Want to continue sucking? Then don't hire Bruce back

Coach K could win here.

Pat Riley could win here.

A Pearl rehire is an absolute no-brainer that should happen. Dave Hart will screw it up though, mark it down.

I would like to see Hart persue Pearl 1st before I woul say he will screw it up. I would LOVE for Pearl to be rehired! But I think that Harts boss won't even allow the conversation to get off the ground.

Unless the comments from Tony Jones was correct and there has already been contact made.
You didn't answer the question. You seem to be really mad that we lost against UK...which is funny you're wanting to bring a guy back who was no better against UK than Jerry Green was.

Jerry green was a better basketball coach than cuonzo Martin also. 4 tournament appearances in 4 years. People want pearl back for two reason: one the guy had a magnetic personality and made Tennessee basketball fun and exciting, and two he won enough games to make the tournament every year, and took the program to heights that it had never seen before. I would love for pearl to be hired back but unfortunately I doubt it will happen. I'd say there is a good chance he is on the sidelines winning games for another school next season, while we watch cuonzo direct us to another NIT birth.
The other athletic directors know what Bruce can do for them or to them and you can bet they want what he can bring to a program. Are we going to stand by and let some other school steal a coach who lives and breaths orange and look back like Kentucky did with Bear Bryant and Pat Summitt? Sadness.
dont want Bruce beating you with another SEC team? Easy solution, hire Ben Howland.

Before I sign off on agreeing that we should look at Howland, here's some things I want to know:

Has Howland ever lied about any cookouts or barbecues?

Is he married or divorced?

If divorced, then has he bought any beauty salons for ex?

Can/Will he take shirt off and paint chest?

Would any contracts stipulate partial payment in tacos?

Will he sing Rocky Top all night long?



Sticks of Destiny?

Fairy dust?

What's his shower etiquette like?

Does he know any Germans?

If he breaks his hip will he have a personal stool assistant?

Does he have a helicopter mom?

Speaking of helicopters- will he greet recruits in a helicopter?

How's his hair?

Butt chug?

Is his wife hot?

Own a motorcycle?

Is he 40 or over?

Does he own land in Tennessee?

Was his wife a cheerleader here?

Is he Jon Gruden?

Does he clap his hands and check films?

Can Bob pronounce his name?

Does he lick his fingers?

Are any of these phrases in his repertoire:
"Without a doubt",
"It's like I've been saying",
"It's a process",
"Mental toughness",
"You know",
"Eye discipline",
"Rise to the top",
"Fist up",
"Brick by brick",
"Best staff in the country",
"Check the films",
"Anchor down (if he says this ... do not want!),
"Tennessee tough",
"Controlled chaos"
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I do not think the admin will hire Bruce back even though I think they should. I would also say I do not think that the admin, if Martin is fired at the end of the season will make a good hire period. When it comes to making a hire for Men's basketball I think they just pick a candidate and say here you go in the event of Bruce, I honestly think we as fan's just did get extremely lucky, he brought enthusiasm and fan's back to a program that had been down, so unless they make a hire that their not thinking will do great things here and he does expect status quo unless they give martin another year, which unless he make's a NCAA tourney appearance I do not see.
If I'm an opposing coach recruiting against Pearl, I ask the recruit's parents, "Did you know he asked Craft and his father to lie for him?" What's Bruce gonna do? Deny it? My follow up would be, "Well he did just serve a three year suspension for lying to the NCAA." He threw away his integrity over a freakin' secondary violation he didn't want to admit to. He put himself above the university once, so why everyone is so eager to allow him that chance again is beyond me. What would it take for you Pearl homers to get off his sack? Major sanctions against UT basketball? Hell, even then, some idiot would argue at least he was trying. For the love of God, Pearl is not the answer. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

There are other qualified candidates out there. Let Hart prove he can be an AD. It's what he gets paid so much for. If he can't find a good coach and sell UT to him, then Hart has no business collecting a paycheck.
So you don't mind hiring someone who has told a lie? As long as its not Bruce? Now we know where you are coming from, expected it from bto and some others.

Everyone lies. Fact of life. It's how Bruce spun his lie and the damage it could have done to the UT basketball program. He clearly put his interests above the program. You can't ask your players to be selfless when your own actions are selfish.
Seriously Bruce loves this University and we need him. It's a very simple solution.

Bruce loved UT so much he almost brought the NCAA down on us for being too foolish to admit a secondary violation. That's love. Commit a major violation to cover a secondary violation. UT doesn't need that kind of love.
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Bruce loved UT so much he almost brought the NCAA down on us for being too foolish to admit a secondary violation. That's love. Commit a major violation to cover a secondary violation. UT doesn't need that kind of love.

dude okay...we got it
Matt Jones at Kentucky Sports Radio said Bruce will be in the SEC next year at UGA or Alabama. This also goes along with Ainge, who said Georgia is very interested in Bruce. Take it FWIW.

Chances are Ainge's source is Matt Jones. And Matt Jones' source is Matt Jones, because he is giving 100% opinion.

It's becoming quite apparent how this place believed 100% Jon Gruden was going to be UT's coach.
But is UT willing to pay Howland? They like to go cheap

If they're going cheap, then why would anyone assume they bring Pearl back or that he's even an option? Because according to this place, Pearl is going to be in high demand, and that supposedly Alabama and Georgia will be wanting him.
Chances are Ainge's source is Matt Jones. And Matt Jones' source is Matt Jones, because he is giving 100% opinion.

It's becoming quite apparent how this place believed 100% Jon Gruden was going to be UT's coach.

Of course it's opinion. It's January, right in the middle of basketball season.

I'm just passing along what they said. Believe what you want. Nobody knows where or when Pearl may coach again.

Some of the same people who say Pearl will never coach in the SEC again were the same ones insisting Louisville would never hire Petrino again. Just saying.
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I'm just passing along what they said. Believe what you want. Nobody knows where or when Pearl may coach again.

Some of the same people who say Pearl will never coach in the SEC again were the same ones insisting Louisville would never hire Petrino again. Just saying.

The Petrino situation sets an interesting precedent I think.
Of course it's opinion.

I'm just passing along what they said. Believe what you want. Nobody knows where or when Pearl may coach again.

Some of the same people who say Pearl will never coach in the SEC again were the same ones insisting Louisville would never hire Petrino again. Just saying.

And has been pointed out, not even close to the same situations for them leaving their respective schools.

If Arkansas rehired Petrino, then you might have more of a comparison.

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