War in Ukraine

Wouldn't shock me if they got desperate and tried out some tactical nukes, but that would be very risky....very. Hyper sonic weapons are not really a factor her I don't think. They wouldn't really have enough to make a difference. No one does at this point.

At the end of the day the biggest majority of their weapons are inferior.
There is not a single target in Ukraine worth a hypersonic missile strike. The range simply doesn’t warrant it. Those things have one primary purpose… taking out capital ships and specifically carriers if one is around.

Pootin’s only play to go big or go home is a tactical nuke.
For the last decade @Rasputin_Vol and his ilk have been chiseling the tombstone for the dollar, heralding the rise of the BRICS super currency (whatever that is), buy gold, etc.
It’s because he believes in conspiracy theories and is easily manipulated by frauds like the zerohedge founder who pushes that type of money scheme on hedge funds and crypto and other scams
There is no backup global credit system, its Bretton Wood II or bust. I would say it looks like a combination of things... the end of the cycle with the U.S. government wanting some type of mini-reset (Ukraine/Taiwan).


The cracks are already appearing everywhere and the fed has barely raised rates, that is because the market actually sets rates.

BRICS is wishful thinking, when this baby goes.... its going to go big. BRICS nor crytos nor this or that is going to save most people.

I just wonder how long before the Fed opens those foreign credit lines back up i.e. 2008??

BTW Zerohedge doesn't write the vast majority of articles... those come from other sites. LoL
Generally, the United States goes after goat herders, spends trillions and kills or causes to be killed 100s of thousands. All those United States troops died for basically no reason unless the reason was to line the pocket of greedy white guys. The United States has it down to a factory process at this point... export death, war and chaos.

Russia can't take on a large army and occupy large areas of enemy territory which is why they are there. The Ukraine is expendable to all involved.

It’s the white guys again lol
They are not going to let masses across the border, that has been the strategy since the early 90s. That is their defense i.e. tactical nuclear.

Hypersonic is just the delivery system of the weapon, meaning there is no defense for that delivery.

Of course, which is why the invested heavily in nuclear and especially the tactical variety since the 90s. They don't have $1.4t to spend every year such as nato, matter of fact, that's more > the Russians have probably spend in total on the their military since the time the USSR collapsed. LoL

Tactical nuclear is the only way to go.

Watch: Moment Russia fires hypersonic missile at ammunition depot in Ukraine

Hypersonic is just the delivery system i.e. 7-12 times the speed of sound, basically no ability to shoot them down.

But they don't have enough of those hyper sonic weapons. They aren't just going to start nuking people either because they know that kind of war is unwinnable.
Because the other side hasn't determined how much of that country needs to be turned into a parking lot. (insignificant details)

The real war is economic.

Another strange take, not sure why you think a greatly weakened Russia does not benefit the US...nor that a sovereign nation should roll over and be destroyed, just so a 20 plus year dicktater can have his ill conceived "victory parade" swan song before becoming irrelevant to the people, media, and ideas he has long suppressed (or oppressed).

Also...listened to Joni Mitchells " paradise/parking lot " today as luck would have it. Her metaphor actually makes sense.
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Hypersonic is just the delivery system of the weapon, meaning there is no defense for that delivery.

Of course, which is why the invested heavily in nuclear and especially the tactical variety since the 90s. They don't have $1.4t to spend every year such as nato, matter of fact, that's more > the Russians have probably spend in total on the their military since the time the USSR collapsed. LoL

Hypersonic is just the delivery system i.e. 7-12 times the speed of sound, basically no ability to shoot them down.

There is a not a known *white* technology defense for them.

The speed of light is significantly faster than the speed of sound. As you note, the amount of money we spend on defense is ridiculous. A large part of that budget is secretly rerouted to black program technology. Directed energy technology has been invested in for many decades.

The problem for Ukraine, and by extension Europe, is that we would never share that technology until it is obsolete.
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Oh... I forgot about the frostbite narrative. Yeah, my bad. Just like Ghost of Kyiv and Snake Island. I'm sure out of 170k soldiers, you will have cases of frostbite here or there, but I'm pretty sure that Russians generally know how to prepare for cold weather.
As each day gets a bit shorter and cooler, and videos like these start to surface, I'm gonna remind you of this little nugget of wisdom from you.

Well, with the potential nord stream sabotage, I wonder how long before satellites and undersea cables are taken out and the rest of the g/o pipelines?

Just take out the remaining g/o pipelines from Norway/Northern Africa, cut all the undersea comm cables from the United States/Europe, and start taking out satellites.

As I said last week, OPEC+ will have to start cutting production.

Oil Surges After Russia Proposes 1 Million Barrel OPEC+ Output Cut

Heading in to good recession and maybe a depression for Europe. Keep blowing up pipelines back to the caves the Europeans will have to go. We are way down the path of bad at this point, escalation in bound....
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