You think you're looking out for American interests by ignoring world problems and deluding yourself into thinking it won't affect us.And you are wise enough to get to make that decision for all of us? And you're fine with us inevitably taking on payment for a conflict that Europeans themselves keep cowering from?
You likely think you're being strong. Instead, you're acting like Europe's bitch. It makes no sense.
You rest easy with the tyrants here running the show but have restless nights worried about Russia in Europe?When Russia runs roughshod over Europe, we’ll see how advantageously that works out for the US.
You rest easy with the tyrants here running the show but have restless nights worried about Russia in Europe?
At the very least, concern yourselves with the traitors and sellouts that are feeding from the Chinese teet and pushing CCP tactics here on our own soil.
For the pro-meddling crowd I ask, what is so bad about expecting Europe to solve their own problems for once?
Can the whole of Europe not defeat Russia?