what they'd lose from the Far Right moving left.

This should have happened 40 years ago. 8 years of Reagan and Nancy screeching "Just Say No" brainwashed a generation. "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Yes. Aren't you just frying up an egg?

It's insane this hasn't happened already. It's almost a unifying issue across party lines at this point. Like I said, I don't and will not partake, but there is no reason pot shouldn't be decriminalized. If there ever was proof that lobbyists run this country and not the people this would be it.

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