But while you werent here the other three Russophiles were running their mouths about how Russia was sparing lives and avoiding damage on purpose. It was all their strategy. Now you came in talking utter destruction and the other three fall in lock step and never question you once because of your pro Russian stances. It was amazing to watch.
Putin has been much kinder than I would be, maybe there is a reason for that. You can say anything about the Russian capability you want, but Kiev is still standing because they have allowed. That doesn't mean they could take it on the ground and hold it. At the end of the day, unless something out of the blue comes up.... it looks like the whole country will eventually be turned into a parking lot. The strategy makes sense since the 90s, the time to take Ukraine to the woodshed was running out. Not sure why any of this is a surprise.
The real war is the economic European war, it doesn't look good for them but we'll see how the winter and the next six months play out.
If the Ukraine and Europe are stupid enough to do the bidding for the United States, well, maybe its time for their genes to be wiped from the available pool. Unless some adults take back over in Europe, it could go on for some time.