War in Ukraine

I don't think the Ukrainians are too fond of all this stuff democrats support here in the U.S.

So if you're a democrat please tell us why you support a totalitarian, far right, fascist regime in Ukraine whose beliefs are supposedly totally opposite yours?

Everything democrats have said they are supposedly against they are now supporting over in Ukraine.

Horseshoe Theory.
Ukrainian not a totalitarian, far right regime. It's not a regime by any measure.

I would tell you where there is one though. But you already know that.
Well..it looks like our "When will the Nazi references come back" question was answered. Took longer than I expected for the handlers to get that out to their trolls. Must have been the shock of the Russia b!tchkrieg retreat that slowed em down.

Nationalists....ultra-nationalists....Nazis....Azov battalion....Bandera Nazis, I think, are mutant supermen, possibly X-Men. Apparently, each of the 1000 or so are able to teleport at will and appear en masse to fight Russians while their astral selves bedevil Russkies elsewhere. And clone themselves after being killed, making it impossible to materially reduce their numbers. Zelensky hardly even needs the other 1/4 million of his active military.

Zelensky is Dr. Xavier. Guy literally was on three fronts at the same time and at a Vogue photoshoot. Yeesh! - no wonder Putin is afraid of them.

Our U.S. Bandera Nazi contingent - currently known as 'Parents Against Sexualizing and Racially Stereotyping PreK- Elementary' - could attend a Vandy home game and still have room for Vol fans to turn the stadium orange.

Sure wish Putin would invade us and help Biden deal with them.
So if there were "free ans fair" elections, is it more or less than 20% communist party support? Where are you going with this?

Maybe not. Maybe an alternate party would garner a larger percentage but only approved (by Putin) parties are allowed to field candidates. But in any case 20% of voters supposedly voted for the evil they just shrugged off a few decades ago.
Ukrainian not a totalitarian, far right regime. It's not a regime by any measure.

I would tell you where there is one though. But you already know that.
They absolutely are far right per the definition given by the democrats. So if you're a democrat why would you support the fascist Ukrainian regime?
Not. I would expect the US to do the same in self defense if the roles were reversed.
Except it was wrong when the US invaded Cuba. So no you dont expect them to do the same, or maybe you expect it but you certainly arent this accepting when we did it.
To be fair, 900 Americans and 180,000 Russians now appear to be an equally powerful force.

Put those 900 troops in the Ukraine and they get vaporized fairly quickly. Overall strategy is very important, hence the use of creep by the US. US/Europe the "global invaders" have no ability to invade nuclear powers.

Tactical nukes > United States military

Conflicts are won in different ways.


These Ukrainians probably accepted Russian aid (or militia aid as there weren't many Russian forces left in Kharkiv) and we know what happens to those Ukrainians who accept that aid when the militia leaves town. So, it isn't surprising they would say this.
Russian elections are, at worst, as "free and fair" as US elections or at least US Federal Elections.
These clowns don't realize that the United Russia party has huge support of the people of Russia. However there are other political parties such as the Liberal Democratic Party (actually more right wing), Communist Party, and Just Russia - For Truth. There are also independent politicians as well. I wouldn't expect any of these trolls to know that in 3 of the Russian regions the head of government is a Communist Party politician , 2 belong to the Liberal Democratic Party, 2 to Just Russia and 13 are Independents.

The way these trolls talk you would think Putin's party has a complete monopoly on politics. Which they don't.
Lol. I don't have time for stupid whataboutisms and non sequiturs. His pal Septic is going to have to give him a lecture about that.
You were all chatty till asked. And you had time to reply to me mocking you. Answer the question that @volfanhill asked Curly do you believe Putin is behind those freak accidents or not?
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You were all chatty till asked. And you had time to reply to me mocking you. Answer the question that @volfanhill asked Curly do you believe Putin is behind those freak accidents or not?
He asked that question about midnight last lol. Some of us actually go to bed and try to get a good night's rest.

You really need to find some new hobbies besides trolling Volnation and Twitter and playing Xbox.
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You were all chatty till asked. And you had time to reply to me mocking you. Answer the question that @volfanhill asked Curly do you believe Putin is behind those freak accidents or not?
Imprisoned political foes on trumped up charges yet these clowns think they have free elections. Openly murdering people who have a voice and are expressing dissent. Yet these clowns thing they have free elections. Jailing and imposing fines on the commoner who expresses dissent. Yet these clowns think they have free elections.
There's levels to this. We are all sinners in the eyes of the creator (even 3elensky). But if you put the two on opposite sides of the scale, 3elensky has in 7 months had the blood of more people on his hands than Putin could lie about in 20+ years.
What Putin is responsible for those lives you claim Zelensky has on his hands.

If Putin doesnt:
1. Buy off the Ukrainian president
2. Doesnt invade Dontesk and Crimea
3. Doesnt arm the rebels
4. Negotiate for RUSSIA in the Minsk agreements, as opposed to negotiating for the so called rebels he put there.

There is no war. There is no shelling in Dontesk. Putin wanted this war because he lost the long game when HIS coup blew up in his face.

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