Extra and Terrestrial
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Same reason you see the Wagner Group pop up so much. Keeps his shady BS away from the Russian state. Even though it’s not fooling anybody as anyone with any common sense equates Wagner with Putinone of the reasons putin rejected the breakaways being annexed before is because he could get away with doing a lot of **** there that isnt legal in russia. like executions, and conscripts being sent to the front.
I mean we've done a lot of similar ****, but I'm not naive enough to think that just because i believe my own country and its intelligence agencies and military have been shady as **** that it means some dude ruling over our historical enemy of old is the second coming of jesusSame reason you see the Wagner Group pop up so much. Keeps his shady BS away from the Russian state. Even though it’s not fooling anybody as anyone with any common sense equates Wagner with Putin
Did you just whatabout me, MFer?!I mean we've done a lot of similar ****, but I'm not naive enough to think that just because i believe my own country and its intelligence agencies and military have been shady as **** that it means some dude ruling over our historical enemy of old is the second coming of jesus
It’s lunacy to think anybody might want to invade Russia. Except maybe China.Its a general attitude, when you say things don't make sense (not logical) when Congress and U.S. military say the same thing. The U.S. military has said there is no winning a battle there.
No they won't which is why you won't see NATO troops there in mass and they tried the creep with the Ukraine. You (nato) ain't suppose to be in the Ukraine, if you go there... they will nuke it as that is their defense. If you (NATO) show up in mass on their shores, they will use tactical nukes.
Its not complex, its very simple... 1.) they will not be invaded 2.) ukraine is the landing spot if nato troops use that area 3.) if you (nato) try and invade any other way, tactical nukes
Not sure what there is to understand, if the United States was being invaded by a superior and outnumbered force... I would hope they would use tactical nukes as well.
Yes, they will use tactical nukes if the need arises, their whole defense is built on it. See Congressional Record. They are not going to go through WW2 again with what the Germans did i.e. invasion. What exactly do you think the world's largest tactical nuclear force is for?
There never was a treaty as far as tactical nuclear weapons and for good reason.
True but let's be honest, the United States really isn't spreading love around the world. I mean if you and the United States really feel this way, they could have cut off Russia a long time ago.
You don't really care. <----
I mean what is evil to me, is the United States spending all that money/time/resources to stop Russia, yet they don't give a **** about all the invaders coming into this country and committing crimes.
Different measures and ways.
Why forget to reference the “videos popping up all over the internet” part Larry? On the evening news I watched security camera footage of pollsters “escorted” by armed soldiers going door to door to poll the residents. Accounts were given that the soldiers pointed on the ballot with their muzzle where to vote. This is playing out exactly as everyone knew it would and no amount of your Pootin sack carrying can change that information coming out.This is a sham vote, said the ignorant person on the other side of the world.
Maybe you should worry more about your own house is the gist of it. LoL I mean under United States policy, the Russians should be welcomed with open arms by the Ukrainians.What's going on at the border is criminal. But that doesn't have a thing to do with the price of tea in China.... As the saying goes.