War in Ukraine

I guess the USA pipeline blowing up unit needed something to do.

What do you think should be done with all the Russian men fleeing conscription? Should they be shot, like in the good old Stalin days?

No they shouldnt be shot like Ukraine did their own fleeing conscripts.
You guys posting all these videos from supposed Russians trying to dodge conscription reminds me of everyone posting videos from China before Covid hit the US. No idea if they are true or propaganda....doesnt matter, splash them all over social media. Amazin'.
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You guys posting all these videos from supposed Russians trying to dodge conscription reminds me of everyone posting videos from China before Covid hit the US. No idea if they are true or propaganda....doesnt matter, splash them all over social media. Amazin'.
Just like the Moskva. Even if the image is from another event, it doesnt mean that the base story is untrue.
so now the kremlin wants america to intervene in the war rooms of Ukraine and tell them to stop?
Yeah someone has to fix it. But considering noone should have been using it it doesnt create an immediate concern. Triggers all types of future red flags though
Everything out in the open is free game at this point.

If Russia refuses to pay Ukraine for transit fees than another falls. There is other supply i.e. Norway and Northern Africa but medium and long-term its hard to envision how Europe is going to replace any of this.

Europe is paying 5-10 times normal prices and supply hasn't been a problem, so what happens when supply is a problem? Modern civilizations have no real ability to operate like this.

Europe can't walk back now as there is nowhere to walk to.
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Several European countries are saying Nord Stream as an intentional act. So next question is how the West/NATO responds to it. For discussion sake, does this attack warrant an Article 5 if Russia is proven to be the one responsible?
Several European countries are saying Nord Stream as an intentional act. So next question is how the West/NATO responds to it. For discussion sake, does this attack warrant an Article 5 if Russia is proven to be the one responsible?

I guess NATO could declare war on the United States.
I guess Russia may as well shut off NS1 at this point...

NATO is fulfilling it's original promise: Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and Germany down.

Germany is really helping the Anglo-Americans twist the knife in their chest.
Nordstream 1 and 2 damaged... keeping Germany down since 1949. NATO strikes again.
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Just as predicted by a few in here, but our resident war profiteers think this is all good.

I guess they think one way to fix inflation is to just ship our money overseas to buy ammo that goes up in flames.
To the last Ukrainian.
To the last European.
To the last US taxpayer dollar.
To the last nuke is launched...
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To the last Ukrainian.
To the last European.
To the last US taxpayer dollar.
To the last nuke is launched...

I would say the Europeans should have long ago pulled out the nooses and guillotines, but they are ****ed long-term and it doesn't matter how many they string up.

fyi denmark officially saying it was sabotage now, duh. lol

Germany preparing for war with their European neighbors.

Whether or not Russia was behind the Nord Stream blasts, little was at stake | Nord Stream 1 pipeline | The Guardian

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said: “This is an issue related to the energy security of the entire continent.” However, Nord Stream 2 has never opened and the original pipeline had been shut indefinitely for repairs at the beginning of September. So the EU’s claim that there was no security impact was more believable in the first instance.

The episode bears some resemblance to a series of incidents that affected oil tankers in the Gulf three years ago, carefully calibrated to provoke or create fear – but not to do profound damage. In one case, limpet mines were attached to a Japanese flagged tanker, blowing a hole just above the waterline.

If Russia was behind the explosions, Kremlin officials may feel they have undertaken an unnerving demonstration. But on this occasion relatively little was at stake.
Is this something to celebrate? Mafia tactics? We bully these countries with sanctions and create more animosity. All this will do over the long run is drive people/countries to look for more USD/SWIFT alternatives. We are destroying the dollar system with each passing day.
So Russia is winning the real war, the economic one. Right?

Since they basically caused a $1-2t margin call off of basically $20b of goods, what do you think?

Turkey is being pressed by the United States, I posted on this earlier last week. Turkey is about as sovereign as the Ukraine.
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