War in Ukraine

To be fair, I have some issues with that classification as well.
I’d probably have used the labels of Caucasian, Negro, and Mongoloid but that’s about all I’d change. A fourth race is sometimes listed the name of which escapes me which I think originated in Australia/Indonesia area?
I’d probably have used the labels of Caucasian, Negro, and Mongoloid but that’s about all I’d change. A fourth race is sometimes listed the name of which escapes me which I think originated in Australia/Indonesia area?
I definitely don’t agree with his characterization that every Slavic ethnic group is a different race. But I have a bit of difficulty with a classification that considers Indian/Chinese the same race. I even have an issue considering all Indians to be the same race.
I definitely don’t agree with his characterization that every Slavic ethnic group is a different race. But I have a bit of difficulty with a classification that considers Indian/Chinese the same race. I even have an issue considering all Indians to be the same race.
Understood. Again there are several schools of thought that add a forth race and impacts the region you’re reconciling I believe.
I doubt if that is true. One nonmember nation in seven months of war has not depleted the worlds largest military alliance of weapons. Not even close IMO.
Here's my take.
We have limited the types of weapons we're willing to provide, limiting range so Ukraine doesn't hit targets deep within Russia. Within the limited group of weapons we're willing to provide, Western militaries have quantities that they don't want to drop below. They see us approaching inventory levels that make them nervous considering the possibility of needing them for a different conflict. They don't want to drop below those levels.
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It would seem like its fair game to cut underseas communication cables or gas/oil pipelines, or in the alternative satellites. Anything unmanned is fair game at the least. Seems like in the realm of possibilities to make it difficult for mass communications globally if one of the big players wants it to happen.

Why would anyone invest any of this going forward?

We're seeing the end of globalization in real-time.
If you really believe there's only 3 races then next time you're on Twitter go tell some of these Ukrainians they are the same race as Russians. Let us know what kind of response you get.

Race = biological factors
Ethnicity = cultural factors

Russians and Ukrainians are largely the same race.
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Race = biological factors
Ethnicity = cultural factors

Russians and Ukrainians are largely the same race.
They are not the same race.

Based on history and culture Ukrainians and Belarusians are more closely related than Ukrainians and Russians. Would go into details but not going to waste my time.

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