Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress

Ok, people who claim to be modern conservatives. But the war on drugs has been a favorite of the right for decades

Be honest, it's been a favorite on both sides.

A lot of people claiming to be conservatives don't understand what the word actually means.
Be honest, it's been a favorite on both sides.

A lot of people claiming to be conservatives don't understand what the word actually means.
I mean the left “front runner” just said two days ago weed is a gateway drug. I’m a daily smoker and these days I tend to lean more right. I got friends on both sides that smoke. I think the majority of people are cool with weed, it’s just the politicians that have to get on board.
Ok, people who claim to be modern conservatives. But the war on drugs has been a favorite of the right for decades
I think if you do heroin, yand you OD... too bad, so sad. I agree with hog on this. But that will never happen.
I'm not buying this. I am not a pothead. I can't smoke because of my job. But I think it should be legal as well. Watch COPS sometime and count how much of their time is spent in piddly arrests for having a bag full of weed. Wouldn't their time... and the subsequent incarceration system's time... and then court time... DA time.. PD time... be better spent dealing with violent offenders? Prosecuting weed just seems to be a waste of time and money to me.

I disagree with Hog in that I think meth should be illegal.. heroin should remain illegal, because we don't have the intestinal fortitude to let dumbasses that do that **** die in the streets.

I don’t view the war on drugs, traffic laws, shoplifting, etc as a battle that will ever be won nor do I believe that enforcing them somehow undermines the ability to prevent violent crime.
I don’t view the war on drugs, traffic laws, shoplifting, etc as a battle that will ever be won nor do I believe that enforcing them somehow undermines the ability to prevent violent crime.
Agreed. It is just a colossal waste of time and resources.
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I don’t view the war on drugs, traffic laws, shoplifting, etc as a battle that will ever be won nor do I believe that enforcing them somehow undermines the ability to prevent violent crime.
Lets legalize it and watch more people's lives be destroyed.
I mean the left “front runner” just said two days ago weed is a gateway drug. I’m a daily smoker and these days I tend to lean more right. I got friends on both sides that smoke. I think the majority of people are cool with weed, it’s just the politicians that have to get on board.
Do you problems remember orders at McDonalds or are a good functioning druggie
I honestly don’t care either way I just find the argument by potheads etc to be dumb. “It’s just a plant”, “xxxxx is worse”....the usual. I’d have more respect for the proponents to just say they like to get high.

I get high and jump out of the Bell Tower at Hogwarts.

The problems with marijuana are

1) there is no way to "test" for Marijuana like you can with other drugs, because you may have it in your system for a long time depending on how you used it, thus DUI issues from using it are hard to enforce (and yes drivers high on weed can be dangerous just like any other impairment)
2) the real issue is legal or not, it will affect the way drug testing is done for several professions and people who regularly use marijuana will be kept from even more jobs, as health/liability insurances would adjust to make sure people don't smoke weed and work
3) marijuana, especially smoking it is still a health risk much like regular cigarettes or vaping, yes not as bad as the former but causes cancer and yes CAN be a gateway drug for some with addiction into other drugs...did you know that roughly 80-85% of hardcore opioid, heroin and meth users also still use marijuana? there is a reason for that. Yes there are legitimate health reasons to use THC, much like there are legitimate issues to use doses of morphine, but it doesnt mean recreational use for everyone is 100% harmless.
4) marijuana also has severe side effects for some with mental illness, that the FDA will never be ok with; it is a drug that affects everyone differently
5) making it legal does NOT reduce the crime/illegal market of it, gangs will simply grow it illegally and sell it cheaper than licensed facilities do, it will be no different than it is now.
The problems with marijuana are

1) there is no way to "test" for Marijuana like you can with other drugs, because you may have it in your system for a long time depending on how you used it, thus DUI issues from using it are hard to enforce (and yes drivers high on weed can be dangerous just like any other impairment)
2) the real issue is legal or not, it will affect the way drug testing is done for several professions and people who regularly use marijuana will be kept from even more jobs, as health/liability insurances would adjust to make sure people don't smoke weed and work
3) marijuana, especially smoking it is still a health risk much like regular cigarettes or vaping, yes not as bad as the former but causes cancer and yes CAN be a gateway drug for some with addiction into other drugs...did you know that roughly 80-85% of hardcore opioid, heroin and meth users also still use marijuana? there is a reason for that. Yes there are legitimate health reasons to use THC, much like there are legitimate issues to use doses of morphine, but it doesnt mean recreational use for everyone is 100% harmless.
4) marijuana also has severe side effects for some with mental illness, that the FDA will never be ok with; it is a drug that affects everyone differently
5) making it legal does NOT reduce the crime/illegal market of it, gangs will simply grow it illegally and sell it cheaper than licensed facilities do, it will be no different than it is now.

1) There should be no laws against driving intoxicated, only severe penalties for crashing intoxicated
2) I don't see this one, professions currently required to be drug tested will remain that way and companies will continue to follow the lead of their insurers on drug testing
3) I don't care (and you shouldn't either) what an adult puts into their body
4) I'm sure alcohol does too
5) Very true IF the .gov goes stupid on the taxes and regulation
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